Lord of the Divine Show

Chapter 283 Tear (please vote for me)

Originally, Cynthini disapproved of people in the mysterious world.

In his opinion, as long as they are human beings, they will turn into a pile of rotten flesh under the typewriter.

Aren’t the Notting Hill family always so simple and direct in their actions?

To deal with Levi, simply find a gunman and shoot the opponent directly in the head.

Even if the opponent is very skilled, they can't resist a group of people holding typewriters and shooting!

If nothing else works, you can kidnap the other party's family and force the other party to compromise.

Although kidnapping and extortion is Gambina's main business, the Notting Hill family is also very skilled in it.

All this changed until I met the voodoo wizard.

Thinking of the terrifying experiences she had been exposed to before, Xinxini couldn't help but shuddered; 'The patriarch is right, only mystery can fight mystery. Professional things must be left to professionals! ’

At this moment, a dark object was thrown in from the window, and the lead was still burning and was about to end.


Sinsini's blood suddenly surged to the top of his head, and his whole body froze there.

Fortunately, his men were smart and quickly threw him to the ground.


The next moment, a shocking explosion sounded, making his eardrums buzz.

A large amount of dust fell, and Sinsini climbed up in embarrassment, only to find that there was a corpse lying on top of him.

The loyal man had a bloody head and was no longer breathing.

He stood up in disgrace and saw that the originally leisurely room had turned into a hell of flesh and blood.

There were broken limbs everywhere, blood flowing across the walls, and broken internal organs covering the walls.


Xinxini murmured to himself, but felt that his hands and feet were not obeying the instructions of his brain, and there was a roar in his eardrums.

In a daze, he saw four people rushing in, all holding typewriters in their hands, and they pressed him against the wall next to him as if they were sweeping away trash.

"All outside gunmen are cleared."

With a cold expression on his face, Scarface suddenly took out a silver-white metal flask, opened the lid, and poured a mouthful of cold blood into his mouth.


Deep in the farm, the door to the wizard's boarding house suddenly opened, and a short, dark-skinned guy dressed like a wandering hippie came out.

"You...will pay the price for disturbing me!"

The wizard said something in broken Mesoemia. At the same time, a circle of terrifying light seemed to bloom in his eyes, scanning everyone.

Xinxini immediately felt that his hands and feet were weak, and he felt as if a huge mountain had been pressed against him mentally. His body was completely unable to move, and he fell limply to the ground.

'It's these eyes, these are the eyes of the abyss from hell... We haven't lost yet, we still have the wizard...'

He looked expectantly at Scarface, who was holding the gun, but found that the other person's palm was still holding the typewriter steadily.

"Crossfire, fire!"

Suddenly, Scarface roared and pulled the trigger.

Da da!

Da da!

The astonishing firepower formed a network, not sparing any part of the wizard's surroundings.

The terrifying metal storm directly tore the opponent's body apart, turning the opponent into a pile of rotten flesh.

Cynthini seemed to be dumbfounded, staring blankly at this scene.

This is a wizard! A true mystery man!

Even the patriarch of the Notting Hill family must be treated with respect.

He once saw the cursed doll made by the other party using hair, which easily took the life of an unlucky person, and he also saw the reanimated corpse body transformed by the other party, which was not only extremely powerful, but also immune to all diseases and pains.

I also know that ordinary people are just like ants in front of wizards.

But now, Sinsini felt something in her heart suddenly collapse.

Some pieces of flesh and blood spattered and landed on his face, giving him a warm feeling.

'It turns out...the flesh and blood of wizards is also like this...'

Cynthini watched Scarface and the others easily beat the wizard into rotten flesh like a honeycomb, then pointed his gun in the air, muttering to himself, as if praying silently.

"The flesh and blood are bitter and weak..."

Scarface lowered his head, observed a few seconds of silence for this mysterious person, and then sent out a signal.

"It's done, it's that simple."

On the carriage, Zhong Shenxiu said to James who looked dull: "Let's go... come with me to see Scarface's achievements."

They walked into the farm and saw Sinsini, which was like mud, and a scene like a slaughterhouse.

"Boss, it's all settled."

Scarface showed a ferocious smile: "Thankfully, I thought the mysterious man could last longer under the gun..."

"Don't be arrogant and complacent. If he does not take the route of strengthening flesh and blood, but gives up himself and transforms into some kind of spirit body, you will be in a hard battle..."

Zhong Shenxiu squatted down and looked at the remains of the unfortunate wizard.

Obviously, this guy has made some kind of modification to his body, making his physical fitness far beyond that of ordinary people, but it's no use!

Although he might be able to fight ten Scarfaces with his bare hands, or he might be able to take a few bullets from small-caliber firearms as if nothing had happened, but he still looked extremely weak when faced with the bombardment of several typewriters.

At this time, even his head was smashed.

"It can be seen that he died peacefully..."

Zhong Shenxiu sighed and found no secret book on the wizard, only a broken voodoo doll and some spiritual materials.

This is normal. It is impossible for every mysterious person to carry advanced mysterious knowledge to benefit outsiders.

He stood up and pointed at Sinsini, and a boy immediately picked him up.

"I remember that you are the left hand of the Notting Hill family, Mr. Sinsini, right?"

Zhong Shenxiu smiled. Scarface and James stood beside him, looking a bit like a boss.

Xinxini looked dazed, as if she still hadn't recovered from the blow just now.

When James saw this, he immediately went over and slapped him twice.

"Levi...if you win, kill me." Xinxini looked ashen.

"You didn't arrange this, the culprit is Garcia... Do you want to live and get to the next level?"

Zhong Shenxiu used the muzzle of his gun to lift Sinsini's chin and issued a devil's invitation.

Sinsini's eyes moved, then turned gray again: "We in Notting Hill don't have the tradition of letting people who kill patriarchs come to power..."

"Then you will be the first!"

Zhong Shenxiu sneered: "The so-called traditions and rules are meant to be broken. As long as you have enough power...and ambition, you don't lack such things, you only lack an opportunity."

"No, I don't have many people on my hands. The elite of the family are all in the right hand and the executioner..." Xinxini replied subconsciously.

"I can give you power, come and have a taste."

Zhong Shenxiu asked James to pry open Xinxini's mouth, aim the wine bottle, and take a sip of 'Savage Bear'.

The next moment, Xinxini roared, and the muscles on his body expanded instantly, making the suit extremely tight, and he broke free from the restraints of others.

"Do you see? I can provide this magical spirit wine to you for free, so that you can rely on its power to rise to power..."

Zhong Shenxiu smiled and said: "In return, I want all the bootlegging business controlled by Notting Hill... Believe me, you will not suffer a loss."

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