Lu Mingfei doesn’t want to be a superhero

Chapter 17 Su Xiaoqiang’s treat

Dragon World, in a barbecue restaurant near the hotel where Lu Mingfei is staying.

A high-end Audi A8 was parked in front of the store.

The price of this car is almost more than the restaurant's two years' profit.

In the barbecue restaurant, Lu Mingfei and Su Xiaoqiang sat opposite each other.

You are the eldest lady. Why don't you find a higher-end restaurant for your dinner and let me take advantage of it? Lu Mingfei asked.

You should feel honored that I take the initiative to invite you to dinner, Su Xiaoqiang glared at him, And guess why I randomly found a nearby restaurant?

Hmm... for the sake of being close to the people? Lu Mingfei guessed.

It's because I waited outside for a long time and you didn't open the door. The restaurant I reserved has timed out! Su Xiaoqiang went crazy.

Then let's go queue up. Don't worry, I'm very patient, Lu Mingfei reminded, And, little goddess, you are a lady, so you can't use swear words casually.

My lady! I'm starving to death. If I wait in line at a restaurant, I'll have hypoglycemia after waiting in line. Su Xiaoqiang gritted his teeth angrily and stared at Lu Mingfei with narrowed eyes, Guess who is this? It’s your fault?”

By the way, is Uncle Li in the car? Don't you want him to come over and have something to eat together? Lu Mingfei quickly changed the subject.

Uncle Li went to another restaurant. He said he was afraid that we two young people would feel uncomfortable talking with him in his presence. Su Xiaoqiang said.

You don’t have to be so considerate, right?

Lu Mingfei felt uncomfortable being stared at by Su Xiaoqiang's knife-like gaze.

Fortunately, the waiter came to serve the food at this time, and the food immediately caught Su Xiaoqiang's attention.

She didn't care whether she was a lady or not. She quickly picked up a skewer of roast mutton and stuffed it into her mouth, then her expression changed.

Hot, hot, hot... He had already bitten it into his mouth. Even if he didn't have the baggage of being a lady, Su Xiaoqiang couldn't spit it out in front of Lu Mingfei.

By the time she struggled to swallow the meat, the corners of her eyes were so burned that two tears flowed out.

Here. Lu Mingfei immediately handed over a glass of water.

Su Xiaoqiang drank it all in one gulp and glanced at him: You have the eyesight.

It sounds like I'm your servant. Lu Mingfei curled his lips.

Have you forgotten that you still owe me five thousand yuan? Su Xiaoqiang was obviously shorter than Lu Mingfei, but at this moment, her eyes seemed to be looking down at him from a high position.

Miss, what else do you need to do? Should you rub your shoulders or beat your legs? How about I help you cool these strings? Lu Mingfei said with a flattering look on his face.

Su Xiaoqiang rolled his eyes.

She admired Lu Mingfei's despicable attitude. He could make her furious with just a few words, but then had nowhere to vent.

So he simply stopped talking to Lu Mingfei and concentrated on solving the kebabs on the table. Based on the experience last time, if he was careful, he would not get burned.

Looking at Su Xiaoqiang who was eating so much, with oil stains around his mouth, Lu Mingfei suddenly became curious and asked cautiously.

Little Goddess, how long have you been waiting?

It didn't take long, Su Xiaoqiang looked up at him and sneered, it just changed the originally planned dinner into a midnight snack. It's just a few hours, not long, not long.

When Su Xiaoqiang said the last two words, she held a piece of meat between her molars and ground it back and forth, as if what she was eating was not mutton but Lu Mingfei's meat.

Fuck! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Lu Mingfei quickly clasped his hands and apologized, I slept too much, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

Su Xiaoqiang was stunned for a moment, and didn't know what he thought of. The slender eyebrows that were originally raised suddenly softened a lot, and he hummed softly: I can forgive you, but as punishment, you pay for this meal!

Okay, okay, no problem! Lu Mingfei assured, patting his chest.

Boy, this is the wine you ordered, the waiter came over with two bottles of beer, Do you need to open it for you?

Open a bottle first. Su Xiaoqiang said.

Although in theory alcohol should not be sold to minors, many things in this small city are not strictly controlled. Moreover, Lu Mingfei and Su Xiaoqiang are both senior students in high school. It is difficult to judge the age of the two of them just by looking at their appearance. Not of age.

Did you order wine? Su Xiaoqiang was the one who ordered the food before, and Lu Mingfei didn't pay attention to what she ordered. Now that he saw the wine, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Uncle Li is still outside. If he sees me drinking with you late at night, if he goes back and reports to your father, he won't be able to send me to play the real-life version of Gold Miner?

It's okay, it's just two bottles of beer, Su Xiaoqiang held his chin with one hand, looked at Lu Mingfei sideways, and said provocatively, You can't do this, right?

Lu Mingfei felt as if he was being despised.

No, I...I don't know how to drink. Lu Mingfei made up a reason.

You even know the wines from Screaming Eagle Winery. Su Xiaoqiang narrowed his eyes.

Listen to what my friend said! Lu Mingfei held on to the end.

He was confident because when he was a freshman in high school, he heard Chen Wenwen say, Men who act crazy when they are drunk are scary. He had never drank in front of others throughout high school, and being led astray by Tony was something in another world. .

So although he drinks, Su Xiaoqiang has definitely never seen him drink. As long as he refuses to admit it, then...

It's okay, I don't know how to drink, just drink a little. Su Xiaoqiang looked like a devil who was good at tempting people to commit crimes.

But considering her face, she looks more like a succubus.

While talking, Lu Mingfei couldn't help but shirk it. Su Xiaoqiang had already poured him and herself a drink.

Just a drink! Su Xiaoqiang said sincerely.

Okay. Lu Mingfei could only obey.

Let's have another drink. Su Xiaoqiang said.

You can't drink anymore, Lu Mingfei said, It won't be good if you're drunk.

This is beer! How can you get drunk from two glasses? Su Xiaoqiang poured two more glasses.

One more drink. Su Xiaoqiang's eyes were blurred.

There are already four bottles, so don't drink any more. Your face will turn red. Lu Mingfei reminded.

Nonsense! How can two people get drunk after drinking four bottles of beer~ Su Xiaoqiang's cheeks turned red.

It's not four bottles for two people, but you drank four bottles and I drank four bottles. Are you so drunk that you can't count? Lu Mingfei was surprised, I thought you were pretty good at drinking.

My dad doesn't let me drink. I rarely drink... Su Xiaoqiang said as he stood up and sat next to Lu Mingfei.

There were benches on both sides of the table, and Lu Mingfei quickly moved to the side, away from Su Xiaoqiang.

You...why aren't you drunk? Su Xiaoqiang poked Lu Mingfei's face.

I, I, I... I'm drunk! Lu Mingfei felt that if he dared to say that he was not drunk, Su Xiaoqiang would definitely let him drink.

Lie! Su Xiaoqiang stared at him. Because she was drunk, her reason had gradually left her. She puffed up her cheeks at Lu Mingfei, showing a cute expression she had never seen before, and asked, You are drunk...then you Why don't you cry?

...Crying? Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, This way of acting drunk is a bit unique.

When I'm sad, I'll cry even when I'm drunk. I feel relieved when I cry... Su Xiaoqiang dipped her fingers in the water in the cup and drew a picture on the table, which was a round, simple drawing of a crying face.

But I'm not sad.

Lu Mingfei said in his heart, Little Goddess, your drinking is mediocre, and when you are drunk, you draw graffiti on others. Fortunately, you use water. You have to carry a marker with you. The boss is not allowed to take it away and make us pay for it?

But you were kicked out by your uncle and aunt, how could you not be sad? Su Xiaoqiang wiped away the crying face on the table.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment.

Then he suddenly realized something, turned to look at Su Xiaoqiang beside him and asked: So you asked me out because you thought I was very sad, and you wanted to get me drunk and let me cry to vent, so that I wouldn't keep suppressing it. ?”

Yeah! The drunk Su Xiaoqiang seemed to be surprisingly honest and nodded directly, It will be very uncomfortable if you keep the sadness in your heart. I was very sad once and tried not to cry. Finally, I suddenly thought of committing suicide...

Lu Mingfei looked at Su Xiaoqiang steadily.

In this world, except for his parents who are all over the world, no one seems to care whether he is hurt or not.

What's wrong with you? Seeing Lu Mingfei staring at her, Su Xiaoqiang suddenly puffed up her chest with a proud look on her face, Are you captured by this young lady's beauty and kindness?

No, it's oil on the tip of your nose. Lu Mingfei reminded.

Ah, really? Su Xiaoqiang was surprised.

It was indeed true. Lu Mingfei didn't dare to look at Su Xiaoqiang's face before, so he didn't pay attention. He didn't realize it until now.

He subconsciously took out a tissue and wanted to wipe it off with Su Xiaoqiang. When the tissue came close to the tip of Su Xiaoqiang's nose, he realized that this behavior was a bit too intimate.

Here are the tissues for you, wipe it yourself...

Lu Mingfei was about to hand the tissue to Su Xiaoqiang, when Su Xiaoqiang leaned forward and rubbed the tip of his nose on the paper.

Okay! Su Xiaoqiang was proud.

Lu Mingfei silently put down the tissue.

I wonder how much Su Xiaoqiang would have spent on this dark history if he had filmed the episode just now. Lu Mingfei thought to himself.

No, it's not a good place to stay here for a long time. If she continues to act like a drunkard, she doesn't know what else she will do.

Thinking of this, Lu Mingfei asked Su Xiaoqiang if she was still hungry. Seeing her shaking her head, he quickly raised his hand and shouted: Waiter, pay the bill.

The waiter came over: Hello sir, the total is two hundred and seven yuan.

Lu Mingfei reached into his pocket.

What's worse, he was in a hurry to go out. At that time, Su Xiaoqiang said he was going to treat a guest, so he didn't bring his wallet.

Just as he was about to discuss with the waiter whether he could call Uncle Li outside to advance the money, Lu Mingfei turned around and saw a white and delicate hand holding three bright red bills and handing them over.

Su Xiaoqiang's face was red, and he tilted his head slightly, looking at him with drunken eyes: Why are you standing there? Pay the bill.

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