In Tony's laboratory.

Tony sat at his desk, with a translucent screen floating in front of him, displaying a series of test questions.

With a very rare and serious expression, Tony answered the questions one after another. Even if he could see the answer to each question at a glance, he would think twice before filling it out.

This may be the most serious test question he has answered since he was born.

Tony! If you have a fight at home next time, could you unpack a few less things? Lu Mingfei's voice suddenly sounded from behind Tony, Your food reserves have been completely destroyed, and only some fruit is left. I want to order a takeaway. Do you want fried chicken and Coke?! Order one for me. Tony trembled and hurriedly replied, then made a sudden gesture, shrinking the screen displaying the test questions to the size of a biscuit.

OK, Jarvis, order three pieces of fried chicken and two large cups of Coke for Tony and I. Lu Mingfei said as he walked over.

You want to eat two portions by yourself again? Tony said, You're not afraid of gaining weight.

To be honest, since I awakened my bloodline, I can only gain muscle even if I don't exercise. Lu Mingfei chuckled.

After saying this, he suddenly came forward and looked at Tony with a suspicious look on his face: Tony, what were you doing just now? Why were you so nervous when I came in? You weren't secretly looking at hot photos of beautiful models, were you? ?”

Do you think I am you? Tony complained, I never look at the photos, I always communicate with them directly.

After a pause, Tony added: But during the communication process, I sometimes take photos.

Hey! Lu Mingfei said with a look of disgust, You're having more fun than I thought.

Tony looked proud.

I'm not complimenting you! Lu Mingfei tugged at the corners of his mouth, looking at Tony's chest and raising his eyebrows, You haven't replaced that thing yet? It's not difficult for you to make an ordinary battery with clean energy, right? ?”

On Tony's chest, the glowing blue light shone through his clothes, and it looked like the same reactor as before.

Although only half a day had passed since Lu Mingfei proposed to Tony, with Tony's ability, he should have already made it.

I have already changed it, but I just kept the previous look.

Tony pointed to another table, and Lu Mingfei looked over. Sure enough, there was a dismantled reactor lying there.

You also added a light to the new battery to look like a reactor? Lu Mingfei complained, Would this increase power consumption and reduce battery life?

This is my logo, Tony clicked on the blue light on his chest, and the energy storage efficiency of this battery is quite high. Even with lights, one battery can last for a year.

It took you half a day to make it? Lu Mingfei's eyes widened, and he had a new understanding of Tony's abnormality in scientific research.

No, Tony shook his head, it took me two and a half hours to make it.

Lu Mingfei:......

Wait a minute, if it only took you less than three hours to make the new battery, what were you doing in the lab the rest of the time? Lu Mingfei was curious.

Uh... sober up. Tony said.

Miss Pepper, are you here? Lu Mingfei turned to look at the door of the laboratory.

Tony turned around immediately, a little at a loss, Hey Pepper, um...

Then he realized that no one was there.

Just when he turned around, Lu Mingfei took two steps forward and quickly enlarged the screen that Tony had previously shrunk.

A densely packed test paper appeared. Lu Mingfei looked up at the title at the top of the test paper and read out word for word: High-Scale IQ Test...

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing: Hahahahahaha... Tony, you are actually... you are actually doing IQ test questions, hahahahaha... I am laughing so hard. Hahahaha, I can point. I laughed about this for two years hahahaha...

Under Tony's gaze that seemed to be murderous, Lu Mingfei smiled so hard that his face twisted, and the corners of his mouth and eyebrows seemed to be connected.

Tony turned off the screen with a dark face.

After a long time, Lu Mingfei gradually stopped laughing.

I'm going to find Pepper. Tony said.

No, you got angry just because I laughed at you? Lu Mingfei was surprised, Tony, when did you become so stingy?

No, Tony shook his head and hesitated, I want to go to Pepper and apologize to her...

What? Lu Mingfei seemed to have discovered a new world, Did I hear you correctly? Are you going to apologize? Tony, you will actually apologize?

Tony's lips twitched: I did go a little too far yesterday. I think I should make it up to her.

I'm very happy that you have this idea. Lu Mingfei patted Tony on the shoulder.

A look of relief at seeing his child grow up.

Tony patted Lu Mingfei's hand away: By the way, should I bring a gift to Pepper, and preferably something she likes? Oh! I remembered, she seemed to have said that strawberries are special to her. Mingfei, do you think I should buy some strawberries?

Lu Mingfei was silent for a few seconds: If I remember correctly, she said that strawberries are particularly dangerous to her because she is allergic to strawberries.

Are you trying to send Miss Pepper to the hospital and then take good care of her at her bedside to gain her favorability? Lu Mingfei complained.

Tony was silent.

You don't even know what she's allergic to, but she knows all the details of your life, Lu Mingfei complained. Sometimes I wonder if you like her because you have an Oedipus complex.

The Oedipus complex is also commonly known as the Oedipus complex.

When we first met, your mouth wasn't that bad, right? Tony's face twitched.

In his impression, Lu Mingfei only liked to talk nonsense in the past. Why did he sometimes use a gun and a stick when talking now?

Really? Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment. He didn't feel that there had been any change in himself.

Yes, Tony said sadly, Who did you learn this from?

Lu Mingfei looked at Tony intently.

Okay, maybe it's me. Tony said.

No, I have to be careful not to be influenced by you, Lu Mingfei complained, What you say is very offensive.

Really? I think I just like to speak directly. Tony spread his hands.

Why didn't you tell us about the palladium poisoning? Lu Mingfei asked.

Tony was silent for a few seconds, and had to admit that Lu Mingfei might, maybe, should, probably, maybe, was indeed a little influenced by him.

But this is definitely not his problem. With so many of his advantages, Lu Mingming chose to learn from his shortcomings. Can you blame him? !

By the way, speaking of palladium poisoning, Lu Mingfei suddenly remembered something, Did the guy who attacked you at the racing track use the same type of reactor as you?

Well, Tony nodded, I've asked Jarvis to check. The man's name is Ivan Vanko. He is a physicist who was sentenced to ten years in Kopesk Prison for selling weapons-grade plutonium to other countries. Five years later, his father, Anton Vanko, was also a physicist. He defected from the Soviet Union to the United States in 1963, but was later accused of espionage and was deported.

So why do they have a reactor? Your reactor drawings were leaked? Lu Mingfei asked.

Impossible, Tony shook his head, I have never drawn the drawings of micro-reactors at all. If it were to be leaked, it would only be the drawings of large and medium-sized reactors.

In other words, it is possible that he derived the drawings of micro-reactors based on the drawings of large or medium-sized reactors? Lu Mingfei was surprised, Tony, I'm afraid this person's IQ is not lower than yours and mine!

Please get rid of you, thank you. Tony complained.

Or there is another possibility, a high-pitched voice came from far away, he already has the original drawings of the micro-reactor.

Lu Mingfei and Tony followed the sound and saw a black man with a one-eyed look wearing a long black leather trench coat and an eye patch who had entered the laboratory at some point and was walking in.

Tony's first reaction at this moment was to be thankful - fortunately, he had just turned off the IQ test screen.

Tony, is this...your friend? Lu Mingfei arched his body slightly. As soon as Tony said no, he would rush forward and subdue the one-eyed dragon in front of him.

He has heard that many black people in the United States like to break into and rob houses and have to guard against them.

He's an uninvited friend, Tony said, Jarvis! Activate the security procedures!

Yes, sir. Black muzzles protruded from every corner of the laboratory.

Hey! Calm down. The one-eyed dragon who had taken the lead just now seemed not to have expected that things would develop in this direction. He could only raise his hands and give a French military salute as a greeting.

Jarvis, change the ammunition. Tony said.

Change it to tranquilizer bombs, sir? Jarvis asked.

No, switch to powerful laxatives and anesthetic bombs. Tony said.

Lu Mingfei next to him looked horrified when he heard this.

The face of the black brother who came in seemed darker.

Just kidding, Tony said, Jarvis, put the gun down.

Yes, sir. The muzzle of the gun was retracted into the shadow of the corner.

When did you add these things to your laboratory? Nick Fury said with a dark face.

Since you broke into my house half a year ago. Tony said.

Lu Mingfei looked at the black man in front of him with surprise - he was really a burglar!

The United States is too dangerous. Going back, we have to double, no, triple the number of bodyguards at home.

Let me introduce, Tony said, This guy's name is Nick Fury. He is the head of a government department with a very long name.

It's the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency, Fury said, but now we have an abbreviation, called 'S.H.I.E.L.D.'

Lu Mingfei rubbed his chin: To be honest, my impression is that the names are awkward and difficult to remember, and it is difficult to understand what departments they are responsible for from the name. They are usually given to relatives of big leaders. They live on free wages.”

Fury took a deep breath and told himself to calm down.

Although his clothes have good defensive properties, there is still exposed skin after all. If he is really hit by laxatives and tranquilizer bombs at the same time, the scene...

It’s chilling to think about.

Natasha, come here. Fury decided to ignore Lu Mingfei's words and turned to greet outside.

A red-haired beauty wearing tights walked into the laboratory, and Tony's face changed slightly - wasn't this his new assistant Natalie?

Introduction, this is Natasha Romanoff, Nick Fury said, the best agent in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Natasha walked to and stood in front of Lu Mingfei and Tony. The tights outlined her beautiful figure, with long legs, slender waist, and graceful curves. Her long burgundy wavy hair was spread down, and half of her delicate collarbone was exposed at the neckline.

Wow. Lu Mingfei exclaimed.

With her own beauty, Natasha has received such exclamations countless times, but this time is different. Lu Mingfei, who had not cared about her at all before, was impressed by her charm. Natasha actually had such a big feeling. The pleasure of revenge.

Hello, Mr. Lu. Natasha chuckled, showing her mature, charming, and charming female charm to Lu Mingfei.

The injury on your eye has recovered! Lu Mingfei looked sincerely happy for Natasha.

Natasha subconsciously touched her left eye, which had been beaten a few days ago, and fell into silence.

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