Lord of the Divine Show

Chapter 268 Planning (5200 supplement)


Scarface's injury has improved slightly. He is now wrapped in a bandage and can barely walk.

He opened the door, and Jones, Carmela, Jennifer and others behind him suddenly let out a cry of surprise:


Especially Jones, this kid seemed to be in this kind of place for the first time. He touched the sofa excitedly, knocked on the counter, looked at the bottles of wine behind the glass, and swallowed.

"Everyone, welcome to the Whisperer Bar, which is the name given by Boss Levi."

Smith came out from the back holding a rag: "We are currently recruiting people and will be able to open soon. At night, this place will be very lively."

"Brother, does this bar belong to us?"

Jones looked at Zhong Shenxiu walking over, his eyes filled with excitement: "I've been here once, but I was stopped by the big man outside. And... I don't have any money. Mesha said that some beautiful women, as long as you I'm willing to take them to the bar for a drink, and that's it in the evening..."


Zhong Shenxiu gave Jones a hard blow on the back of his head: "Carmela and Jennifer are here, what are you talking about?"

"It's okay. Anyway, I know that Jones has been secretly washing the sheets during the day... and also stuffing love letters to girls..."

Carmela said with a smile, while Jennifer next to her blinked her innocent eyes and looked at everything around her curiously.

"Don't say it!"

Jones screamed and tried to cover his sister's mouth, but it was too late.

In an instant, the pale green boy felt as if his skin had been steamed, and steam was constantly coming out from the inside out.

"Haha, this is youth."

Scarface sighed, and his expression turned solemn: "Boss, have you dealt with the old sea dog?"


Zhong Shenxiu nodded.

"What about the Notting Hill family?"

"At least you will be safe until I die... If I die, I won't be able to care about this." Zhong Shenxiu shrugged and said very irresponsible words.

"Such a big bar, it must be able to make a lot of money, right?"

After a while, Jones finally diverted his sister's attention and changed the subject.

"Under the previous boss, the turnover could be hundreds or thousands of dollars in one night..." Smith answered with certainty.

"Haha! Haha! We are rich, we are rich!"

Jones grabbed Zhong Shenxiu's arm: "Levi...let me be the 'janitor'. I don't want a salary, and I will definitely take care of the bar."

The gatekeeper of a speakeasy has the responsibility of identifying prohibition agents, which also requires a certain amount of force and intimidation, and is often the boss's confidant.

Jones, who was at least sixteen years old, was completely unqualified.

Zhong Shenxiu shook his head: "I am going to let Scarface be the gatekeeper. Scarface, you should recover from your injuries as soon as possible and come to work. Remember, according to federal law, private land is sacred and inviolable. We have the right to keep strangers out, as long as When I see you, I feel like a federal agent’s black dog, blocking the door directly. If you dare to break in, I’ll kill them!”

"Of course! I can't wait to work for the boss."

Scarface showed his big white teeth.

"Very good, now let me talk about our career plan."

Zhong Shenxiu clapped his hands: "First of all, we must continue to operate the private wine business, but we can't sell those inferior products or even fake wine. Look at how many unlucky people in the hospital have become blind or even died because of this... Although I don't sympathize with them, but This will ruin our sign!”

"But...everyone is doing this..."

Smith said awkwardly: "Besides, if we don't sell this kind of wine, what can we sell?"

There are still some fine products in the wine cellar, but they are the inventory of the old sea dog and will only last a few days.

"Everyone has pursuits, and our pursuits must be higher."

Zhong Shenxiu said in an inciting tone: "We want to sell wine with better flavor, better quality, and will not send people to hospital graves. We want to make a brand... Let other people think of us Whisperers when they think of good wine. Bars, not other bullshit places... We must use high-quality and low-priced products to continuously squeeze the market of our peers and seize all the shares. In the end, we will be the king of moonshine in this city!!"

This is also to fulfill Levi's obsession.

"But... in terms of supply."

Smith raised a question.

Lao Haigou has his own supply of goods, but Zhong Shenxiu doesn't. If this continues, in a few days, they won't even be able to sell the bad wine they used to have.

"I will take care of this."

Zhong Shenxiu replied: "I will find a stable, high-quality and cheap supply!"

"Then I have no problem."

Smith is a practitioner and knows the inside story of this industry very well. He also knows that once the kind of wine Zhong Shenxiu mentioned is launched on the market, it will definitely become famous and US dollars will flow into his pocket like crazy.

"Levi, from today on, you are my idol!"

Jones was extremely excited: "I will work hard for our cause."

Obviously, the blueprint drawn by Zhong Shenxiu did not attract others, but instead deceived this inexperienced boy into confusion.

'You kid, in your previous life, you were a fool investor who was deceived by the PPT plan and lost your money in vain...'

Zhong Shenxiu rolled his eyes secretly: "I have no intention of letting you enter the bar."


Jones, who just wanted to suggest that everyone have a drink together, suddenly stopped.

"First of all, Carmela and Jennifer must go to school. School...well, it seems there are only church schools. Forget it, let's move first and hire a tutor..."

Zhong Shenxiu revealed his plans for his three younger brothers and sisters.

There were very few schools in this era, and aristocratic private schools did not need to be considered. Public schools could not enter, and the only remaining ones were church schools.

However, the latter is not only worried about teaching and funding, but more importantly, will be indoctrinated into unknown beliefs.

Zhong Shenxiu thought about it and still felt that he couldn't let these two lolita be tortured. He could slowly cultivate them at home. It would only cost a little money at most.

"And you, Jones, are you really unwilling to go to school? Or become an apprentice and learn a trade. In fact, I still hope that you can go to school and become a doctor or lawyer in the future."

Doctors and lawyers are one of the most respectable professions in the Mesoemia Federation and are symbols of the middle class.

"Levi, don't you know I get a headache when I read a book? And...I'm sixteen!" Jones immediately shook his head.

"All right."

Zhong Shenxiu spread his hands to express his compromise. He knew that with the rebellious mentality at this age, forcing him to go to school would not have any good effect, and Jones' brain might not be able to graduate successfully.

Perhaps, without his own time travel, he would have gone to the dock to work as a coolie or join a gang.

‘The bigger account has been worn out, so we can only look forward to two small accounts. ’

He thought for a while, nodded and said: "That's okay... you go out with me tomorrow and prepare to learn how to do business!"

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