Lord of the Divine Show

Chapter 220 Emperor Tongtian (monthly ticket 1000 plus)

The contemporary Emperor Wu ascended the throne at the age of twenty-three and reigned for twenty years. In total, he should be forty-three years old.

The number of years that the royal family has occupied the first place in the Heavenly Ranking has been more than a century.

Logically speaking, these two people should not be the same person at all.

But Zhong Shenxiu was very sure of his judgment.

Although the other party was wearing a dragon robe and his appearance and vitality were only middle-aged, the spirit of a great master was not fake.

In fact, the other party, just like me, has touched the threshold of the transcendent world, and is also a master of crushing the void in half a step!

Zhong Shenxiu pressed his eyebrows and felt a tingling sensation in his temples.

Inspiration captures images that were originally blurry and become clearer and clearer.

It’s still a palace here, but there are two protagonists.

One was the Martial Emperor in front of him, but his expression was very frightened and he was crawling on the ground.

Behind him was a very old corpse.

The other person's face was covered with wrinkles, like layers of old tree bark, and his limbs were as bony as wood. He definitely looked over a hundred years old.

Zhong Shenxiu even believed that he was two hundred years old.

"Don't... let me go..."

Emperor Wu was crawling on the ground at this time, bursting into tears. He had no trace of the emperor's magnanimity at all. In other words, he was just a mediocre emperor, or even a coward!

He seemed to be afraid of the old corpse behind him.

In other words, it’s what’s under the skin!


From the back of the old corpse's neck, a clear sound of tearing could be heard.

Although this corpse was extremely old, the tearing sound was very harsh, like tearing a steel body.

Zhong Shenxiu was shocked, knowing that the warrior had cultivated himself to the point of indestructibility. His body alone could compare to the indestructibility of the Stone Buddha!

And what came out of the gap under the flesh bag was...

A pale monster!

It has crab-like jointed limbs, but its main body is a brain full of grooves.

It looks like a monster with a facehugger and a head fused together!

Its jointed limbs took turns crawling, moving quickly, like a spider, quickly approaching the emperor from the wall.

"No...I am the emperor...I..."

Emperor Wu was so frightened that he collapsed into a puddle of mud, allowing the monster to come behind him, easily tear open his spine, and claw out a piece of brain. Immediately, he crawled in like a hermit crab.

Looking at Emperor Wu's almost crazy look, he must not only be afraid, but also affected by the great master's spirit.

After the monster magpie nest dove took over Emperor Wu's body, the wound on his spine healed quickly, leaving only a red line.

'Martial Emperor' began to slowly get up, constantly moving his limbs, like a child getting familiar with a new toy.

His gaze gradually revealed an aura of scorn for the world. Through the barrier of time and space, the two figures overlapped, looking down at the people, looking at Zhong Shenxiu, and the words full of power and firmness rang out: "I have already nation!"

It was so natural to him, as if what he said would definitely come true.

"I finally understand...why the contemporary Emperor Wu suddenly made up his mind..."

Zhong Shenxiu sighed.

In fact, the emperor is more selfish, and most of them have the idea that after I die, I will not care about the flood.

By this time, the Wu Dynasty had accumulated evils for thousands of years and it was definitely difficult to recover. No matter how virtuous the emperor and his ministers were, it would be difficult to undo it.

Why would Emperor Wu be so desperate?

Although it now seems that the imperial court has a strong hidden power, even if it occupies nearly half of the world's power, it does not dare to attack both good and evil rashly, because it is afraid of breaking bottles and cans. After all, the emperor originally regarded the world as their own.

The more rigid the royal family's government is, the less they want to change. Wouldn't it be better to enjoy the imperial power in peace and leave the trouble to the descendants after death?

The reason for everything is, of course, that the original Emperor Wu has been replaced by someone else!

"It's just...even if you are a great worshiper, can the court and the royal family give up on an emperor? You used a method of immortality to take away the emperor's body, right? Turn your own brain into a monster, and then take away the immortality of the blood descendant Law? You are not only a great minister of the royal family, but also the Great Martial Ancestor - Emperor Tongtian!"

Zhong Shenxiu is definitely authentic.

Organ transplantation will definitely cause rejection, so it is best to be a blood relative.

This royal enshrinement is definitely the ancestor of the royal family, and he survives by taking the lives of his descendants.

Judging from his last body, he was nearly two hundred years old. Before that, there might have been far more than one victim.

The royal family of the Dawu Dynasty took "Emperor" as their surname. The first generation of Dawu Taizu named himself - Di Tongtian!

"You are very smart……"

There was a look of nostalgia in the eyes of the royal minister: "Emperor Tongtian? I haven't used this name for a long time... Five hundred years ago, I was the Heavenly Emperor Sword, three hundred years ago, I was the Blood Demon, two hundred years ago, I He is a Qingping Sanren who used the name of the royal family to travel around the world a hundred years ago..."

"It's just that I still have a few questions. Even if you are Emperor Tongtian, can you let the royal master die for you?"

Zhong Shenxiu stared at Di Tongtian's purple eyes, and suddenly understood: "Unless... you have secretly influenced them. Although the Wannu Divine Art of the Five Poison Sect is secretly taught, even "Pictures of Strangers", They are all derived from the "Wordless Sky Monument", of course you have similar techniques!"


Di Tongtian was very talkative: "Don't worry, I have given the order, no one will bother us... I have been planning for many years, and it is coming to an end. Today, I want to thank you for killing those three people for me... My The 'True Dragon Eye' and the 'Wannu Divine Eye' are both good at winning. Although they cannot completely obliterate the personality of the Grand Master and make them slaves, they can subtly strengthen their certain beliefs... Those Grand Masters were originally affiliated with the imperial court. They have a belief in loyalty, but it is not strong. I have strengthened this belief and made them change from serving the imperial court to dying for the imperial court!"

Zhong Shenxiu nodded to express his understanding.

The secret technique of True Dragon Eye cannot reverse the belief of a great master. For example, if a saint monk, immortal evil emperor and others insist on being enemies of the imperial court, they cannot reverse it.

But if a great master has a feeling of loyalty in his heart, but it is very weak, this belief can be strengthened tenfold and a hundredfold through subtle influence.

In the end, he changed from just helping the court casually to completing tasks for the court even if he risked his life.

To a certain extent, this is a more evil technique than the Wannu Divine Eye!

"So...last question."

Zhong Shenxiu stared at Di Tongtian: "With your martial arts, you can cleanse the other seven major forces a long time ago. Why wait until now? And... depending on your style, you are simply trying to kill the imperial court and the great masters in the opposition..."

If this person had taken action as soon as possible, apart from other things, the holy monk would have been the first to be killed, and the two of them would not have been dragged on his back.

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