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Sea God’s identity, personality and strength … Hearing the example given by Mister Fool, Argel the Hanged Man’s mind was blank for almost 2 seconds.

This is something he never dreamed of dreaming about!

In his view, Mister Fool took the Sea God authority through Gehrman Sparrow, replaced Kavetun, and obtained a solid and large number of believers. This is a crucial step in his recovery process. Therefore, this hidden existence will definitely not give up the corresponding identity of.

Who knows, at this moment, he heard Mister Fool tell everyone that Sea God’s identity, personality and strength can be exchanged.

After further recovery, Mister Fool no longer needs Sea God’s identity and corresponding believers? This is the expression of a great existence. Things that are not personal are only borrowed for a short time and will not occupy … Argel the Hanged Man first secretly sighed with emotion, and immediately felt excited. Mister Fool said just to himself .

In the Church of the Storms, he became the Sequence Four half God by external force. Although he was barely among the top, he wanted to be promoted again. It was almost an impossible thing. The theft of “Book of Natural Disasters” is still watching With less than a hint of hope, Argel can only temporarily suppress his ambitions and wait patiently for the opportunity to come.

Now, the opportunity comes, so fast!

Argel is currently the Cardinal of the Rhosid church in the Church of the Storms. Once he secretly becomes Sea God and controls the power of the Sea Territory, he will be the king of Rhosid Archipelago, the real king!

Thinking of this, Argel the Hanged Man was almost unable to control himself, and he finally recovered his state.

Audrey the Justice, Derrick the Sun and the others, although the Tarot Society began to trade the identity, personality and strength of a God, it ’s hard to hide the shock-even if it ’s just a false god, but after all, there is no idea of ​​going to the Storm path Relative to Argel, he was not so excited. He quickly controlled himself and turned his attention to Mister Hanged Man.

Argel quietly took a deep breath and humbly put the first line on the bronze long table:

“Esteemed Mister Fool, at what price do I have to pay in exchange for these things?”

Klein the Fool waited for Hanged Man to ask questions, and said with a smile:

“Some tasks I gave, as well as frequent prayers, pious wishes.”

The focus of his sentence is actually on the last short sentence, but he believes that all members of the Tarot Society should not be able to hear it.

As for how to fulfill the corresponding wishes, he currently has two ways. One is to use his other extraordinary abilities to achieve corresponding effects, such as the summon historical scene, to reproduce the link given to beer, and complete the desire to “let the bar Boss treat” , 2 is to rely on the already accumulated “wish” ability to directly respond to lower-level wishes and create true miracles. For example, with a snap of a finger, the collapsed house is instantly intact, and the reconstruction is successful in a substantial sense.

In addition, in the above the grey mist, Klein can mobilize the personality and power of “Origin Castle”, equivalent to a King of Angels that does not accommodate “uniqueness”. In other words, he can use the book when responding to prayers. The core capability of path Sequence One is the core capability of “Servant of Mysteries”.

After exploring this time, Klein initially figured out two of them:

One is to create a prototype of Divine State, and 2 is to “graft”.

“Graft” is named by Klein himself. After all, he is not really a “Servant of Mysteries”, and he has not obtained the corresponding knowledge of mysticism.

This ability can “graft” things that cannot be directly connected under normal circumstances, and achieve incredible results.

A simple example is to combine the concepts of “end point” and “start point” of a road so that people who walk on that road can never leave.

For Extraordinary, there are many capabilities to do similar things, but the “graft” of “Servant of Mysteries” directly affects the “concept” itself, not only the level is extremely high, but it is like a real God coming, and The effect is strange, with a hidden meaning.

Coupled with the simulation ability of the 0 level sealed item “Star Staff”, when he is in “Origin Castle”, Klein can respond to a prayer like a King of Angels, and can do more things.

After hearing Mister Fool mention the task, Argel the Hanged Man remembered something, and he asked, bowing his head:

“Esteemed Mister Fool, do you need to do further investigations about the three goals that Fusac Empire has participated in the Battle of Konoto?”

He had initially collected the intelligence of the three former suspected Hunger’s Squirming masters, but not at all found something abnormal.

Klein the Fool lightly nodded and said:

“no need.”

He originally wanted to use this line to catch the tail of the “Twilight Hermit Organization”, but since Adam has a high probability of becoming a god, it is better to avoid it.

Respect for Sequence Zero’s True God is Klein’s consistent principle. If you give in, you give in, and you give in.

Before Argel the Hanged Man spoke again, Klein the Fool continued with a soothing tone:

“Your task now is to cooperate with the believers of Sea God and place the people who have left Land Abandoned by God.”

“Your will is my will!” Argel the Hanged Man without the slightest hesitation responded.

This made Derrick the Sun silently relaxed and no longer had doubts, concerns and worries about the next development.

He has full confidence in Mister Hanged Man’s ability to handle things.

At this time, Klein the Fool looked around, smiled and said:

“In addition to Sea God’s identity, personality and strength, there are many other things that can be exchanged, such as the” magic medicine formula and Extraordinary characteristics of the “Master of Law”. “

He didn’t give too many examples, so as not to damage Fool’s personality. As for what I said before, it can be understood that Mister Fool, who is recovering further, is in a good mood.

——Moon City has an inheritance of “Master of Law”, and Klein can exchange it for the desire to “get salvation.” Of course, even if he directly asks Moon City residents to sacrifice the corresponding things, those who finally find blessings must be very much willing.

They were afraid that Mister Fool would abandon Moon City and not accept their sacrifice.

apart from this, Klein also has a Silver Knight Secret Puppet, Extraordinary characteristics of Divinator path Sequence Nine to 3, sealed item “General without pupils”, a drop of Primordial Moon blessed blood and various Insect of Spirit related Talisman with bullets.

If the wisher wants expendable items or short-term borrowing, Klein can take more things out of the historical pores.

“Master of Law” magical medicine formula and Extraordinary characteristics … Quinn the Judgement somehow felt Mister Fool glanced at him.

honestly speaking, she recently lacked sufficient promotion motivation. On the one hand, she is only one of the relatively many middle-level and high-level MI9s. The possibility of getting half God tickets is extremely low. On the other hand, her father ’s reputation is about to be restored to a small extent. , She had no urgent goal at once.

At the same time, the war is over, and her mother and younger brother are back in Beckland, about to start a normal life, and Quinn ’s current total income is enough to support a rich family.

The combination of these reasons makes Quinn feel that his life now looks good, and he doesn’t want to make changes.

Of course, if there is a chance to promote half God, she will not let go, because in the previous war, she experienced the weakness of a Sequence Five, and, in the Tarot Society, except for her and Forsi the Magician, everyone else is already Half God, there is no doubt that she didn’t want to fall behind too much.

Thinking a lot, Quinn the Judgement looked at Forsi the Magician, and then lowered his head to the top of the mottled table, saying he would work hard.

Forsi the Magician can probably guess the mentality of her friend, because she is similar.

If it is not promoted to Sequence Four in order to effectively fight against the “full moon whisper”, there is no need to trouble Mister Fool from time to time, and the Abraham family has prepared her magical medicine formula and extraordinary materials for her. She is not so eager to become “Hidden Mage”.

As a Traveler, you can go where you want, and you can go to the scene to eat any food you want to eat, which fully meets Forsi’s original expectations of the extraordinary concept.

Of course, she has another motivation to improve, that is, after half God, she can better help the Teacher family to do something.

Seeing Mister Fool shrouded in gray mist, he leaned back in his chair and stopped talking. Audrey the Justice hesitated and opened his mouth:

“Ladies and gentlemen, I have a question.

“If one thing, you know how the outcome is completely irrelevant to you, just looking at certain moods and games, what would you do?”

She tone barely fell, and Argel the Hanged Man laughed:

“Everyone is destined to die, and no matter how hard he tries to change, is his life meaningless?”

He seems to have been thinking about this issue for a long time, and then added another sentence:

“Since you cannot change the outcome of the present, try to improve yourself, gain more power, and control more power, until one day you can participate in those games. If you die in the process, it is better than anything. did not do it.”

These are some of the most sincere words Mister Hanged Man has ever said, and it seems to come from his heart … Small can also become great … Audrey the Justice is touched, nodded invisible.

At this time, Gehrman Sparrow the World looked around:

“Everyone, I need to remind you of one thing.”

When the members of the Tarot Society looked at it at the same time, Klein manipulated the dummy World lowly opened the mouth and said:

“Doomsday is coming in more than ten years, everyone can be destroyed, including God.”

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