LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 674 672: You can’t hide the look in your eyes that wants to kill someone.

Lin Ran and his girlfriend were playing and taking photos at Changi Beach in Singapore. He just raised his phone to record Su Cheng's smile under the sunset, when the Dousha APP popped up.

【Shock! SKT defeated MSI, G2 Pike unexpectedly won! 】

He glanced at it, then calmly pressed the shutter button before looking at the information on his phone.

"What's wrong?" Su Cheng jumped over and ran over.

"The opponent for the mid-season finals against IG is here," Lin Ran shook his phone, "G2."

"Ah?" Su Cheng was very surprised, "How can SKT lose?"

Although the participating teams in Europe and South Korea are all recognized as Galaxy Battleships, most people still think that SKT can win.

Mainly because of the famous Faker.

After Lin Ran and a group of YM's meritorious players took a break, Lee Sang Hyuk once again became the focus of attention from global League of Legends players.

Two Summoner's Trophies and one MSI Championship Trophy are placed here, and they will be highly praised by the audience.

In contrast, G2 really has no honors in the League of Legends field. It has repeatedly failed in international competitions and only has a few league championships.

Many people feel that this team is somewhat unlucky and can be called a weakling in the competition.

Before the collapse of the throne, SKT always gave people a feeling of invincibility. Even if they led 1W, their economy was unstable without bulldozing their main crystal.

Who would have imagined that the two would meet, but G2 would win in the end.

"Do you want to go back and watch the video?" Su Cheng asked casually when she saw her boyfriend kept his head down.

She stepped barefoot on the beach, with a few grains of fine sand floating on her white toes. She had slender legs and a slim figure.

"No," Lin Ran objected decisively upon seeing this, "What does SKT's loss have to do with me, Lin Ran?"

He put his arms around his girlfriend's slim waist and the two of them walked aimlessly on the beach.

Because Singapore is a small country and there are commercial cargo ships near the coastline, the scenery is generally not as good as at home.

Changi Beach is relatively deserted among them. There are not many cargo ships, most of them are small boats, and there are no people nearby to play.

Without the cover of the giant wheel, they could clearly see that the setting sun was slowly moving downwards, and the afterglow left on the surface was no longer brilliant.

However, when reflected on the side of Su Cheng's face, she still looked dazzling.

"Look, look!" My girlfriend looked at the broken clouds in the sky, "That cloud looks like a dog!"

She happily raised her camera, intending to record it.

The warm spring breeze blew Su Cheng's black hair onto Lin Ran's neck, tickling her heart.

He lowered his head and kissed her softly.

"Well..." Su Cheng's originally crisp voice became thin and cracked, "I haven't taken the photo yet."

After a moment of pause, she said again, "Forget it."

Lin Ran felt his girlfriend's arms wrap around him tightly, and she kissed him more passionately in return.

Under the palm trees, the shadows of the two people became longer and longer, but they always intersected tightly.

The two had previously set up a large umbrella on the beach, spread a protective cover underneath, put snacks and drinks on top, and even set up two deck chairs to enjoy a day of leisurely time.

But when they left, it took them a lot of time to sort it out again.

By the time we got back to the apartment, it was already half past eight in the evening.

Lin Ran and Su Cheng were too lazy to eat out, so they simply took a shower and ordered two bowls of noodles, cut half a catty of beef and paired it with a bottle of hot sauce, which was quite comfortable.

After finishing all this, his girlfriend washed the dishes and ran to the study to read and write the paper. Lin Ran put on his headphones and lay on the bed to watch the video of the MSI semifinals.

The two sides got regular heroes to compete in the first game. SKT got the first victory and got a good start. This was also the only game they won.

Then G2 began its own journey of playing with snakes.

First, I chose the bottom lane combination of Yasuo + Grain Barrel, which was stunned by Mr. Dai and Matachuan.

They never expected that G2 could pick this kind of combination. Their bottom lane duo did not move at all. After reaching level 6, they were hit by Beer Man's ultimate move. Happy Wind Man could follow up with the ultimate move and kill one person in an instant.

In order not to be seized, the SKT duo was forced to hide under the tower.

But in this way, the entire lower half fell into G2's control.

Jankos controlled two earth dragons and led the team to rush the baron at 30 minutes, killing them in an instant. SKT had no time to react.

In the final 36 minutes of the fierce battle, with the help of Mikyx Barrel's shadow E to dodge the team, Ah P also EQed the minion to receive a double wind, and combined with the output of others, he instantly destroyed SKT!

In the third game, when Yasuo was banned, Ah P decisively took out Syndra and paired with Galio to go down the road, while Xiaomai used Poppy in cannon form to hit the target.

Just highlight a swing!

Lin Ran looked at the camera in the video and found that the SKT players were obviously a little panicked.

G2, with two historical mid laners in Europe, took full advantage of their hero pool, swinging back and forth, making SKT upset.

The young jungle mentality of Nuguri and Canyon first affected the operation.

Caps used the small cannon's ability to quickly push the line to clean up the artillery soldiers, and then immediately ran up.

As a result, Nuguri didn't seem to realize it and was still clearing troops in the lane. As a result, he was beaten to death by a set of explosive sparks and a jump in the face.

Canyon was also caught by jankos in the jungle, and was teleported by Wunder, who took advantage of the TP difference on the top lane to smash it to pieces.

G2 also scored a laning kill in the bottom lane. All of Ah's P skills were poured into Matagawa, sending him back to the spring.

Lin Ran saw half of it and couldn't bear to look any further.

European teams have always been good at destroying mentality.

I don’t know if it was intentional or not. After G2 got the advantage, they just didn’t push, they just killed hard. They used the field vision in the jungle to frequently hit the small numbers with more, constantly widening the head gap.

In the end, SKT was beaten unilaterally for 35 minutes.

The head-to-capita ratio is 22:7.

It was a completely one-sided killing.

When the SKT players stepped off the stage at the end of the game, their expressions were already wrong.

Everyone in G2 was smiling, and Ah P’s smile was as contagious as ever.

Lin Ran went to the cabinet and took out a bag of potato chips. He sat at the table and ate while enjoying the performance of the fourth game.

After tasting the sweetness of swing, G2 became more aggressive and took out Pike first.

It is generally believed that Pike is a support. After all, Lin Ran used the water ghost mid laner in last year's mid-season, and this role was eliminated.

SKT probably thinks so too.

But he never expected that Pike would end up using Wunder, the top laner!

Niuguli was dumbfounded.

He, a rookie player, never expected that someone would dare to perform on the stage of the MSI semifinals.

In order to supplement his ability to push the line, Wunder first made Tiamat. During this process, he sacrificed a little of his laning ability, and was suppressed by Niuguli a bit miserably.

However, with the help of the passive [Luck of Drowning]'s recovery effect, it can be considered as a success.

The first Canyon Pioneer team battle directly changed the game situation.

Wunder comes in first to deal a set of damage, and uses flash to escape through the wall.

The battle continues, and after he returns to the city, TP joins the battlefield again.

Only then did SKT realize something was wrong.

But it was too late to retreat at this time. In order to fight, they had to do everything they could to flash.

At this time, the full-health Wunder came in, and they couldn't avoid Pike's ultimate move.

R [The Hatred of the Fountain] Killed three people in a row!

Pike ended the suspense of the game!

The bounty mechanism of the ultimate move quickly widened the economic gap between the two sides.

For an assassin hero like Pike, his snowballing ability in an advantageous game is simply exaggerated. Wandering in the jungle, a set of skills suddenly appears and drags down SKT members.

Lee Sang Hyuk's mentality was good, but unfortunately the two newcomers in the team couldn't stand the pressure. They made frequent mistakes and the team couldn't find any comeback points.

This G2 game was a quick one. Wunder's Pike led the team to level the SKT base in 28 minutes!

The five people in G2 laughed loudly and stood up to high-five each other.

Lee Sang Hyuk took a deep breath and looked at the screen helplessly.

Lin Ran didn't want to watch any more. He turned off the video and glanced at the online public opinion. He found that the Korean network was very fierce in criticizing SKT's Ueno. They blamed Niuguli and Canyon as the main culprits of the team's defeat.

Suddenly two thin straight arms stretched out from behind and hugged his neck.

"Okay, why don't you leave it here to eat some potato chips?" Su Cheng pressed her boyfriend's shoulders, stretched out her hand and took two pieces from the bag.

"Have you finished reading the book?" Lin Ran turned off the tablet.

"After reading it, the undergraduate mathematics course is quite simple." Su Cheng still feels that the pressure is not too great. Although it is a bit difficult, the direction is clear and the course content is not very in-depth.

It just takes a little more time.

Seeing that it was not too late, they simply lay on the bed and watched Avengers 4.

But the movie was 3 hours long, and Su Cheng felt sleepy even after watching less than half of it.

"Sleep, sleep!" She yawned, and her body, which was leaning on the bed, slid down until her head rested on the pillow, and she closed her eyes peacefully.

Lin Ran turned sideways and turned off the lamp on the bedside table, unfolded the quilt himself, and pulled it to his chest.

"Hey...can you please be gentle?" This was a double quilt, and Su Cheng was also affected. His chest was hit, and he opened his eyes and mumbled dissatisfiedly.

"Then let me rub it for you?" Lin Ran took off his glasses and lay down on his side.

He looked serious when he said this.

Su Cheng glanced at him, and then couldn't help laughing.

Lin Ran moved the pillow behind his head and was about to fall asleep to meet Duke Zhou, but his finger was hooked.

He thought he accidentally bumped into Su Cheng, so he retracted his hand.

But a moment later, his finger was pulled again.

Lin Ran opened his eyes.

The room was pitch dark, and the girl next to him looked at him with big bright eyes.

"What's wrong?" He said with a nasal voice.

"Um..." Su Cheng cleared her throat, "How about you rub it for me?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she shuddered and shivered in the quilt.

The two got closer and closer, and eventually the sound of rustling replaced laughter.

The MSI finals are officially here.

In the pre-match promotional video, Ah P still remembered the whole life.

"It's a pity that Ran couldn't join us this year, otherwise our swing tactics would be even more powerful," Perkz shook his head. He is now much stronger than when he debuted, with bulging bags under his team uniform. "But it doesn't matter, we G2 can still dominate MSI. .”

He also did not forget to shout out to the IG players.

"Why did Ran beat you so hard in the finals last year? Now let me complete this task and let you experience the long-lost pleasure of beating you."

Ah P was very proud.

The camera also specially gave a close-up of everyone on IG.

TheShy's expression at that time could only mean one thing.

You can't hide the look in your eyes that wants to kill someone.

Jiang Chenglu, whose arms were intact and his posture was not broken, showed his ultimate form in this BO5.

Sword Demon, Vampire, Sword Girl.

Three games, three different heroes.

Scored 5 solo kills against each other, it was completely shark crazy.

Wunder began to doubt life until the end.

Ah P’s promotional video said that it wanted IG to relive the experience of being beaten by Lin Ran last year.

As a result, he once again experienced the feeling of being blown away by Jiang Chenglu in last year's quarterfinals.

Song Yijin also used all his strength to suppress Xiaomao.

Gala was invisible in the early stage and began to take over the game in the mid-term. Although he was still a young player, his strength was not bad and he was able to complete the tasks assigned to him by the team.

Although Baolan went shopping, he never lost his life, and his control performance in team battles was remarkable.

Three to zero!

"IG swept G2 and won the first MSI championship trophy in the history of their club!"

Under the golden rain, the commentator's voice was impassioned, "This is also the fourth MSI championship won by the LPL. We are still the first division!"

This made many domestic viewers breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the YM quartet has retired, for now, LPL's dominance has not been shaken.

After winning the victory, IG immediately posted a winning Weibo.

The official blogs of each club in the comment area conducted a team building session.

Lin Ran also posted a thumbs-up emoticon comment below.

Half a day passed, and the number of likes jumped to the top.

[You are still resting. Do you really not plan to make a comeback? 】

[It’s true that I’m obsessed with Sister Chengzi. If I don’t broadcast live every day, I only know how to go out to play]

[Don’t be embarrassed, I think Brother Ran is still in the top ten in the Korean server. This score is quite provoking]

[Jack's side is purely slutty, and he doesn't fight in the Korean server. Draven kills indiscriminately in the Korean server every day, and starts to steal Vincent's job]

Lin Ran scanned the comment area and realized that he hadn't broadcast live in the past few days.

The main reason was that Su Cheng and I were having so much fun traveling around the place that we didn’t even bother to start a live broadcast.

Just when I was thinking about making up for more time during the day, someone came to send me some hot news and interesting things to watch.

S8 champion skin will be released soon!

In previous years, the champion skins were basically released before the mid-season. However, due to the many requests from players, and this is YM’s third consecutive championship, Riot Games has to come up with something new, otherwise it will inevitably conflict with the previous two years. .

The most important thing is that they also know that this championship is basically the swan song of YM people in the professional arena, so they work very hard and take a relatively long time.

On the third day after IG won the championship, Lin Ran started the live broadcast with his teammates, preparing to watch the promotional video for the championship skin.

He is in Singapore, Jin Gong is in South Korea, and the remaining four are in Shanghai.

Everyone ended up scattered to different places.

Liu Qingsong and Da Mei are not in a good mood now due to their defeat in the spring competition.

However, the pleasantries between old teammates still livened up the atmosphere.

Everyone clicked on Riot's promotional video for the champion skin.

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