You can search for “Lord of Mysteries” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Early in the morning, Earl Hall woke up at the time he was most used to and took a walk in his garden and on the lawn.

After he watched the beloved horses, he returned to the third floor of the villa and changed out clothes. His wife, Caitlin, also got up and was instructing the personal maid to communicate the arrangements that she had just thought of.

“It’s time for breakfast.” Earl Hall stood beside the coat rack and smiled to his wife.

At this moment, he heard a noise outside, and it was getting closer and closer, without calming down.

Frowning slightly invisible, Earl Hall glanced sideways at his close servant.

Without the big noble’s opening, the close-fitting servant immediately walked to the window and opened the remaining tulle curtain.

After brushing, more rays of light shined into the bedroom, clear.

The close-fitting male servant immediately turned his eyes to the window and glanced left and right, his expression suddenly becoming dignified.

He turned back, glanced at Mrs. Earl who was still talking to the maid, and quickly walked to Earl Hall, lowering his voice:

“Parade! Many people march!”

procession? Earl Hall is no stranger to this term. As the largest aristocrat of Ruen and the second largest shareholder of Constant’s coal-steel consortium, he has seen many workers gather to march, demanding a weekly salary increase and stipulating the maximum working hours. During the month, Beckland also had several marches and protests due to various problems, but they were quickly quelled and had no effect.

His eyes moved back and forth for a few seconds on the face of the close-fitting male servant. Earl Hall eyes slightly narrowed, keenly aware that today’s parade might not be the same as he imagined.

He moved quietly and came to the window.

At a glance, Earl Hall’s pupil light suddenly solidified.

With the advantage of being on the third floor, he saw that the black people on the far road were all overwhelmed by people. They gathered together and rushed in this direction, just like the huge dark clouds that would cover Beckland.


“We want bread!”

The cry of a few thousand, a few thousand, 1000 or even more people gathered together, and gradually became louder and clearer, and Earl Hall’s scalp was slightly numb.

When he participated in activities such as the Mass on Memorial Day, he had not seen so many people, and had never heard a superposition of words, but at that time, he was barely in the crowd and was part of this whole, and Today, he is one of the targets of that turbulent “tide”.

Earl Hall unable to bear glanced at the rear of the parade and found that there was no end at all. However, he had rich experience in affairs and could make judgments based on some details observed.

He can see very few policemen and soldiers on the side of the parade. Compared with the large crowd, it is like a wave of waves caused by the sea tide, extremely small.

Earl Hall believes that the march against the Queen District will surely be under the most powerful control. It will not be without a large number of soldiers and police being sent over. The current situation can only explain one problem:

There are too many people participating in the parade!

So much so that the soldiers and police were scattered too far!

A parade of more than 100000 people? Perhaps more than that … the parade caused by food shortages can be transformed into riots and robbing at any time … It still looks very orderly … is it because there are many organizers and leaders? Damn, didn’t MI9 and major churches find any signs? How can parades of this size be organized overnight? Even if Beckland has turned into a gunpowder barrel, a lot of matches are needed to ignite it! A single thought flashed through Earl Hall’s mind, his expression becoming more and more dignified.


“We want bread!”

The shouting became more and more tidy and louder, like a tsunami in the city.

At this time, the male and female servants in the Earl Hall mansion sensed the movement and came to the window, looking out the door.

Their faces turned pale immediately, as if they had encountered the flood of the dike and could not escape themselves.


“We want bread!”

Countless voices converged together, and the black heads brought extremely strong oppression.

Earl Hall awakened suddenly, subconsciously looking for someone to telegraph to the royal family, let them organize the army to suppress.

But when he made further observations, he found that many people in the parade were wearing military uniforms and were physically disabled.


“We want bread!”

The order-keeping soldiers sympathetically look at the parade while guarding, and the guns are pointed at the sky.

Those people have their past comrades in arms, their parents, wives and children, their friends and neighbors, and a large number of people, like them, who are just alive, just want not to starve to death, so how can they not be compassionate , Full of sympathy?

This sentiment may initially only occurred in the hearts of soldiers and police on May 5, but it soon spread to almost everyone.

In the past, under the supervision of the officer ’s pistol, they will surely accept all orders numbly, but now, many people think:

Which bitch raised dare to let me shoot, I shot him to death!


“We want bread!”

In a shout, the face of a large crowd gathered, Earl Hall’s face turned a little white.

He could not bear to look back, looked towards the guards and bodyguards gathered outside the house, looked towards the Church of the Night Extraordinary who was responsible for protecting his family, and found that the two reactions had nothing common with each other.

The guards and bodyguards are full of fear, and the extraordinary expressions hired by him hidden inside have become quite serious, and the protectors of the Church of the Night have a lot of sympathy and compassion in their eyes.

For church, I may be equivalent to 1000 believers, and there are a few 10000, a dozen or so 10000, and more … Earl Hall instantly produced such a clear comprehension, what will it bring to the things I prepared to do before? The consequences of have a clear understanding:

Even if you are armed to the teeth, you ca n’t fight so many marchers with only a small number of guards. Once a conflict breaks out, the Extraordinary of Church of the Night ca n’t count on it, and your family can escape under the hired bodyguards. Goddess is favored when leaving Queen District!

For the first time, Earl Hall realized the power of many people and the horror that so many people gathered together.

When the idea turned around, he immediately turned his head and ordered the close-fitting servant:

“Telegram to the Prime Minister and telegram to other nobles, saying I would take the lead and donate most of the food!

“Please ask them to keep calm!”

As the radio waves flew and exchanged, nobles living in the Queen District understood Earl Hall’s attitude.

The current Duke of Negan looked solemnly out of the window, silent for a while, sighed, and said to the male side secretary:

“Protect the mansion, give up the tough stance and follow Earl Hall.

“Also, take the batch of food hoarding merchants as an example!”

After the upper society reached a preliminary agreement, with a plan to deal with it, Earl Hall finally fell back to its original position, and had the ability to go to the restaurant and meet with his family.

As he passed through the door of the restaurant, he subconsciously glanced at the situation inside.

The wife stood by the window, looking out with anxiety; eldest son continuously pacing back and forth, looking very angry and anxious; the daughter stood beside his wife, and looked at the parade’s team in a very quiet manner as the tide moved forward.


Misty Sea, The Future.

Cattleya stepped on the bright long bridge formed by the starlight and returned to the deck.

“Captain, you must control Frank this time!” Boatswain Nina rushed over and shouted loudly.

Cattleya’s melancholy mood was broken, frowning slightly:

“What did he do?”

Nina said angrily:

“He asked me if I would have a child. He wanted to study how life was conceived and how the soul was born!”

“… Have you hit him?” Cattleya said silently for a second.

“Fight!” Nina didn’t hide it at all.

Cattleya looked directly at Frank not far away, ignoring the state of his bloody nose and swollen face:

“You should study the reproduction of fish first.”

“Okay.” Frank scratched his head and heeded the captain’s orders.

Cattleya immediately grew out of the cabin shadow, look pale’s “Bloodless” Heath Doyle nodded:

“never mind.”

Heath Doyle clearly relaxed:

“Yes, Captain.”

After being so troubled by the crew, Cattleya finally returned to the Real World, rubbed the forehead while they were not paying attention, and flew into the captain’s cabin.

Then, she closed the place with magic, and took out the “Wishing Divine Lantern” which is also ranked at the top of the 0 level sealed item.

After preparing, Cattleya sat at her desk, lowered her head, recited Mister Fool’s esteemed name in Giant language, and reported the Queen of Mysteries to him.

Klein, who was carrying a horse lantern to survey the terrain in the area around the northern city-state ruins, turned his head slightly, listened for a few seconds, and then followed the flow to enter the grey mist.

He immediately sat down to the high back chair belonging to Fool at the top of the mottled long table, spreading spirituality towards the crimson star representing Hermit.

“Queen of Mysteries has preliminary clues about the original island and intends to leave the safe channel for a long-term search on a large scale …

“That original island was accidentally discovered by Great Emperor Russell. It is likely that one of his 9 secret tombs is hidden above … This is the only one that has not been found and destroyed. It is the hope of the return of Great Emperor …

“However, the creatures of that primitive island seem to worship the unknown power from the starry sky, only to understand the starry sky that will be polluted … You have to remind Lady Hermit, let her write a letter admonishing Queen of Mysteries …

“‘Missing Divine Lantern’ … ‘Missing Divine Lantern’? It turns out that this 0 level sealed item is in the hands of Queen of Mysteries … It is a combination of Master of Miracles Extraordinary characteristics and mysterious characteristics, even True God It couldn’t be crushed … “Klein just adjusted the angle of view after listening to” 0-05 “, and enlarged the image of the kettle-shaped golden” Divine Lantern “.

Suddenly, the wick of the “Wish Divine Lantern” spout ignited by itself!

PS: On the first day of the first lunar month, I wish you all a good year!

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