Lord of the Divine Show

Chapter 926 Jade Bones

"The more famous the tomb robbing agencies in ancient times, the more useless they were?"

Sun Yuan felt that he had really learned something. This was knowledge that would never appear in textbooks: "But didn't the excavation of Jiuxingdui prove the existence of prehistoric civilization... Why did the ancients rather believe in such illusory things as magic than in magic?" science and technology?"

"So it depends on luck!"

Professor Xiang smiled and said: "Some of them just use this kind of magic weapon to scare people. We are lucky. If we encounter that kind of mechanism magic combined with voodoo magic and curses, it will be very troublesome... For example, in the late Yanhan period Several of the tombs are still very difficult to develop, and no less than a hundred bones of tomb robbers from different dynasties were discovered just outside..."

"So, this time it was indeed luck."

Sun Yuan nodded and saw that the metal worker had pushed open the bronze 'Blood Curse Door' and waited for a moment to signal that there was no danger.

Professor Xiang immediately went up and touched the simple patterns on the bronze door: "Treasure, treasure... there is even writing. Well, this is the ancient Yan-Chinese language. Since the Yan-Han unified script, the world's writing has never departed from its origin. What it says is - 'Blood Curse... End of Death... Underworld... Return...'."

"It seems that the tomb owner trusts the spell he arranged..."

Sun Yuan said with a smile.

If the other party is an ancient biochemist who plays with poisonous insects, mercury or other toxins, and performs any kind of poisonous poison, he might be a little scared.

But spells?

Sorry, this is the world of science!

As a young man who grew up in Xia En and is a college student who is about to graduate, Sun Yuan scorns all claims of strange powers and chaos.

"The air test is normal, there are no traps...you can enter the main tomb chamber."

At this time, Hu Gong came over and said something, and the group entered the main tomb chamber with search lights on.

What is surprising is that the air in the main tomb chamber is not turbid, but feels slightly fresh, as if there is air flowing all the time.

The tomb is not big, with metal-carved murals on all sides, and a huge coffin in the center.

Professor Xiang was not in a hurry to switch, but looked at the murals on the wall with interest.

"Generally speaking, the owner of the tomb will record his great achievements in the form of murals and texts, and be buried with him..."

Professor Xiang wiped away the dust on the metal wall and looked at the mural carefully: "Huh? This terrain seems to be Xingshan..."

Sun Yuan looked over and was shocked.

The mural is a little blurry, but the rough lines can still be seen clearly.

The mural that Professor Xiang looked at was very simple. Two people flying high in the sky were fighting, one person was beheaded, and the body fell to the ground, forming a 'Execution Mountain'!

‘This story is similar to the heavenly punishment that person told! ’

Sun Yuan didn't know why, but he felt his heartbeat speeding up.

"Myths and legends?"

Professor Xiang's expression was a little disappointed: "Typical style of the early Yan Han Dynasty, all kinds of legends and myths are integrated with life! What a pity... I also want to study the real scenery of the early Yan Han Dynasty based on these murals !”

With the addition of Hu workers and metal workers, more murals were cleaned up, and some even had a few lines of ancient characters written on their sides.

Professor Xiang raised his glasses and sighed: "It is indeed an epitaph. According to the owner of the tomb himself, he was a monk and called himself 'Huang Danzi'. Well, he was also successful in cultivation and formed a Meidan Wan was free and easy, and he controlled everything. Later, the Qizhu Sect in the south rebelled, and he also joined the Qizhu Sect, where he went to war with the northern imperial army... Later, one of their great supernatural power leaders died, and his body became a prisoner. Shan, the Qizhu Sect was defeated, and he also dispersed among the people, hiding his name. However, after the Jedi Heaven Power, he could not live forever, so he built a tomb for himself before his death..."

"Qizhu Sect uprising?" Sun Yuan's eyes lit up: "This ancient sect occupied a large part in the history of Yanhan. It later branched off into branches such as White Lotus and Red Lantern, and even merged with Taoism, and Huangtian Society , they are all the gravediggers of the feudal dynasty!"

Of course he remembered the history paper he was going to take.

"Well, excluding those unreasonable parts, we can think that this Huang Danzi was a leader of the peasant uprising army in the Yanhan period. He once led the massive peasant uprising in the early period of Emperor Shenwu, but was suppressed... In the early period of Emperor Shenwu , it is true that the world was in chaos and almost seemed to be separated, but later, countless princes and dragons in the world were flattened by his sword, which was known as the Shenwu Zhongxing in history. Later generations commented that his civil and martial arts even surpassed the founder of the country, Xiang Yu!"

Professor Xiang said slightly excitedly: "No wonder this tomb is a bit strange. It is not in the shape of a prince, but it is a bit arrogant... If the other party is really a general of the rebel army, then there may be seals, military symbols and other proofs buried in his coffin. .”

"Then... get promoted and make a fortune!"

The metal worker yelled and spit on his hand.

Sun Yuan looked at this scene and suddenly felt a little funny, as if they had traveled through time for thousands of years and turned into some tomb robbers in history, hoping to find some treasure from the coffin in front of them...


The coffin is only the outermost layer, but it is very heavy.

Hu Gong and the metal worker worked together and used some modern equipment to open it.

Several people looked inside and took a breath of cold air.

I saw a huge coffin filled with jade, gold, cloth... and in the center was a coffin that looked like sapphire.

"Tsk, tsk, as expected, tomb robbers have to excavate those from before the Yanhan period. Look, this old man is very particular. This sapphire coffin alone outshines the golden nanmu, thousand-year-old dark wood and the like! This coffin, It’s also a national treasure!”

The four of them were stunned. After a while, the metal worker swallowed his saliva first and forced a smile.

"Well, it's indeed enough to reach the level of a national treasure."

Professor Xiang is a real scholar, and he was not dazzled by these gold and jade. He rolled his eyes slightly: "There are no military symbols, seals, etc. It seems that he was buried with him. Let's continue to open the coffin!"

Sun Yuan followed behind them and watched the sapphire coffin being opened. Suddenly, he seemed to see a layer of blood flowing out of the gap.

The next moment, everything returned to normal, as if what he had seen before was just an illusion!

‘This...sure enough, the tombs in the early Yanhan period were so mysterious! ’

‘No, I’m a college student, I’m a science major. ’

Sun Yuan quickly said to himself in his heart and looked at the coffin again.

After opening the sapphire coffin, you can see a skeleton inside.


There was a gasp.

It was Professor Xiang and the metalworker Hu Gong, their eyes widened.

They were all archeologists, so it was normal to see corpses.

But this skeleton is obviously different! After tens of thousands of years, its bones have become as crystal clear as jade, like a work of art!

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