Free teleportation?!

No way!

Each teleportation costs tens of thousands of source crystals, and if the distance is long, it takes 100,000 source crystals to teleport once.

Although Jiangnan has a bit of a rich Yuanjing in his hands, it is not so bad.

He also relied on his hands to snatch this bit of Yuan Jing from someone else's backpack.

It's not easy to come by.

Besides, just these 700,000 source crystals are really not enough to transmit.

The cost of source crystals for each teleportation will vary depending on the number of people and distance.

So Jiang Nan really can't shoulder everyone's teleportation expenses on his own.

This matter has to be borne by everyone.

When everyone heard Jiangnan's words, they did not express any objections.

Because everyone knows that teleportation buildings will be very expensive.

Even those lords who own teleportation buildings will not open teleportation at critical moments.

Only the government and those big conglomerates have enough funds to transmit it many times.

"If we have a teleportation building, the source crystal is not a problem, so we will have a faster support speed than the others!"

Someone's eyes immediately lit up, and he said excitedly.

The others recovered from the shock of Gangnam's possession of the teleportation building and thought of the current situation.

In this way, their situation is completely different.

With the help of teleportation buildings, they can support anyone in their range for a very short time.

This is an advantage that others do not have!

No wonder Jiangnan let them occupy the two hundred strategic points around them.

The teleportation building is his strength.

Other lords need to huddle to have enough power.

However, they may use the teleportation building to support everywhere at any time and at any time.

You will be more flexible.

Everyone present was very flexible in their minds, and immediately thought of all these things.

Jiang Nan saw that everyone understood what he meant, so he spoke:

"Now that you understand, I won't talk nonsense. "

"The two hundred strategic points around must be taken. "

The meeting lasted only a very short time, and then everyone went their separate ways.

Each person has their own tasks, and each is assigned a number of strategic points to be occupied.

For those strategic points that are relatively close, the people who belong to them have to walk slowly on their own legs.

And the lords of those long-distance strategic points will be teleported by Jiangnan.

The people set out at once.

Jiangnan began to teleport to those distant lords.

"The cost of transmission is borne by you, if there is not enough active crystal, I will pay for it for the time being. "

Jiangnan does not change its color and does not beat the road.

Everyone did not object to this, and nodded solemnly.

"Teleport. "

Jiangnan turns on the ender teleporter and teleports to each liege.

As for the teleportation price, he really didn't increase the price!

Charge as much as you want.

After all, everyone is their own person, and it is not easy for middlemen to make the difference!

After the people in the Great Xia Star Domain launched their actions, the sound of announcements in the drill space never stopped.

[Great Xia Star Domain: Chu Xinyu, has occupied a strategic point!]

[Great Xia Star Field: Jiangnan, a strategic point has been occupied!]

[Great Xia Star Field: Wang Hui, a strategic point has been occupied!]


In just half a day, the Great Xia Star Domain occupied more than fifty strategic points!

On the list of the ups and downs in the sky, the Great Xia Star Domain ranked first with the number of sixty-two strategic points!

The Murray Star Field is in second place, with only eighteen strategic points.

The sudden force of the Great Xia Star Domain surprised the countless lords in the training space.

Did you start working so soon?

The Great Xia Star Domain is clearly going to compete for the first place this time.

As a strong contender for the first place, the lords of the Meili Star Domain, the White Bear Star Domain, and other star fields would definitely not watch the Great Xia Star Domain go on so smoothly.


After the Great Xia Star Domain suddenly exerted its strength, the chat groups of other Star Fields also became lively.

The most heated discussion was the Murray Star Field.

They locked on the location of a Great Xia Star Domain Lord in the morning, and then killed him.

It can be regarded as revenge for Jiangnan's killing of Stewart yesterday.

They originally wanted to see the follow-up reaction of the Great Xia Star Field.

Unexpectedly, the latter didn't care about this matter at all, but instead started to compete for strategic points.

[We must also speed up and occupy enough strategic points!]

If we let the Great Xia Star Domain seize the opportunity, we will have to pay a great price in the future before we can counterattack back. 】

[Then let's start, find the meeting place of the Great Xia Star Domain Lord, and occupy the strategic point!]

[......] (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The lords of the Murray Star Field were very efficient and quickly discussed what to do next.

There are only two things they have to do.

One is to find the meeting place of the Lord of the Great Xia Star Domain!

This will help them to attack them.

The second is to start the steps of the strategic point competition, and don't fall too far behind in the initial stage.

At the same time as the lords of the American star field took action, the lords of other star fields also began to act.


On the second day of the competition, there was fierce competition on the list!

The lords of several powerful star fields have started a competition for you to catch up with me.

The previous broadcast was not over, and the next broadcast sounded again.

[Murray Star Field: Louis, have captured a strategic point!]

[Great Xia Star Field: Jiangnan, a strategic point has been occupied!]

[White Bear Star Field: Achersky, a strategic point has been captured!]



No matter how the people from other star fields chased after them, Jiang Nan and the others, who had already arranged everything, always locked in the first place.

At the end of the second day, the Great Xia Star Domain had occupied 132 strategic points!

This number is almost catching up with the highest record set by the Murray Star Field.

If the Great Xia Star Field can hold on, then they have a good chance of winning the first place in this drill competition.

When the people in the other star fields saw this, their hearts were anxious and angry.

Although they are also trying their best to occupy strategic points, their speed cannot be compared to the Great Xia Star Field!

The Murray Star Domain still ranks second, and there are only 85 strategic points occupied!

Even with this number, it is still far from the Great Xia Star Field.


Penglai Cave Sky.

Jiang Nan sat on the top of the mountain, with only a dozen or so lords around him.

Most of the people were sent out.

The four strategic points demanded by Jiangnan have all been occupied.

The Great Xia Star Domain Lords will be evenly distributed in these four locations.

As soon as there is a battle around, they can rush to support as quickly as possible.

If the support is not timely, the message will be notified to Gangnam.

When the time comes, it will be transmitted by Gangnam.

Jiangnan, who is sitting on the top of the mountain, is summarizing the messages in the chat group.

At noon today they assigned the occupation target and began to move.

It took an afternoon of work to occupy 132 strategic points.

The people in the other star fields were shocked by this number, but Jiang Nan felt a little disappointed.

He thought he would be able to capture at least 150 strategic points.

It seems that the strength of other people is not as strong as he imagined.

Some of the lords' occupation was hindered, and they encountered the lords of other star fields.

So the occupation was a little slower than planned.

[I have a lord of the Shiva Star Domain here, and his strength is very strong, so I didn't act rashly. 】

[It's the same with me here, the strategic point here has been occupied by other lords.] 】

[In order not to startle the snake, I didn't act without permission. 】


When encountering strategic points that have been occupied, Jiangnan asked the lords not to act rashly.

So as not to cause huge casualties due to reckless collisions.

Jiangnan's plan was to occupy the first of the 200 strategic points that could be occupied.

Strategic points that have already been occupied by other lords are set aside.

Wait until everyone has their hands free, and then slowly pull out the nails!

The crowd did act according to Jiangnan's orders.

Jiangnan stared at the map.

"There are more than 60 strategic points left, all of which have owners. "

"Tomorrow, then, we're going to start the expulsion of the others. "

When the surrounding lords heard Jiang Nan's words, their faces couldn't help but become solemn.

Today is just a prelude.

Although many star fields were competing with each other, no large-scale battles broke out!

For the time being, it is peaceful competition.

But tomorrow, it will be the beginning of the bloody storm!

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