LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 92 091: Frontal fight! 【Asking for recommendation votes】

After Kalista switched to the mid lane, Rookie's development environment became worse and worse.

The powerful pressure of the skateboard shoes bound Broiler in the middle, unable to move, leaving him no time to take care of his teammates.

IG's vision shortcomings were fully exposed. Xiao Ming's offensive vision penetrated into IG's jungle area, completely locking the positions of kid and tabe. The jungle assistant combination in the disadvantageous game was unable to drive the rhythm. IG ushered in YM's continuous offensive like a tide.

After controlling the field of vision, it devours neutral resources and jungle economy, forcing IG's jungler to go online to eat the economy of teammates.

After the jungle area is controlled, YM will frequently organize wild auxiliary attacks to tear apart IG's defense line with more attacks and fewer attacks. In the end, IG can only retreat to the high ground.

Although the broiler's R [Command: Shock Wave] under the highland tower successfully attracted 3 people, Xiao Ming made [Box of the Iron Sun] early. Under the obstruction of the shield, Clockwork, which was not advanced in development, could not produce explosive output at all. .

Lin Ran flashed into the WR and dealt AOE damage, while Jin Gong's captain flashed three consecutive barrels to start, and with the big move pouring down, JKL kept stealing output from behind.

0 for 5, YM flattened IG's base in 22 minutes, maintaining their strong offensive ability in the advantageous round. Rain Emperor finally let his record stay at 0/7, and his failure to surpass the ghost allowed him to successfully regain his respect.

Chris, the IG coach in the audience, shook his head helplessly. His bottom lane problem was too big.

But now that there is no one to replace him, the young man who only knows Kalista will only be able to destroy YM's ban position.

The JKL he had previously fallen in love with was taken away by Chubby Jiehu, a former member of IG and one of the current bosses of YM. Otherwise, how could he be in this situation now?

At the beginning of the second game, YM chose the red side, and IG banned the blind monk Thresh Excavator as usual. This is the best BP idea that Chris thinks.

Xiaotian did very little in the last game. After all, in the current version, only two heroes, Blind Sin and Excavator, can be used in the early carnivorous jungle, and the rest are sewers.

And YM is still Bad Qianjue Sivir. After the last game, Hanyi found that IG couldn't figure out Jhin in the bottom lane, and BP was more comfortable with it.

IG can only take Jhin in one hand. If YM takes away Jhin, Rain Emperor and Tabe will have to repeat the mistakes of the previous game.

"YM brought out Spider + Kalista..." Miller shook his head, "It seems that IG's bottom lane is going to suffer again. Spider's ability to cross towers is unique among jungle heroes."

"IG still has to bite the bullet and choose Tahm, there is really no other way." Wawa is not optimistic about IG's selection, "I will add Ekko to the posture to rush the formation."

"Sword Lady and Robot, it looks like they are going to be played by Jin Gong again. The counter position will be left to Ran as usual. Let's see what Broiler chooses first."

"Barrel...Yasuo!" the doll exclaimed, "This is the lineup that replicates the SAT game!"

"Using Jhin + Grain Barrel can destroy the team battle formation, and Grain Barrel paired with Yasuo is indeed a good midfielder choice," Miller said. "Everyone knows about Rookie's Yasuo. Last year's EQ flash saved the principal."

"It's okay to save the principal..." There was a hint of teasing in the doll's smile.

Last year, IG’s boss, Principal Wang, announced in a barrage that if the team didn’t advance to S5, they would get Oli. In the fifth game of the playoffs between IG and VG, they were in danger of advancing thanks to Yasuo’s EQ flash and double C, laying the foundation for IG to enter S5. .

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the broiler Yasuo saved Principal Wang’s face.

"Does Ran still want to play Rambo?" Miller asked. "His Rambo is considered a unique skill. He is the only one who plays it in the entire LPL. Yasuo, who used the electric baton in the last game, is very good at it."

"Brother Ran, do you want Rambo?" Xiao Ming turned his head and asked.

Lin Ran took a rough look at the lineup and found that Rambo was indeed a good choice.

But he didn't want to use it.

Although there were several exchanges of blood in the last match against Broiler, there was no matchup kill.

Lin Ran was very dissatisfied. If he didn't challenge the strong, how could he make progress?

Lin Ran eagerly wanted to have a head-to-head battle with Broiler to test where his ceiling of laning strength was.

Since the opponent took out Yasuo, then I...

"Take the robbery." Lin Ran looked at Han Yi behind him.

The coach was stunned for two seconds. He saw the determined look in Lin Ran's eyes.

"Xiao Ming, take it." Han Yi laughed.

As a coach, it's sometimes difficult for him to put himself in the players' shoes, but he doesn't mind giving the kids some autonomy.

"Jie? Brother Ran, is your Jie good with that Mars bag?" JKL asked.

"Who is Martian Bao?" Xiaotian was a little confused.

"A host who plays robbery." JKL had worked with Martian Bao before and knew him somewhat.

"I'll let you play a game of Jie for fun. After you return to the base, practice 10 more games of Rock Bird." Han Yi turned to Lin Ran and said.

"Not tonight, I have to ask for leave. A friend is leaving tonight and I'll see her off." Lin Ran scratched his head.

Xiaotian smiled mysteriously when he heard this.

"Then we'll practice tomorrow." Hanyi was very tolerant. After this game, they had no games for 10 days, so they had a lot of training time.

The moment Xiao Ming locked the Shadow Stream Master, everyone wearing soundproof headphones could faintly hear the noisy exclamations outside the venue. Obviously, the audience responded enthusiastically to YM's final selection.

"Jie!" Miller's originally calm voice finally became excited, "The two top mid laners are finally going to collide head-on in this set!"

"That's right, I believe the viewers were not satisfied with the performance of the mid laners of both sides in the last game. Although there was a duel, there was no online kill in the end. This game between Yasuo and Zed was absolutely exciting to watch!" Wawa He answered with an impassioned voice.

"One thing I have to say is that when it comes to beating Yasuo, it's okay in the early and mid-term, but not so easy in the later stages." Miller commented objectively.

"Yes, but the lineup selected by YM does not seem to have any intention of delaying the game in the later stages. Except for Sword Girl, all four heroes focus on the early and mid-term."

"Yes, this game is interesting," Miller said, not taking it too seriously. "This is the first time I've seen Ran play robbery. Let's see who is better, him or Broiler."

"This can be said to be a head-on collision of the strongest mid laners in the 2016 LPL Summer Split. Both sides use melee AD heroes who lick blood on the tip of a knife. At the same time, Zed and Yasuo are also one of the heroes with the highest pick rate in the league's mid lane. In the pub game Quite popular.”

"Fighting head-on? That's interesting."

"I'm still not optimistic about IG. As long as Ran doesn't give away, I'll win the game when I kill the Rain Emperor in the bottom lane."

"Do I want to see which team wins this game? The director just points the camera to the middle and that's it!"

"The classic robbery of Yasuo has the flavor of the silver game."

Lin Ran and Xiao Ming swapped heroes, and then chose the Bai Jie of Impact Blade... Bai Jie skin.

Blue square IG: Ekko, Barrel, Yasuo, Jhin, Tahm Kench

Red square YM: Sword Queen, Spider, Zed, Kalista, Robot

He watched the computer screen enter the loading screen, took a deep breath, closed his eyes slightly, crossed his slender palms with each other, and his fingers trembled slightly with excitement, as if he had entered the time of the sage.

The broiler five or six meters away from him took a sip of water, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

He is never afraid of challenges, and every challenge makes him stronger. Along the way, he has defeated countless mid laners known as geniuses. Broiler doesn't mind letting Lin Ran become his defeat.

If you are confident enough, come and challenge me!

The broiler recited the trash-talking quotes of senior dade in his heart.

Hey, is something wrong?

Dade's words were meant for him. It was the summer of 2014, and he seemed to have won the OGN finals held at the beach...

No way, right? Broiler quickly drank a sip of water to calm down his shock, and then reached out to touch the cross hanging around his neck - he was a devout Christian, and Jesus would bless him.

Please vote for recommendations.

Tips: By the way, let’s list the major changes in Zed from 2016 to now, so that everyone can have an idea of ​​the strength and weakness of Zed.

Compared with the 2020 season version 10.14, Zed's W in 2016 (book version) will provide an additional attack power bonus of 4/8/12/16/20%, and the projectile speed is reduced from 2500 to 1750.

In fact, the strength of Zed in the 2016 version is not weak, but the entry environment of Zed in the arena is too poor, team play requires too much proficiency, and the pace of the game is too slow, so the overall selection rate is not high.

Now in the 10.14 version, the W projectile speed has been adjusted to 2500, and has become a T1 mid laner. The current WQ is basically unavoidable. Interested readers can try it, it is really cool.

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