Lord of the Divine Show

Chapter 493 Temple of Heaven (monthly ticket supplement)

After talking about Zhong Shenxiu, Lord Qingwei Daomiao did not leave.

He bowed solemnly first, and then said: "Your Majesty, the Temple of Heaven has been prepared, and it's just waiting for the right time..."

The previous assassination of the prince and the disposal of a soul were actually not as important as this matter.

In other words, what was discussed before was just a tie-in.

The Temple of Heaven is the place where sacrifices are made to heaven!

Ever since the old emperor changed his name to Yuan Chengtian, he has been making sacrifices to heaven.

Now, despite the chaos in the world, we are finally ready!

"Okay...when is the auspicious time?"

The old emperor asked excitedly.

"After forty-nine days, on the fifteenth day of July, there will be a celestial phenomenon!" Qingwei Dao Miao Zhenjun answered decisively.

"Pass an edict... summon Penglai, Fangcun, Yingzhou and other casual cultivator leaders to the capital. I want to reward them all!"

The old emperor pondered for a while and immediately gave the order.

This is actually sending experts from all over the world to Beijing to protect them, and all states in the world will inevitably become more corrupt.

But he has ignored it and is close to madness!

"According to the order!"

A big eunuch immediately knelt down.

The old emperor looked at Qingwei Daomiao Zhenjun again: "Of the three Taoist sects, only Taishang Longhu Sect has people who have been serving as officials for generations, and they are almost as one with the imperial court... Only Zhenjun has not betrayed me!"

He didn't even use the title "I", and he did seem to be showing some true feelings.

"Of course I am loyal to Yanhan and your Majesty."

Qingwei Dao Miao Zhenjun replied enthusiastically: "After all, the Taihuang Heaven is far away. Now that we have entered the Seven Lights Heaven, we naturally have to follow the local customs... The demise of the ancient ancient monks has proved this."

"Yes! But there is always someone, there is always someone who wants to harm me!"

The old emperor slapped his palm on the table. This thunderous fury made all the palace ladies tremble.

"Although there is a rift between the Taiping Sect and the Miaoji Zhenzong, His Majesty is orthodox after all and will not oppose it... At most, the two will not help each other, and the same goes for Buddhism. On the day of the celebration, there may be changes. Your Majesty can announce the treasures of Xiaoyuan of Konggang Temple and Tuomi Temple. The two prime ministers went to Beijing to teach the Dharma..."

These two are both well-known Dharma-sage figures in the Buddhist sect. One has attained the 'Golden Body of Prajna Arhat' and the other has attained the 'Golden Body of Arhat'. They are both eminent monks, powerful and compassionate.

"If the celebration changes, these two monks will not help us, but at least they can protect the people and allow the royal family to dedicate a few more warriors!"

Miao Zhenjun, the Qingwei Dao, said this.

"If that's the case, I'll feel more at ease. As for the Six Paths of Demon Sect..."

A very strange look appeared on the old emperor's face: "A group of devils, in fact, may not care about the reputation of the Taoist ancestors and the inheritance of the Taoism... They want the world to be in chaos!"

In his opinion, the Demon Sect is a group of opponents. No matter what the court wants to do, the Demon Sect will definitely oppose it!

Because their purpose is to bring chaos to the world!

Fortunately, the six paths of the Demon Sect each have different ideas, and there is a possibility of differentiation and disintegration.

"It was the last time that the seal of Jiugong Mountain was broken, and a Demonic Corpse Reverend Immortal escaped. This matter is very worrisome!" the old emperor sighed.

All the zombies are real nuclear weapons, and they can't move easily.

Even the news was kept secret.

Even Miao Zhenjun Qingwei Dao doesn't know how many corpse-resolving immortals there are among the six paths of the Demon Sect.

"The Demon Immortal is immortal. Even if the seal is sealed, it can only be sealed for a while and cannot last for a lifetime... In fact, the seal of Jiugong Mountain has long been dilapidated. It was also the time when the Demon Immortal was born. The Dragon and Tiger Sect sent people to guard it before, but it was just to do their best. Just listen to fate..."

Qingwei Dao Miaozhenjun replied.

"No wonder the last battle in the cave always felt a bit anticlimactic..."

The old emperor also understood that it meant that it was easy to release the demon fairy, but difficult to hold and maintain the seal.

Therefore, there is no need to do more meaningless things.

"What if a demonic immortal attacks me when I'm offering sacrifices to heaven?"

The old emperor finally talked about the most critical question: "How is the ancestor of Zhenjun's sect doing?"

"Uncle Master has been training in the sect. If the situation in Changluo is critical, he may take action once..."

Qingwei Daomiao Zhenjun's voice became a little deeper.

All around, the palace maids and eunuchs who were still confused suddenly became confused.

This top secret is not something they can hear.

Daze City.

The rooster sings loudly, the east is white.

Inside Taoyuan Pavilion.

Countless servants are cleaning up the remains of last night's battle.

Even the elite guards left behind by the government and the Xuantiansi monks would cast their awe-struck gazes at a house from time to time.

The shocking sword attack last night seemed to be lingering in their minds and they could not calm down for a long time.

After all, that is...

Kill the soul with one sword!

The ancestor of the Yuan Dan has a lifespan of five hundred years, and the immortality of the Yuan Shen through refining is the beginning of true immortality!

And just last night, a myth of immortality sadly fell.

That was a battle that would be remembered by the spiritual world!

Within the building.

Zhong Shenxiu looked leisurely, tasting the tea in front of him. Opposite him were Bai Yunxian, Qingyuan County Lord, the fourth prince and others who were accompanying him.

"I didn't expect that my Taoist friend would be an expert in Yuanshen. I'm disrespectful and disrespectful!"

Bai Yunxian saluted repeatedly, feeling even more grateful to the Lord of Qingyuan County who had stopped him before.

If she had really attacked Zhong Shenxiu, she would be like the Faceless Buddha now, with his ashes cold, right?

"Please rest assured, young master, this prince has already sent a letter to the imperial court, and the person responsible for the aftermath will be here soon!"

The fourth prince felt a little pain in his body, heartache, and pain everywhere.

By now, he already knew about the death of Master Xuan Xin.

To win over a real Yuandan, even he spent a lot of money and effort, but now it is completely ruined.

However, I have already vomited that point in my heart. After all, the Shenxiu young master in front of me is the soul!

Even a powerful soul that can kill the Faceless Buddha!

Even the prince could not win over such a person easily.

In other words, only after he becomes the prince, it may be possible to allocate someone from the royal family to him, and he may not be as powerful as the Faceless Buddha.

"This assassination of Gu must be thoroughly investigated!"

The fourth prince was really scared, so he became even more angry.

At this time, he also knew that those brothers actually invited the Demon Sect assassins, and it was not safe to go anywhere. It would be better to continue to stay with Zhong Shenxiu and wait until the court investigators arrived: "Young Master also helped me out of righteousness before, Gu Bi There’s a generous reward!”

"I only took action because the other party was plotting against me."

Zhong Shenxiu's expression was calm.

In fact, he had little fondness for the royal family.

After all, the Su family was almost wiped out because it was involved in the eldest prince’s rebellion!

At first, when he was not strong enough, he thought of helping Su Daozhi take care of his family.

Now that you have enough strength, maybe you want to take revenge?

While he was deep in thought, he suddenly turned his eyes and looked somewhere. The others waited for a moment before they saw a blue bird flying over and calling out: "Master of the Supreme Dragon and Tiger Sect, the Miao Zhenjun of Qingwei Dao is here!"

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