LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 36 036: Baeme’s mentality has undergone a subtle change (please vote for recommendation!!!)

The excavator turned around without hesitation and rushed down the road. By the time Syndra reached the line, Lin Ran had already eaten the pioneer buff.

Arriving in the middle, Lin Ran began to put more and more pressure on Syndra. With the high movement speed provided by Mercury Shoes and Vanguard BUFF, it became easier for him to twist and avoid Syndra's skills.

Baeme didn't give up even after finding that both of his Q shots had been dodged. He seemed possessed by a demon and insisted on consuming Lin Ran's state. However, his 90-point line suppression improved his positioning to an astonishing level. Several Qs were turned around and dodged.

At this time, the excavator used the tunnel it arranged in the wild area all the way down to the triangular grass. Jinjiao's Kalista still pressed the troops in front of the tower, constantly consuming the health of Ning Ming's combination.

If Sun Dayong takes Kalista, he will have to press the line. After all, this hero has W to ensure his own safety to a certain extent. In addition, the bottom lane combination with line rights can help the jungler radiate the vision of the lower half of the jungle and control the dragon.

The reason why I was caught by Lin Ran and Xiaotian at level 2 before was simply because I was caught off guard by the hero Titan.

Thresh turned on the scan to ensure that there was no vision in the grass below the bottom lane. The excavator followed the army line and quietly came to the grass closest to the red side's defense tower.

"This wave of artillery trains will cross the line directly, don't hesitate!" AmazingJ and Jin Gong are facing each other, and they can also cut the screen to direct the bottom lane, "This Ekko is not in good condition and cannot TP!"

"Baeme, be optimistic about Titan, he brings TP!" He didn't forget to add it at the end. At the same time, the mouse kept eating the cannon truck and throwing boomerangs to consume Ike.

The bottom lane artillery line entered the tower, Thresh moved forward, and Lantern pulled the excavator to his side. Ningming's combination was forced into a dead corner.

"I'll be here soon, wait for me!" Lin Ran ate up the gun truck and immediately disappeared from the middle lane. Xiaotian was in his own F4 jungle area at this time. When he saw this, he hurriedly bypassed the middle tower and rushed to the bottom lane.

Seeing Lin Ran disappear, Baeme immediately moved forward against the army line, trying to interrupt his TP.

He peeked into the grass and saw that Titan was actually walking down on his feet.

"Axi, (bastard)..." Baeme angrily cursed his mother tongue.

Titan has a pair of mercury shoes, coupled with the canyon BUFF, the movement speed is close to 450. Syndra only has a pair of straw sandals. Seeing that the bottom lane is climbing over the tower, she can only bite the bullet and rush down.

Go down the road and go under the red square tower.

Xiao Ming was a little panicked when he saw the three people encircling and suppressing him. W turned into a sheep a little early, and EDE didn't deal any damage. He waited until the sheep transformation time was over before launching an attack.

The three of them aimed at Xiao Ming, who had not flashed to 6. The excavator caught the lantern and flashed to push up Lulu. Thresh decisively connected the control, and Kalista began to insert the spear into Lulu.

Ning gave treatment, but under the influence of Thresh's ignition, he did not raise much health. Kalista's QE ended up taking the head.

"Get back, the Titans are moving down!" Just when they were still trying to surround EZ, Baeme reminded them in a hurried tone.

The three of them immediately retreated as a team. Excavator resisted twice and the tower lost half of its health. EZ threw two Q shots that were not painful or itchy, causing no fatal damage.

Baeme and Lin Ran gradually distanced themselves, losing sight of Titan, and the front was dark again.

The excavator was rushing down the road from its own jungle area, and there was no ward in the lower river. Thresh's ward was inserted at the blue buff on the opposite side to prevent junglers. The river was completely dark, and the limited field of vision provided by Kalista's sentry was also No Titan was seen.

"Can you come over and double-team Titan? He is alone!" Baeme was a little impatient.

"The male gun is coming down!" Jinjiao then noticed Baeme's position. They dared to cross the lower tower because they saw the male gun fighting the Canyon Herald before. But what does Syndra's position mean? The male gun must be near the middle road!

Baeme only reacted when he heard his teammates' words. He wanted to turn back but it was already too late.

From the dark corner of the dragon pit, an astronaut Titan, who had been ambushing there for a long time, emerged, aiming at Syndra with his ultimate move [Deep Sea Impact].

Baeme hurriedly surrendered and ran away, but the male gunman had already arrived.

The moment he was knocked into the air, the Titan's QE second company and the male gun's QAW all hit the crispy Syndra, killing him.

"Syndra was fooled this time. Ran was hiding in the dragon pit waiting to trick him," Miller analyzed on the commentary table. "I can only say that he was too careless. Ran is so careless now in the game. The newcomer's performance is more like that of a veteran, and his operational awareness is neither impatient nor impetuous..."

"To be honest, the strength gap in the middle lane is too big," Watanabe said bluntly, "There is no reason why Syndra can't suppress the Titans. When the camera was shown to the middle lane, I found that Ran's Titans often dodge Q or use shields. He blocked the damage and maintained his condition very well.”

"Axi..." Baeme's mentality changed slightly as he looked at the black and white screen.

Baeme knew how much resources the team's BP had allocated to him. He thought he could restrict Lin Ran's roaming, but who knew that Lin Ran would actually use the weak Titan in the middle lane? In Baeme's eyes, this was a naked provocation!

I admit that you are better than me, but what do you mean by choosing a non-mainstream tank to fight me?

It was already uncomfortable to be ridiculed and ridiculed while the lane was empty of Qs. Lin Ran had successfully supported him once before, and being teased to death this time, his mentality was already unbalanced.

"Calm down, it's just a one-for-one exchange. It's not like you can't fight." AmazingJ's Gnar grew bigger and handed over his R skill to cripple Ike and force him back home, and then said.

It was said that it was one for one, but EDE suffered a big loss. Syndra and Lulu knew who would win when it came to swapping heads. AmazingJ said this just to comfort his teammates.

Baeme bit her lower lip.

Lin Ran and Xiaotian took advantage of the fact that the vanguard BUFF had not ended yet and continued to approach the first tower in the middle. The Shadow Island combination had to come up to deal with this wave of troops. The bottom road Ning took advantage of this time to develop.

At 10 minutes, Lin Ran caught Baeme accidentally moving and hooked decisively. He followed the RE with basic attack and cooperated with the male gun coming from behind the tower to catch Syndra to death again.

"Sindra's game is completely over," Miller said. "10 minutes of 0/2/0, 75 knives, absolutely unqualified for development. Teamfights in the mid-term of EDE are difficult to win, and you only rely on sliding. It’s hard to kill Titan and Ekko with just sneakers.”

"Grow up well and don't cross the river." In the EDE team's voice, Jinjiao's tone was a little more serious. It's okay if you didn't watch the Titan. Don't see him off, okay?

Baeme watched helplessly as the chubby Titan across from him took the anchor in his hand and knocked it on the defense tower. He felt that a fire in his heart was burning the string of reason.

Xiaotian's male spear moves skillfully. A hits the minions twice, then EQ cancels the forward swing of the Q skill, and then a basic attack pockets all the economy of the soldier line.

"What do you mean, garlic bastard?" Lin Ran looked at Xiaotian's behavior and complained, "Looking at your skillful operation, you are a habitual offender."

"Brother Ran, I will kill you this time, switch to the next one, and I will give you all the resources in the wild." Xiaotian looked at the 2,000 gold coins in his pocket and couldn't close his legs.

Lin Ran smiled and shook his head. He just made a few comments to liven up the team atmosphere. The attributes of the hero Titan determine that he is not very economical. Leveling is enough. The army line is suitable for a hero like the male gun.

The excavator looked at the advanced male gun and did not dare to step forward, so he could only let go of the first tower.

"Once a tower is placed in the middle, it will be difficult for EDE to control the vision." Miller's game understanding is one of the best in the commentary. "They must control the vision of the three wolves to the F4 area. Titan's control is not Just joking."

"Don't tell me that player Ran's understanding of the game is really unique," Wawa said, praising Lin Ran, "mid laner Titan, if you think about it carefully, he is similar to mid laner Lissandra."

"That's right," Miller agreed very much. "I remember that this kind of routine was not popular in the high-end games of the Korean server before. I can ask the ran player what he thinks in the post-game interview."

In 17 minutes, YM won the third dragon, and Lin Ran went home to make up for Justice Glory. With core equipment, he led his teammates to cross the tower and kill the bottom duo.

At 22 minutes, YM, who had emptied Baron's vision, seized the opportunity. Lin Ranhedao hit Syndra with a precise hook. In conjunction with Xiaotian's explosive output, Baeme was killed again. Syndra at 0/3/0 was two levels behind Lin Ran. Everyone in YM started to fight the dragon.

EDE subsequently failed to find a comeback point. Syndra, the core of the team battle output, was extremely underdeveloped and was pushed to the base by YM in 25 minutes.

Regularly asking for recommendation votes!

Thanks to Xuan Mingwuyou for the 100 starting coin reward, thank you to Zhuanmax for the 1,000 starting coin reward, thank you to Chen Qiong for the 300 starting coin reward, and thank you Xiaoxiao for the 500 starting coin reward.

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