As most of the nobles arrived at Wushan Fortress, a massive mobilization meeting was officially held.

Although Rulans showed up, he only said hello to everyone briefly and then sat on top, leaving the rest to Wiggins in the wheelchair.

For this kind of pep rally, Wiggins seems to be familiar with it.

He first spoke an inflammatory speech, describing the dangers of the border, Hahn who died in battle, and the misfortune of many knights, exaggerating the sins of the enemy, and finally talked about the goal of this war.

To put it simply, although this battle is divided into two areas, it is still necessary to recapture Chishan Town in the southwest and crush the wave of troops stationed by the Black Gold Brotherhood in the southeast.

He no longer said anything about recapturing Cassirer Town or even annihilating the Bolant Bandits, thus lowering his expectations.

Of the two forces, the Black Gold Brotherhood is more powerful and more ambitious. If it is not stopped in time, it will continue to invade the interior of Wushan Ridge.

It is easier to invite gods than to send them away. When they come in, letting them out requires more energy and more losses.

Therefore, in this battle, the southeast direction invested the most troops.

After some debate, the coalition forces to attack the Black and Gold Brotherhood will be led by Kabir, the leader of the Second Knights, and Barrington will be the deputy commander.

But obviously, the Hyde family was not satisfied with this arrangement. They felt that Barrington should be the commander of the southeast war. After all, the earl on the border contributed the most.

For this reason, Alan and Negan who attended the meeting argued with Wiggins and others for a long time, and finally decided to let Alan and Kabir have a duel, and whichever side wins will take on the role of commander.

Luo Ning really didn't expect that assigning a commander would be related to the duel. Isn't this equivalent to fighting the enemy before he fights himself?

If someone is not careful during a duel and both of them are injured and unable to participate in the battle, wouldn't it mean that they would suffer eight hundred losses before even injuring the enemy?

Luo Ning didn't understand it anyway, but others seemed to think this arrangement was more reasonable.

So, in the middle of the meeting, everyone ran out of the fortress and watched a duel.

Fortunately, the end result is good.

Kabir defeated Aram and won the commander's seat, and neither of them was seriously injured in the duel, which did not affect the subsequent war.

But obviously, Alan and Negan are still not convinced by this result, and they don't know if there will be any trouble later.

Compared with the war in the southeast, things in the southwest are much easier to deal with.

As a rule, when someone from the Wushan family goes on an expedition, they will take the title of commander. This time Luo Ning leads the expedition, so naturally he is the commander.

The key lies in the choice of deputy commander.

Lulans had previously planned to let Tolu, Kabir and Marvin assist Ronin, which was basically the deputy commander. But now Kabir and Sandro have gone to the Eastern Front, leaving only Tolu and Mavin. Wen.

Fortunately, among these two people, one is the leader of the First Knights, the Golden Knight, and has sufficient strength; the other is one of the few viscounts in Wushan Territory, with sufficient qualifications and not bad strength.

No one has any objection to letting them serve as deputy commanders.

After the commander's problem is determined, the next step is to divide the troops in detail, which is also a controversial task.

The nobles can all see that facing the Black and Gold Brotherhood in the southeast will be a tough battle, and there is also a battle for command, which is very complicated.

As for the Western Front, although in their eyes Luo Ning has no battlefield command experience and is just like a fool, fortunately he has Tolu and Marvin to assist him. Considering Luo Ning's recent performance, he should not be better than Wei Jin. Bad.

Therefore, after a comprehensive comparison, they are all willing to come to the Western Front to face the Polish bandits.

After all, the soldiers sent to the battlefield, regardless of their quality, are the property of the nobles. Who doesn't want to lose less?

If you are lucky enough to win the battle, there may be some benefits.

The issue of team allocation continued from the morning to the afternoon, and it was not finally settled until the sky was covered with sunset.

On the east and west fronts, the distribution of troops is about 70 to 30, and the strong knights are basically on the east front.

Apart from Toru, there is no other golden knight on Ronin's side.

If Korien hadn't said that there was a golden knight on the opposite side, Toru probably wouldn't have arranged for him to come over.

This arrangement obviously did not take into account the variables of the war situation. If the Poland Thieves suddenly have two more Golden Knights, how should they deal with it?

At the meeting, Luo Ning raised this possibility.

But there are very few Golden Knights that Wiggins can mobilize. Among the five captains of the Knights, the real gold-level ones are Toru and Melonica, and there is also Kabir who can challenge the Golden Knights in a duel.

Kabir is the commander of the Eastern Front and Melonica is responsible for Rulans' security. Neither of them can be transferred to the Western Front.

In desperation, Wiggins could only arrange for two more Silver Knights to come to the Western Front.

Anyway, the gold level is not invincible. It is very possible for several silver knights to join forces to deal with the golden knight. Even if they cannot win, a draw is enough.

"Marvin, Philip, Thorstein, Corian, Vitorino..."

Luo Ning counted and found that there were five silver knights on his side. In addition, these nobles may have silver-level vassals under them. If they were also brought to the battlefield, the number would be quite considerable.

Coupled with the three men under Ronin, Redal, Elrond, and McCann, even if two more golden knights appear from the Poland Thieves Group, they will be enough to handle it.

The high-end combat power is powerful, and the number of professional knights exceeds a hundred. Together with the cavalry, infantry, and archers, the scale is estimated to be two thousand if these are included.

In addition to the main force, there are also horsemen, craftsmen, transportation, camp construction and other support personnel accompanying the army. The total number may be tens of thousands.

Luo Ning suddenly became the commander of a combat force of tens of thousands of people.

"Luo Ning, don't forget our agreement!"

In the evening, Wiggins found Luo Ning and told him face to face: "Although this plan has unexpected surprises, the people I have arranged for you are enough. Taking Chishan Town should not be a problem!"

What he is thinking about most is the iron mine in Chishan Town.

"Don't worry, father, I will do my best to take back Chishan Town."

Luo Ning showed full confidence, "But father, in order to win this war, I even pulled out the only team of knights. But although I gathered the participants, I still need food, fodder for horses and other supplies. I’m missing a lot, so you have to help me.”

"This is easy to say!"

Wiggins agreed happily: "Leave the logistics to Galil, and I will inform him that all the food, fodder and logistics needed by the Northern Territory of Wuhan during this expedition will be borne by Wushanbao!"

Generally speaking, vassals accompanying their lord on expeditions are responsible for the consumption of materials. Although lords also provide support, this situation is relatively rare.

As for Wiggins, he is still counting on his son's future development of the Chishan Town iron mine to bring him huge profits, so naturally he will not care about the consumption of these materials.

This is exactly in line with Luo Ning's wishes.

If he were to be responsible for the logistics of the Wubei Territory knight team, he would have to recruit serf soldiers. In addition, he would also need to purchase a batch of food from outside. After all, the food in the Wubei Territory was not surplus.

Now that Wushanbao is responsible for the logistics of his team, it saves a lot of trouble and energy.

In this way, the lively noble meeting ended successfully.

The nobles hurriedly left Wushan Castle the next day and returned to their respective territories to start the final adjustments.

As the time approached the end of June, the teams sent by the nobles set off one after another, marching toward their respective battlefields. (End of chapter)

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