Lu Mingfei doesn’t want to be a superhero

Chapter 32 Tony’s strangeness and return

In Tony's laboratory.

Lu Mingfei sat in front of Tony and reached out to touch Tony's forehead.

What? Tony slapped Lu Mingfei's hand away.

Let me see if you have a fever. Lu Mingfei said seriously.

No, I was just joking, Tony said, If one day I want to retire and enjoy life, Stark Group needs a successor. Are you willing to be CEO?

Lu Mingfei's expression changed immediately: Tony, don't scare me. When I watched costume dramas before, there was a plot where the emperor tested the prince. The emperor asked the prince if he wanted to supervise the country. If the prince dared to say that he wanted to be second, Heaven is just a cup of poisonous wine waiting for you...

I don't have a problem with you wanting to be my son. Tony spread his hands.

Where did your adoptive father come from? What stood out about Lu Mingfei was that he was shameless.

So, going back to the previous question, if I want to retire one day, would you be willing to be the CEO of Stark Group? Tony asked.

Lu Mingfei's face was resolute and he answered resolutely: Of course not!

Why? Tony was not very surprised.

Tony, why did you suddenly start thinking about retirement? Lu Mingfei did not answer Tony's question, but asked instead.

My current work focus has shifted to the development of new armors and your blood. For example, I have been developing portable armors now. Even with Pepper's assistance, the work of CEO will take up a lot of my time. and energy, slowing down my research and development progress, and I have to constantly argue with the military, government, and people from other countries and companies, which is also a waste of time and energy... Tony said.

Look, Lu Mingfei slapped his thigh, here's the problem. You don't like doing that work, and I don't like it either! If one day I lose my mind and become a CEO, I won't be able to invent things like you all day long. Do you have to go to meetings for scientific research? How tiring that is!

If you hadn't insisted on using hell training to train me like a saint, I wouldn't even want to do research, Lu Mingfei said confidently, I don't have any lofty ideals, and I'm not prepared to do anything for humanity. If you want to contribute to development or civilization progress, you just want to sit back and enjoy the dividends of your shares for a lifetime of games and delicious food, so why bother yourself so much.

You are wasting your talent! Tony lamented.

People work hard to live an ideal and beautiful life. I'm already living a good life now, so why should I work harder! Lu Mingfei said plausibly.

What if when you take over as CEO, I will also transfer my shares to you? Tony followed suit.

Money is just a number when it reaches a certain level, Lu Mingfei waved his hand, I regard money as dirt now.

This is the truth. Even if he gets Tony's shares, or even more shares, his life in this world cannot be improved. After all, his current level of food and clothing is already at the highest level. Even if he has more shares, his life in this world cannot be improved. With too much money, there is no way to improve it.

Tony asked again: Then, if I retire, who do you think should be the CEO?

Do you think I know anyone else in the group besides you, Happy and Sister Pepper? Lu Mingfei asked, pointing to his nose.

So what do you think of Pepper? Tony asked.

Do you want to hear the truth? Lu Mingfei asked seriously.

Tell me about it? There seemed to be a trace of nervousness between Tony's brows.

To be honest, I think Sister Pepper is more suitable than you in terms of handling company affairs, Lu Mingfei complained. When you usually spend your days and nights, she is the one who handles the things that should be done like a diligent old scalper. The work and documents you handle, if the skin care products you use are not high-end, I would be worried that she will age prematurely.

Tony lowered his head and thought for a few seconds. When he raised his head again, his expression suddenly became much more relaxed, as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

Then if Pepper takes over as CEO, will you be willing to serve as the chief technical advisor of Stark Group... Tony asked again.

Tony, what's going on today? Why do you look like Liu Bei knew that he was going to die soon in Baidi City, so he asked Zhuge Liang to help him? Lu Mingfei complained.

It's nothing, I just feel... I think I should focus my energy on my identity as Iron Man. Too many other chores will distract me, Tony said with a smile, Maybe one day I will What if you quit your job and become a superhero? I think people seem to like the superhero Iron Man more than the playboy Tony Stoker?

Lu Mingfei didn't think much about it and joked casually: It's probably because Iron Man doesn't know how to hold a bikini party.

Iron Man, bikini, prom... Tony thought for a moment, and his eyes lit up, What a great idea! I'm going to study how to do it right away! By the way, all the girls at the prom will have to wear my reactor on their chests. The same luminous stickers...oh yes, also on the palms...

Mingfei, I'm going to prepare for your pool party and my dance first. You can rest! Tony left happily.

This guy is really hopeless. Lu Mingfei looked at Tony's leaving figure and shook his head repeatedly.

But for some reason, there was always a lingering worry in his heart.

I don't know if it's because he is a super genius, but Tony has always pressed hard on Lu Mingfei's study and research, as if he is eager to make him a scholar who can stand alone.

Not only that, Tony will also take time to teach him social experiences, including how to be wary of people who approach people with seemingly good intentions, how to avoid each other's traps in conversations, and the principles of interest exchange between companies and governments. I wish I could make Lu Mingfei an adult overnight.

There seems to be a sense of urgency in a race against time.

In the world of dragons, in a certain express hotel, Lu Mingfei was in his room.

Lu Mingfei's figure appeared out of thin air.

Because he could not bring back the stored data, Lu Mingfei could only memorize all the data before returning after attending the celebration party.

It is simply unimaginable for normal researchers, because research projects are basically carried out by teams, with each team member responsible for a part, and long-term research will accumulate mountains of data.

Not to mention that it is incredible to just remember the part that you are responsible for, but it is even more impossible to be responsible for remembering other people's parts.

Even if something goes wrong with the data, even the original team may not be able to successfully replicate the research.

Even if it is possible, it will consume a lot of manpower and material resources.

However, Lu Mingfei was not among them. He did all the research by himself, and only Jarvis played a role in organizing the data and assisting.

And with his learning ability, it is not difficult to write down all the information compiled by Jarvis.

As for the next step, what he has to do is to recreate this information bit by bit in his own world.

It's not difficult, it just takes a while.

The biggest problem Lu Mingfei had to face now was how to explain where this technology came from, and how to convince Su Xiaoqiang and her father that this was an advanced metal smelting technology and let him fund the purchase.

This is also the main reason why he chose the first pot of gold as the metallurgical technology needed by Su Xiaoqiang's family——

Although it is difficult to fool people, it is easier to fool an acquaintance than a stranger, right?

Thanks to Moshangzhishi for his 600 points, thanks to Wen Yuesheng for his unique 500 points, thanks to Hel Carlos for his 500 points, thanks to book friend 20221127093438098 for his 100 points, thanks to book friend 20181011124950959 for his 100 points, Thanks to book friend 20230315221731860 for the 100 points, and thanks to Zhao Wumian D for the 100 points, thank you~

It will be released on the 1st of next month. Please support~嘤嘤嘤~

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