Lord of the Divine Show

Chapter 114 Fanaticism (1000 more, please vote for me!)

The different attitudes towards immortality also distinguish the Taoist demons from the miscellaneous ones.

The true Taoist sect emphasizes using profound magical power to suppress the transformation of immortals. Even if you refine the soul and the body, as long as you restrain yourself and don't show your true nature, you can still be the same as a normal person.

The Demon Sect, on the other hand, tries to control the transformation of immortals. Once they fight, they transform into demon gods. Their fighting power is astonishing, but they are also extremely easy to go crazy and become mad.

The Brahma sect spreads its faith all over the world, using the incense and divine thoughts as its anchor to achieve a balance with immortality. However, it will be broken accidentally, and the incense is poisonous. Buddhist monks are often infiltrated to the point where they cannot escape, cannot help themselves, and their personalities change. Gradually, it becomes the ideal image of the believer, and there is no self anymore.

These three schools can be regarded as the mainstream of Yanhan, and they also learn from each other in their techniques.

Even if you see the shadow of Taoism and Buddhism in the fundamental law of the Demon Sect, you don’t need to be too surprised.

The last side sect is a mixed bag, with Buddhism, Taoism and demons all mixed together, without a system.

"This Lord Black Lotus spreads beliefs that look like Buddhism, but are extremely evil. He is probably a side branch of the Demon Sect...or he may be a monk from a side sect, taking advantage of the situation."

Zhong Shenxiu nodded and had some guesses.


Yixin Laodao also agreed with this guess and told in detail what happened to Shen Yunzi.

Near Luoqiao Mountain, there is a small town called Luojiazhuang.

In the evening of this day, a slovenly Taoist who was tired from the journey walked into the village.

He was only in his thirties, but he was wearing a worn-out sloppy robe, his beard had not been shaved for an unknown period of time, and his hair was as messy as a henhouse, making it hard to tell how old he was.

This is Shen Yunzi, the second disciple who is dedicated to being an expert.

After Shen Yunzi came down from the mountain, because he was short of money, he participated in several gatherings of casual practitioners, but he didn't receive any suitable evil energy.

But this man had a stable mind and didn't take it seriously. Instead, he played with the world in the image of a sloppy Taoist and did quite a few good things.

When the return date was approaching, he chose to walk and prepared to walk back to Yixinkan.

The dark sky fell, darkening the earth.

Shen Yunzi walked for a long time and finally saw a Luojiazhuang. Although cultivators are not afraid of the wind and sleeping in the open, having a roof to cover their heads is better than nothing.

Before he even got close, his expression froze.

The monk's hearing allowed him to hear the faint sound of chanting coming from the villages and towns.

‘Has this village collectively converted? ’

Shen Yunzi felt a little heavy in his heart. From the chaotic sounds of scriptures, he recognized that these were not any widely circulated Buddhist scriptures, but they gave people a strange feeling when they were spoken.

Its pronunciation was vague, its sentences were simple, but it had a grunting sound, mixed together, as if countless instruments were playing at will, turning into strange notes, and even he couldn't recognize the original meaning.

I just feel a little bit heavier in my heart, as if a huge boulder is constantly putting pressure on me...

'Luojiazhuang is close to Luoqiao Mountain, and I have a responsibility here...'

With this idea in mind, Shen Yunzi took a deep breath and walked into the town.

There are very few pedestrians on the only avenue in the village. Occasionally, one appears, with a dull expression, like a walking corpse.

"This good believer."

Shen Yunzi's back felt hairy, but he called out to a middle-aged farmer who looked like a farmer: "Shen Yunzi, a poor Taoist, wants to stay for the night, but I don't know..."

"Zhuangzi...to the east...there is a ruined temple!"

The farmer spat out a few syllables.

When Shen Yunzi saw him, he felt relieved at first, because he found that this man was still conscious, but he seemed to be very depressed and did not want to talk to others.

"Thank you very much. I wonder if you have encountered any strange things recently?" Shen Yunzi bowed and asked again.

"Do you know...Master Black Lotus?"

The man's expression suddenly changed, becoming fanatical, and his speaking speed became much faster: "The end of the world is coming, the world will fall, the black lotus will save the world, and reach eternal life..."

‘It turns out to be the Black Lotus Sect. This sect has actually developed to this extent? Judging from the look on this man's face, he actually sincerely believes this. It's really... scary! ’

But there were many foolish men and women in the countryside who were deceived. Shen Yunzi just sighed in his heart and prepared to see who was the leader of the Black Lotus Sect in Zhuangzi.

If his cultivation level is low, his faith will be broken by playing tricks on him in front of his face.

If your cultivation level is too high, you have no choice but to run away.

He thought for a while and asked: "Is there any sacrificial wine in your village? The altar master? Or the incense master?"

"Who is that?" The man's expression became dull again: "Never... heard of it..."

‘No one is preaching, so how did the Great Master Black Lotus spread it? ’

Shen Yunzi changed the question: "Who was the first to spread the word about Black Lotus Master?"

"Pan Xiucai... read the book... and said he saw... Zhili... no one believed it... so he copied... a page... and then... everyone believed it..."

The man didn't move his eyes and answered with a dull expression.

‘Could this Pan Xiucai be a hidden demon? Still performing magic? No, this man was not possessed by a spell that deceives his mind... He just believed in this from the bottom of his heart! ’

Shen Yunzi was even more confused.

At this time, I heard the man next to me say: "The time... has come... I want to... recite sutras."

He took out a crumpled piece of papyrus from his arms, with piety and fanaticism on his face, and began to recite scriptures: "The end of the world is approaching, the heaven and the earth are sinking, and from time to time the Black Lotus Lord is preaching..."

His voice rose and fell, gradually becoming blurry, blending with the faint sound of chanting from around him.

Shen Yunzi put his fingers together, touched his eyes, opened his spiritual eyes, and looked at the piece of papyrus.

There is nothing magical about it. It is just the cheapest and most ordinary tissue paper. It will fall into pieces if you tear it lightly.

On it, a few lines of words were vaguely copied in handwriting that looked like a child's graffiti, and even the order of the words was not smooth.

It looks like a bad joke.

But even so, this man was still confused.

Shen Yunzi felt a chill in his heart and used his invisibility technique to hide aside.

At midnight, he saw the door of the village open, and men, women, old people, children... came out one by one, gathered on Zhuangzi's threshing floor, and began to recite obscure scriptures that were difficult to pronounce.

At dawn, I went back to my own business and started my day numbly.

Even Pan Xiucai was secretly inspected by Shen Yunzi, and it was found that he was just a mortal, and the original version of the 'Book of Classics' was just a miscellaneous reading note randomly printed by an unknown small bookshop, and there seemed to be some mistakes in it. version, but that’s about it.

Just such a book, coupled with a delusional person, poisoned a village, and the poison was endless!

The more Shen Yunzi observed, the more he felt that these people had completely sunk. They lived mechanically every day, chanted sutras fanatically, had no response to other things, and seemed to be gradually losing their emotions.

He believed that this matter must be resolved as soon as possible without delay, so he prepared to take a final look at the ruined temple mentioned by the man.

Before leaving, Shen Yunzi had some ominous premonitions, so he sent a paper crane letter with detailed information and sent it to the master...

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