Lord of the Divine Show

Chapter 270 Moving (please subscribe!)

City of Byron.

Although the order contract was signed and the plan was to slowly hand over the affairs of Baidaoshang to Jones, Zhong Shenxiu knew that things would not be so simple.

If you want to make a fortune from the bootlegging business in Byron, there is another hurdle that cannot be bypassed, and that is the federal prohibition agents!

Even if a lot of preparations are made, even the initial goods can be stored in secret warehouses, secretly transported, etc., there is still a risk of exposure whether it is a bar or a pharmacy!

As long as those detectives are chasing around like mad dogs, there will always be loopholes and clues.

Therefore, they still have to be dealt with!

‘Actually... this is not too difficult. Judging from the situation in Byron City, I don’t know about the detectives in other cities, but most of the anti-alcohol detectives in this city have collected dirty money! ’

Otherwise, the three major gangs would have been shut down countless times for running the bar business so blatantly.

Perhaps, there are still a few agents who are dedicated to their duties, but they are already very few.

It doesn't mean much when their bosses take dirty money.

'Of course, that is the informant of the Notting Hill family, not mine. I should develop one of my own among the prohibition agents, and even use the power of the federation to destroy the opponent's bar...'

'However, all this is a matter for the future. ’

The location selection of the pharmacy and various plans to hire people made Zhong Shenxiu extremely busy.

At the same time, the gangsters nearby also learned about the Whisperer Bar, and also learned that the Notting Hill family had reached a settlement with the Sili man Levi. They immediately understood that the backstage of this bar was very tough, and they did not deliberately seek trouble. .

This also made Smith's employment much more convenient, and he easily recruited several waiters and waitresses.

Zhong Shenxiu decided to hire them all after a short interview. By the way, Jones would not be allowed to come to the bar again in the future.

After all, teenagers at that age are the most likely to learn bad things.

September 1, 667 in the federal calendar.

The federation of this world also divides a year into twelve months, a month of thirty days, and a day of twenty-four hours. It is said that this mysterious division method comes from a god worshiped by the church, who controls the authority of time.

Li Wei had never taken it seriously before, but after Zhong Shenxiu found out, he was still a little surprised.


Outside the original shack of Mojito's house.

Zhong Shenxiu took Jones with him and prepared to move.

I had no choice but to live here before, but now that the conditions are better, I naturally want to live in a higher-end community.

At least, in Levi's memory, the security in the slums was really bad. Occasionally, a few corpses would be found in the sewers. Even the agents would load their pistols in advance when they came here, as if they were entering a war zone.

In Zhong Shenxiu's opinion, all the things in his old home could be thrown away, but Jones insisted on coming back.

They hired a carriage, and the two of them moved some furniture, mainly items with special meanings, onto the carriage, and the rest could be thrown away.

Of course, they will soon be found by owners who need them more. The residents of the slums are all experts in calculating money.

The movement at Mojito's house certainly attracted the attention of the surrounding people.

Several children looked at this scene curiously, while some adults' eyes were filled with envy.

They also vaguely knew what had happened before, and understood that having a bar in Mojito's house was not much different from owning a money printing machine.

Now, he has successfully escaped from the quagmire of the slums. This legend will become the idol of many people, inspiring generations of slum boys to fight for it.

"Levi, are you moving out?"

Ms. Wesley happened to pass by delivering bread and said hello.

"Yes, I rented an apartment on Merlin Avenue in the Earls' Quarter. You are welcome to visit me."

Zhong Shenxiu replied with a smile.

Earls District is a well-known middle-class gathering place in Byron City. There are hospitals, department stores, police stations, and public carriages in the community. The public security is good and life is convenient.

When these people in the slums heard this, they couldn't help but feel even more envious.

A very healthy and lively girl with two pigtails, freckles on her face, and a plaid skirt came out immediately: "Hi, Jones!"

"Hi Mesa!"

When Jones saw this girl, he greeted her awkwardly.

On the contrary, it was Meisha who asked Zhong Shenxiu calmly and generously: "Is your bar still hiring? I was fired from the coffee shop and I am looking for a job."

Looking at Jones's pleading eyes, Zhong Shenxiu smiled and nodded: "Okay, go find Smith, just do what I said, thirty cents a day!"

Meisha's eyes lit up and she agreed immediately. She also rolled up her sleeves and wanted to take the initiative to help the two brothers move, but Zhong Shenxiu refused.

After a lot of work, the two of them drove a carriage to No. 25 Merlin Avenue in the Earl's District.

A three-story apartment building suddenly appeared in front of them. There was an iron fence in front of the door, and there was a small garden between the door and the living room.

At this time, Carmela and Jennifer heard the noise and ran out excitedly.

"Well, Carmela, your dressing table and Jennifer's toy cabinet are not left behind..."

Zhong Shenxiu smiled and touched the heads of the two lolita, and asked at the same time: "Are you still getting used to living in the new room?"

"Of course, I like a bedroom with a private bathroom."

Carmela smiled and replied: "Jennifer is probably too young to live alone."

When she said this, Jennifer next to her rolled her eyes.

This made Zhong Shenxiu laugh a little, and at the same time lamented that poor children mature earlier.

The family entered the apartment and started enjoying dinner.

This time it was a meal that Zhong Shenxiu bought directly from outside. The staple food was white bread, as well as turkey, French fries, steak, and various jams.

"Tomorrow, the tutor I hired for you will arrive. Let's start with the simplest alphabet lesson..."

Zhong Shenxiu said with a smile while holding a glass of sweet wine.

No matter you are a bear or a smart child, you will soon realize the horror of homework.

"And you, Jones, you need to learn from the accountant I hired first."

He glanced at Jones, who was laughing strangely next to him, and added the same sentence, causing the latter to wail: "Why?"

"Huh, you can't read statements or financial reports, but you still want to start a company and make a lot of money?"

Zhong Shenxiu scolded you with great disdain: "If you want to take over a certain aspect of the business, this is a necessary process, otherwise I won't rest assured."

"Alright alright……"

Jones covered his head with a headache, as if thinking about his miserable life in the future, he felt like he was starting to have a headache now.

Carmela and Jennifer looked at each other, but snickered.

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