After the incident at Zhongcheng Science High School, Lu Mingfei followed Tony back to his house and stayed temporarily.

Tony has arranged for his secretary to help Lu Mingfei buy a house, but because the requirements are very high, it is estimated that even with the financial resources of the Stark Group, it will take a few days to get it done.

Of course, the request was not made by Lu Mingfei, but by Tony. Lu Mingfei only asked that the house have a roof and not leak. But Tony's request can basically be summarized as find a palace for the emperor who is visiting privately incognito.

Fortunately, Tony's home was large and there was no shortage of guest rooms. Lu Mingfei could stay there temporarily for a few days without any problems or inconvenience.

Because there was really nowhere to go in this world, and Tony and Ethan were the only people he knew well and could rely on, Lu Mingfei told Tony about his journey through the universe and the Ancient One.

After Tony experienced a brief shock, he accepted it smoothly.

Of course, a considerable part of the reason was that Tony saw with his own eyes the supernatural power displayed by Lu Mingfei at the terrorist base.

Since Lu Mingfei has supernatural powers, Tony can also accept settings such as parallel universes and wizards.

But when Tony asked Lu Mingfei to perform that power again, Lu Mingfei spread his hands and said there was nothing he could do - unless his body was fatally injured, the power would not react.

Tony waved his hand with great confidence, saying that since the power is sleeping deep in the body, it means that there is a way to guide it out through scientific means.

If Lu Mingfei was willing to give him some blood as a DNA sample, he would definitely be able to work out a way to help Lu Mingfei discover this power.

Lu Mingfei gave Tony a tube of blood without hesitation. After all, he also wanted to burst out with the strength he had at that time without stabbing himself.

However, Tony seemed to have underestimated the difficulty of studying Lu Mingfei's blood sample. After Lu Mingfei gave him the blood sample, Tony had been in the laboratory for three full days and almost didn't come out at all.

Fortunately, Tony arranged in advance for his beautiful assistant Pepper Potts to take care of Lu Mingfei. Otherwise, in this high-tech and luxurious room, Lu Mingfei would not be able to find a refrigerator even for midnight snacks.

In the past three days, Topeper helped him make arrangements. Lu Mingfei went to the hospital to visit Ethan and confirmed that he was indeed fine, but was suffering from malnutrition and exhaustion.

Leaving Ethan to recuperate in the hospital, Lu Mingfei spent the rest of his life sitting at Tony's house playing games every day.

Not only has Lu Mingfei seen a 300-inch 8K LCD TV, he has never even dared to think about it. In his universe, ultra-high definition is a rare definition.

This TV is directly embedded in the wall of Tony's house. The sofas are placed at just the right distance in the spacious living room. Looking at the huge screen is like watching a movie. It is really fun to play games on it.

During the days when Tony was in retreat doing research, Lu Mingfei stayed on the sofa playing games every day, and Pepper or the robot would deliver meals and drinks on time.

Although Lu Mingfei looked like he was going to become a dead pig forever, Pepper liked him very much.

Firstly, it was Lu Mingfei who saved Tony, and secondly... it was precisely because of Lu Mingfei's nerdy style of eating, sleeping, and sleeping.

Pepper knew that Lu Mingfei held 6% of the shares of Stark Group. This asset was enough for anyone to live an unimaginable luxurious life, and attracted countless top beauties to take the initiative to embrace him.

But Lu Mingfei is sitting on this asset, and his daily life is just to play games, eat some delicious food, and drink a few bottles of cheap wine that is less than 100,000 US dollars - if Lu Mingfei knew the table wine he drank For the price, I probably won’t be able to drink anymore in my life.

Pepper had never seen such an honest boy, and even vaguely saw the hope of changing Tony in him——

If they get along for a long time, Tony might be influenced by Lu Mingfei and become more reliable.

Putting down the controller, Lu Mingfei took a long stretch and prepared to go back to the room to take a nap.

At first he wanted to take a nap on the sofa, but Tony's house has an artificial intelligence named Jarvis. He would always remind Lu Mingfei that the sofa was not suitable for sleeping and that he should go back to the bedroom to rest. This would be beneficial to the health of the lumbar and cervical spine. .

Just as he stood up, Lu Mingfei saw the elevator door open, and Tony and Pepper walked out together, with Pepper carrying several bags.

Pepper, give it to him quickly and let him put it on, Tony said.

Tony, have you succeeded in your research? Lu Mingfei asked.

It's still early, but at least you have some ideas, so I plan to take you to relax for a while, Tony pointed to the pile of bags in Pepper's hand, I collected these from someone who specially made them after collecting your physical fitness. Even the underwear is custom-made, so quickly put on the clothes underneath, I will take you to a party.

I don't want to go out. Lu Mingfei scratched his head.

Now he just wants to play games with the 300-inch TV and PS.

You're going to get moldy if you stay here any longer. Change your clothes and follow me! Tony had a tough attitude.

Mr. Lu, you can consider going to a party with Tony. There will be a lot of exotic food and drinks there, including lobster. Pepper took care of Lu Mingfei for a few days and gradually figured out the boy's preferences.

Lu Mingfei picked up the paper bag and strode towards the bedroom: Wait a moment, I'll be fine soon!

Tony looked at Pepper with some surprise: I didn't expect you to help me convince him. I thought you wouldn't want to see me taking a pure high school boy to have fun.

I hope he can influence you and make you more reliable. Pepper thought.

Do you know why I took him to the party? Tony said suddenly.

Pepper shook her head.

Because this kid is a licker! Tony lamented, He is still obsessed with an ordinary girl. He is the majority shareholder of Stark Group. This will embarrass me.

Although the girl he likes is not in our universe. Tony thought.

So you want to correct him by taking him to a party and make him give up the person he originally liked? Pepper shook his head, I find it difficult. From my observation, Mr. Lu is not the kind of person who is easily influenced by external temptations. people.

Pepper, I've learned a new Chinese idiom in the past two days, Tony said with a smirk on his face, It's not easy to learn it well, but it's easy to learn it badly.

It turns out that you also know that you are bad. Pepper's lips twitched.

Hmph! Tony, I won't be led astray by you! Lu Mingfei walked out of the bedroom and said immediately after hearing the last words.

Tony raised an eyebrow.

After putting on a custom-made slim suit, Lu Mingfei looked quite the same, with a tall and straight figure, a delicate Asian face, and the haircut he had previously invited the stylist to his home. Fa, looks like a young master from a wealthy family.

But in fact, the vast majority of the rich in New York have assets that are far less than a fraction of Lu Mingfei's current worth.

You give up, Tony. I am wholeheartedly devoted to Chen Wenwen! I will never fall with you! I just want to go to the party and eat lobster! I will never rot in the sugar-coated bullets of capitalism!

Lu Mingfei spoke righteously, with a determined expression on his face.

A week later, at a party.

Lu Mingfei was on the dance floor, swaying to the music and lights. He took a glass of wine from the waiter's tray and took out a ten-dollar tip and put it on the tray.

Tony stood aside and watched calmly.

A month later, at a pool party.

People in the swimming pool were playing in the water. Tony was holding two models who were recently popular on TV in the water and waving to Lu Mingfei.

Please send that gentleman a bottle of Petrus and charge it to my account. Lu Mingfei was lying on a recliner, eating watermelon, taking off his sunglasses, and said to the waiter beside him, In addition, please give me some watermelon. He sent me a message, wishing him good luck tonight.

Lu Mingfei knew that Tony wanted to invite him to play together. As for what to play...

Anyway, Lu Mingfei has decided to keep clean and never collude with Tony. He will not participate. At most, he will give Tony a bottle of red wine.

Okay, sir. The waiter bowed.

Excuse me. Lu Mingfei casually took out a few dollars and handed them to the waiter.

No matter how Tony corrupted him or tempted him to fall, Lu Mingfei would never be assimilated by Tony!

Two months later, at a party at a high-end club.

Tony was hugging the waist of a beautiful woman in a red dress and toasting with her to flirt with her. Lu Mingfei suddenly squeezed over with a card: Tony, what is this?

The red-haired beauty next to Tony glanced at the printed black card in Lu Mingfei's hand and explained: It is the most advanced VIP card here. It can give you a 20% discount on all purchases. Generally, only VIPs with a one-time purchase of more than 300,000 US dollars are allowed. Only then will you receive a gift, the quantity is very small, and it is anonymous, and guests are allowed to give gifts.”

Then this thing is useless. I'm not going to come here again. The lights here are too dazzling, Lu Mingfei asked, Tony, do you want this thing?

I also think the lights are dazzling, so I won't come next time. Tony said.

A man with blond hair and brown eyes happened to be passing by Lu Mingfei. Lu Mingfei stopped him: Sir, do you like this club?

I like it very much. I come here often. What's wrong? The man was a little confused.

Great, then I'll give this to you. Lu Mingfei casually handed the card to the man and walked towards the small cake on the corner table with the wine glass in hand.

The man was left stunned looking at the highest-level VIP card in his hand.

Three months later, at Tony's private yacht party.

Tony was wearing only board shorts, drinking and partying with a group of bikini models, and Pepper was following him as his assistant.

Lu Mingfei was neatly dressed, wearing handmade casual clothes. He placed a small table and a small chair on the edge of the yacht and was fishing.

Looking at Lu Mingfei leisurely fishing, Pepper's face was full of regret and heartache.

She shouldn't have persuaded Lu Mingfei to go to the party with Tony in the first place.

It has only been three months, and Lu Mingfei has already been contaminated by Tony. Although he has not yet contracted Tony's arrogance and narcissism shortcomings, nor is he as romantic as Tony, he has been with him for three months. The shy gaming boy before him is now a completely different person.

And Tony was also full of grief.

In his free time outside of research, he has been playing with Lu Mingfei for three months. Although Lu Mingfei no longer often mentions Chen Wenwen, nor does he act like a licking dog whenever he mentions Chen Wenwen, but Tony can Definitely, Lu Mingfei has never let go of Chen Wenwen.

It has been three months, and Lu Mingfei doesn't even dare to touch the hands of girls at parties. If a beautiful woman dares to throw herself into his arms, he dares to run away.

As for the March cover girl and twin sisters who promised Lu Mingfei in the terrorist base, they were turned away countless times by Lu Mingfei's excuses.

This is not the way to go. Where should he put Tony Stark's face?

So Tony specially prepared today's yacht party.

Under the cover of the music, Tony looked at the seven beautiful women in front of him seriously: Remember, what you have to do is to take down my little brother who is fishing. No matter whether you do it or not, everyone is Five hundred thousand dollars, three million for those who can do it, and I will meet her a condition that is not excessive, do you understand?”

Tony responded with seven pairs of hot eyes.

Feeling tired of fishing, Lu Mingfei put the fishing rod back into the box, yawned and walked to his bedroom on the yacht.

Pushing open the bedroom door, Lu Mingfei was about to walk in, when his eyes that were slightly narrowed due to sleepiness suddenly widened.

There were several cool beauties in bikinis staring at him in his room.

Each of their eyes was very beautiful, but to Lu Mingfei at the moment, they all looked like she-wolves coveting delicious food, glowing with green light, which was particularly eye-catching.

He subconsciously wanted to exit, but the two girls were already prepared and pulled him in and closed the door.

Someone pushed Lu Mingfei against the wall, and more girls immediately came over and started to take off Lu Mingfei's clothes.

They originally planned to use various means to attract Lu Mingfei's interest in themselves, but seven people were too many and there was no room for them to use it.

So the seven people unanimously chose the same strategy - go directly!

Oh no, what are you going to do? This is a private yacht, aren't you going to rob it? No! Wait, I understand. It was Tony who asked you to come, right! No wonder he joked two days ago that he wanted to find a few The woman did it to me...Tony! Tony! Come here—Tony—

Lu Mingfei remembered that these girls were all models invited by Tony, and he did not dare to struggle hard - besides, he was not strong enough to struggle with several models moving up and down his hands at the same time.

Because he couldn't resist, Lu Mingfei was stripped down to his underwear in the blink of an eye. He could only shout Tony's name and pray that he would find his conscience.

Seeing a hand reaching towards his underwear, Lu Mingfei felt anxious and suddenly felt some kind of energy erupting from his body.

Immediately, his vision suddenly went dark, his five senses went into a state of failure, and his body seemed to be weightless.

After a moment of this strange feeling, Lu Mingfei suddenly felt like he was falling again.

With a dull sound, he felt that he fell on some kind of rough and hard platform. Fortunately, the height was very low and it didn't hurt much.

The sudden change in light made Lu Mingfei's eyesight go dark. He rubbed the ground, feeling like he was on the street.

In the dark environment, he couldn't see clearly, but the sound of the engine could be heard in his ears.

Lu Mingfei's eyes were illuminated by the car's headlights. He subconsciously raised his hand to cover it, and then he could barely see properly.

There seemed to be a black Mercedes-Benz parked in front of him. The door of the Mercedes-Benz suddenly opened, and a tall and slender shadow came out, blocking the lights of the Mercedes-Benz. His waist became even more slender in the halo.

Lu Mingfei! The shadow who got out of the car spoke. His voice was clear and pleasant, with an upturned ending and a bit high pitch. He seemed very surprised, Why are you here?!

Lu Mingfei always felt familiar.

Su Xiaoqiang! After thinking for a few seconds, Lu Mingfei reacted.

At the same time, his eyes gradually adapted to the light, and the girl in front of the Mercedes-Benz headlights gradually became clearer in his vision.

As expected, it was the classmate whom he secretly complained about as a female local tycoon and female bandit, Su Xiaoqiang. This girl who had always been proud and rich had a nickname in the class called Little Heavenly Girl.

But at this moment, there is no arrogance on the face of the little goddess, it is all surprise, and if you look closely, it seems to be a little red.

Lu Mingfei,, why aren't you wearing clothes? The little goddess asked Lu Mingfei with her hands on her hips, her hair covering her red ears.

Lu Mingfei was silent for a few seconds and looked down at himself.

Well, just wearing a pair of underwear.

And it’s also a pair of handmade custom underwear with bright patterns.

At this moment, Lu Mingfei had only one thought in his mind -

Tony, if I can go back to that universe, I will definitely tie you to a fishing rod and fish in the sea!

Fishing for sharks!

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