Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 36 Future Life

Because we are a family

A family that loves each other”

After cutting down trees for several days, Hozenplozzi and others left the camp in Lohr Town in a carriage and sang songs for Wesson Ridge.

He was a little worried at first. If he was recognized by people in Hongniba Village again, he would cause some trouble.

Don't worry now, you are surrounded by people you don't know from other places, no one knows you, now everyone is a brother and sister of Wesson Ridge.

Huo Zhenplozi thought about it, and he would spend his whole life working in various fields.

He didn't know that Frederick's order was to disperse people from all over the place, thinking that Baron Wesson was taking care of him.

It took them four days to arrive at the camp outside the town of Weisenlinghausen. On the second day, someone came to them and asked them what their specialties were.

I am a farmer.×2

Huo Zhenplozi found that a woman next to him gave the same answer as himself.

He turned his head curiously and found that the other party was also looking at him. She was a woman who was younger than him, strong and somewhat beautiful.

Hello, I'm Liher.

Ah, hello, my name is Huo Zhenploz.

The two of them were considered acquaintances.

The red hat looked at the two of them, both of them were strong, and asked: There is a village in the south on the side of the mountain. Not far away is someone else's territory. There are often wild animals running over there. Are you willing to go there?

The two agreed immediately.

Two days later, Huozhenploz and Liher followed others in a donkey cart and sang songs to the place where their new lives began.

Liheer, who was riding in the donkey cart, asked the driver: Can you raise a donkey?

Huo Zhenplozi replied: You know one thing, didn't the red hat say there will be someone to teach you, just learn it and you will be good.

At this time, it was impossible for a village to be without livestock, which were used for pulling carts, pulling mills, and carrying things.

However, the demand for livestock in Weisen Ridge was too great, and there were not that many pack horses on the market, so I bought a lot of Ammi donkeys unique to Rhodes Island in the Aegeus Sea.

Ammi donkeys have very strong endurance. Legend has it that two foreign men and two women from other places worked with an Ammi donkey on Rhode Island, and they did not have a day off for two years.

Huo Zhenplozi said with a smile: I can get extra wages by raising donkeys in the village. After I save enough money, I want to buy an Ammu mule.

That's good. Liheer said, Amu's mule is easy to raise. If it doesn't obey, slap it twice in the mouth and you'll be good.

When you have time, you can put the car in the car and go to the town to buy some goods and sell them in the village.

I heard that there is a kind of black crystal egg here, which is made from eggs. I thought about collecting the eggs from a nearby village and making them myself, and then sold them to the city.

While talking, they passed by a camp with tents surrounded by simple wooden walls, and many people were cutting down trees nearby.

There are several animal-drawn sawing machines near the forest. After processing the wood, they bring it to the camp to build wooden houses.

Huo Zhenplozi said with some worry: I don't know if I can get someone earlier in the lottery. I'm afraid it's winter and it won't be my turn yet.

Liher said with the same worry: Yes, Baron Wesson said that houses should be built first for the elderly and children. Those of us who are alone will have to wait slowly.

There was a young man behind the donkey cart who was chatting with the people around him. After hearing their words, he said in surprise: Don't you know? Only those with families have their own houses. We singles all live in collective houses. .”

Liheer was stunned, he didn't expect that there was such a rule.

There are a lot of rules here, the young man said. It is said that if they behave well, the young people at home can go to the city to learn crafts.

Really? Huo Zhenplozi was shocked, That's a lot of money, right?

The young man shook his head and replied: I heard that the price is very cheap. If someone guarantees it, I can borrow money from the Baron to study without interest.

Huo Zhenplozi shook his head and said: I don't believe it. Wouldn't this cost the lives of the craftsmen?

The young man glanced disdainfully at the bare back of Huo Zhenplozi's head and said disdainfully: So when you buy a mule, you have to save money slowly.

I heard that Master Bryant, the best blacksmith in the territory, is planning to build a lakeside blacksmith's blacksmith's workshop on the edge of Lake Brombach. He will also cooperate with Ogilvy scholars. In the future, apprentices who have studied for two and a half years can be The wages to work there are much higher than in ordinary blacksmith shops, and even many blacksmiths are willing to go there.”

Also, the Baron's ironworks is about to be built. When the time comes, we can't find stupid people to work. If we don't learn from them first, they won't be able to fall into the molten iron.

In addition to syrup and steam bread, our Wesenland is most famous for bearings and steel. I heard that in the future, all things made of iron will be better and cheaper than other places. Everyone comes to buy from us. The young men who go to the iron factory have no idea. Don’t worry about not getting a wife.”

Not only that, Master Benz of the carriage workshop also wants to recruit people to make the carriages himself. I heard that he is cooperating with Master Bryant, Ogilvy scholars, and BASF scholars, so that future carriages can carry more goods. , the car pulling people is not bumpy at all.”

Let me tell you one more thing. Weisenberg University is currently working on a machine that plows the land without horses. It is said that it plows the land quickly and well, and it can also grind flour. It does not need to be waited on every day like a horse. In the future, every village can buy it. How many are there?

Also, Weisenberg University will send scholars to teach us how to farm and raise livestock. By then, we will be able to grow a lot of food in the fields.

Huozhenplozi, Liher and others listened to the young man's chatter all the way on the donkey cart.

Many farmers these days don't have much knowledge. Even Hozenplotz thinks he is well-informed, just like everyone else. What the young people say is unheard of for them, and everyone's eyes widen when they hear it.

After the young man finished speaking, Liher asked doubtfully: How do you know so much?

The others also came to their senses. They all came here after fleeing from other places. They stayed in the same place and for the same time. How come only this person knew about these things but not himself.

The young man said matter-of-factly: My name is Thomas. I was originally a student at Weissenburg University. I ran out of money and found a job. Now I am our village chief.

The biggest official the farmers had ever seen was the village chief. They were all so frightened that they cowered and dared not speak. Huo Zhenplozi almost let the donkey take the cart into the ditch when he trembled.

Liheer was bolder and asked Thomas a question that he was very concerned about: Village chief, what is the name of our village?

Thomas said: We in Wesson now have so many villages all of a sudden. Naming the villages will make everyone worried.

Our village is not bad. There is a particularly obvious place. The mountains there are covered with red mud. There are many pine trees on the mountains, so it is called Hongniba Pine Village.

Hozenplotz and Liher both trembled in unison.

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