LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 30 030: Against EDE (please vote for recommendation!!!)

"Everyone should pay attention to the EDE team," coach Han Yi stood in the training room and looked at the players, "This is our opponent in the next game, and it is also our strong opponent for the top spot in the regular season. They also have 9 consecutive victories. "

"They are the second team of EDG. In addition, they have purchased a Korean coaching staff. Their current playing style is more Korean-style. In terms of personal strength, there is a gap between us and us," Hanyi flipped through his notebook and said, "But in the mid-term The line management and teamfighting are much better than ours."

"But we don't have training match records with the EDE team for reference. They usually train with the second teams of other LPL clubs. We can only do analysis through previous LSPL data."

The five YM players were lying on e-sports chairs and listened carefully to the coach's analysis of the opponent's characteristics. Lin Ran listened especially carefully. After some advice from Su Cheng, he now did not miss any opportunity to improve himself.

In his view, coaches view the game from a very different perspective than professional players. Although they are not high in the division, they think about vision layout and tactical decisions more thoroughly and long-term than players.

When a professional player also possesses these abilities, he will become a qualified leader in the team.

The current leader of the team is Lin Ran, mainly because he doesn’t feel any pressure playing these LSPL mid laners and can easily roam and support. Although the team has been winning consecutively, Lin Ran doesn’t feel that his command is very good. .

too easy.

It was so simple that Lin Ran's suppressed emotions began to vaguely expand. In 9 games, with an average game time of 26 minutes, Lin Ran won 7 MVPs - the remaining one was Xiaotianye District Tianhu taking off, and the other was Xiaoming Thresh hooked through the bottom lane.

It's said to be a command, but in fact Lin Ran didn't have to do anything at all. He relied on his personal strength to overwhelm his opponents in the middle lane, then went to the wild area to liberate Xiaotian, then rolled the snowball to the upper and lower lanes, and pulled out three towers and one tower in 15 minutes. Xiao Ming Start to control the vision, take out the baron in 20 minutes, and push the game all the way to the end.

"Ning, have you mastered Jhin?" Han Yi asked his AD. "If we ban the red side, it may not be enough. We need to grab instead of ban."

"I haven't played this hero yet," Ning glanced at his teammates, "But it shouldn't be a big problem. Just place the WR more accurately. It's not too difficult."

Han Yi frowned slightly, but he didn't say much, mentally dismissing the tactical system he had formulated regarding Jhin.

"Xiao Ming, your field of vision must be well arranged. I plan to compete for the dragon's resources in the early stage and eat them as soon as the dragon refreshes." Han Yi changed tactics and continued, "Try to stack the dragon's BUFF as soon as possible."

The dragons in the early S6 are born in 3 minutes, and one is refreshed every 6 minutes. The team can obtain up to 5 layers of BUFF effects by killing the dragons.

The first four layers are to increase attack power and magic power/basically attack to burn defense towers/provide movement speed/reduce enemy defense tower damage. The last layer is to double the previous BUFF effect and add it when attacking enemy heroes. Bonus true damage.

The first four levels are okay, but the dragon BUFF on the fifth level is really exaggerated.

"They like to ensure the economic development of the top lane through operations after changing lanes. They use skilled operating skills to widen the economic gap on the top lane and then seek a breakthrough in the single lane." Hanyi was obviously well prepared for this BO1. Keep going.

"We try to give the bot lane an advantage in laning, let them change lanes, and then in 3 minutes the bot lane combination cooperates with Xiaotian to eat the dragon..."

It sounds wonderful.

Two days later, the match between YM and EDE was held at Jing'an Sports Center. One side was destined to end its winning streak today.

The competition venue is finally full - 70 people, yes, this is the limit of seats that LSPL can provide.

After 9 consecutive wins, Lin Ran gradually adapted to the change in the spotlight. He looked towards the audience, where there were many female fans holding YM Ran signs. Ever since his appearance was exposed in Pangdudu’s live broadcast room, Lin Ran had no idea about it. This situation is no longer surprising.

But there was no Su Cheng. She was still preparing for the college entrance examination in school. Although she was qualified for admission with a reduced score, she did not relax at all. As she said-she should cherish her talents.

He had just converted the points earned from 9 consecutive wins into money development ability and raised it to 76 when the screen loaded with the BP screen.

Ningming's combination successfully obtained the strong bottom lane of Kalista + Niutou, and EDE's Sivir Thresh immediately chose to change lanes.

YM was on the red side. Due to the opponent's lane change, Xiaotian's Qianjue took Jin Gong's Poppy to develop in the wild area. Jin Gong returned to the top lane when Xiaolong refreshed in 3 minutes, and the bottom lane duo cooperated with Xiao Tian to succeed. Eat the dragonet.

The plan could be executed so far, but Lin Ran was caught off guard by a wave of variations from the opposing EDE team.

Because the bottom lane helped defeat the dragon, EDE took the lead in knocking down Jin Gong's top tower, and then moved to the Canyon Pioneer. Sivir immediately came to the middle lane after eating the Canyon BUFF, allowing a steady stream of strengthened minions to suppress Lin Ran's cards.

Lin Ran had no choice but to switch lanes from the bottom lane to the middle, and ran to the bottom lane to continue to line up with the opponent's Lulu. However, the line pressure of the Canyon Pioneer BUFF tied up Xiao Ming, leaving him unable to do anything, and he could only stay with Ning. Huddle under the tower to deal with the troop line.

As a result, there was a gap in the field of vision in the lower half of the jungle for about a minute.

As a strong operational team, EDE naturally would not miss this opportunity. The jungle spider went to the bottom lane to gank. Although Lin Ran moved to twist Lulu's Q [Sparkling Spear], he still handed over his flash and ultimate move to save his life.

This undoubtedly interrupted his early rhythm. When the second dragon was refreshed, the enemy spiders and Thresh had already firmly controlled the vision of the lower half of the wild area, and Xiao Ming did not dare to enter the river at all.

Lin Ran was forced to activate his ultimate move again to explore his field of vision. Sure enough, two old Yin coins from his opponent Ye Fu huddled in the grass in the river to ambush.

The five opponents were not surprised at all. They controlled the field of view to force Lin Ran to use R. Everything was planned by the coaching staff. EDE retreated to attack Xiaolong.

"What should I do? Do you want to let me go?" Xiaotian's Qianjue anxiously walked around in the blue BUFF grass, completely out of ideas.

This is the first time that the YM team has been led by the nose. They have never been in such a stalemate.

"Fight!" Lin Ran gritted his teeth and made a decision. He would have to wait another 6 minutes to give up the little dragon. If Sivir is allowed to continue to develop, it will be very difficult to deal with Lulu.

It’s unrealistic to count on Xiaotian’s Kindred. In order to control the dragon and change lanes this time, he only got two marks in almost 10 minutes. In the later stage, once he is controlled by the opponent’s combination of Thresh and Titan, he may even release R. Not coming out.

Lin Ran's ultimate move landed on the top of Xiaolong Pit, and he inserted a jewelry eye on the spot. He harassed everyone in EDE with wild cards through the wall. Jin Gong Bobby TP landed on the eye, and the other three YM used the vision provided by the card's ultimate move. Rush to Xiaolongkeng.

The moment the three of them appeared in the river, a blue glare fell on the eyes in front of them.

It’s EDE’s top laner Titan!

The transmission of this key eye position completely tore YM's formation apart.

Xiaotian was in a dilemma, but to retreat at this moment was to sell Lin Ran and Jin Gong on the dragon pit. He forced W [Wolf Spirit Frenzy] to roll forward, and Ning immediately activated his ultimate move and threw Xiao Ming's bull head into the dragon pit.

Lin Ran's flash hadn't improved yet, so he could only try to cut into the battlefield from the side.

Kingon Poppy waved the hammer in his hand, and R [Guardian's Judgment] tried to knock away the enemy's human-shaped spider, but was dodged by a flash. Sivir used his own spell shield to evade. Kingong then flashed into the dragon pit and fought with him. Teammates meet up.

The little dragon didn't have much health. After entering the dragon pit, Xiaotian activated his ultimate move [Sheep Spirit Breathing] and tried to protect the little dragon. At this time, the Titan landed and hit Kind Jue with his R skill. QA stopped Kalista in front of him and used E [Undercurrent] Slow down.

The two key C positions, Lin Ran and Ning, were forced to deal with the Titans outside the Dragon Pit. Poppy, Kindred, and Niutou who entered the Dragon Pit all suffered very low damage at this time. The protection of the enemy Lulu and Thresh allowed Sivir Spider to output without pressure. .

At the moment when the sheep spirit's regeneration ended, the spider Q + punishment snatched away the dragon in the chaos.

1 for 4, YM only had Lin Ran left, and the situation completely collapsed.

After a wave of defeats, the only sound left in the YM team's voice was the sound of mouse and keyboard tapping. Everyone was working on their own development without any communication with each other. Even the experienced veteran Jin Gong was silent.

The game continued, and EDE's vision control was fierce and sophisticated. Five people each had two real eyes, plug and play, lighting up YM's jungle area.

At 16 minutes, Xiao Ming entered his own red zone and tried to clear his field of vision. The three EDE people who were aware of the movement in advance focused on the fire. Even if they activated their ultimate move, they could not escape death.

The auxiliary was killed, and the third dragon was captured by EDE. The EDE team took advantage of the situation and pushed down the one, two, and two outer towers in the middle.

During this period, Lin Ran has been single-playing in the bottom lane. His improved farming and development ability has allowed him to understand the development of the army line to a higher level.

With the soldier line, the Demon Swamp Frog, and the gargoyle camp opposite, Lin Ran earned 240 knives in 20 minutes, successfully reached level 13, and returned home to replenish his equipment. Now he has time + lich + useless stick + CD shoes. Hand, the development is ahead of the opponent's mid laner Lulu.

In his opinion, YM is not a sure-loser game. If the opponent's ADC Sivir, who has 3/0/2 statistics and the best development, can be eliminated in seconds, there is hope for a comeback.

"Help me get a blue, and let's go into the jungle as a team to gain Baron vision." Lin Ran said in the silent team voice channel.

"Don't be discouraged. We still have a chance. The baron can fight back with one wave." Lin Ran pressed TAB and saw that Ning's Kalista was also a two-piece set of the Broken Hurricane. The development was not bad, and she had a chance to make a comeback. possible.

Lin Ran wasn't surprised when his four teammates didn't give any feedback. From being crushed all the way in training matches to winning 9 consecutive league games, they hadn't tasted a headwind situation for a long time. Today's game against EDE was undoubtedly a slap in the face. Knock their mentality into pieces.

"Don't shut yourself up and keep silent," Lin Ran controlled the card master to walk out of the spring, "If you lose, go back and blame me. I'll take the blame. My little dragon's command is too cerebral."

"That wave is my problem," Xiaotian finally said, "I shouldn't have gone straight to grab the dragon. I should have won by attacking the Titans first and blocking them to kill them."

Through the microphone, Lin Ran could hear the strong regret in his tone.

"Come and fight with Brother Ran. The worst thing you can do is lose. What's the matter with not being able to lose?" Ning opened his mouth with a magical Northeastern accent.

"Let's fight together if we have the blame, don't say anything about taking the blame," Xiao Ming echoed, "My game was also a mess."

"Go, go, go! Follow me, babies!" Jin Gong roared in a familiar voice.

After Lin Ran took away the blue BUFF, the five YM people moved forward together. Xiao Ming opened the oracle lens to scan the grass one by one. After the effect disappeared, Xiao Tian turned on the scanning prop again, and the two of them worked hard to clear the entire red zone's field of vision.

Ning's visionary transformation dispelled a small fog of war and illuminated the vision in the Dragon Pit, where the newly born Baron Nash was still safe and sound.

Lin Ran heard the other four YM people heave a sigh of relief, and then the vision provided by the vision transformation shrank sharply until it returned to darkness.

The EDE team obviously placed real eyes in Dragon Pit.

Xiao Ming quickly inserted the real eye in his backpack to ensure his vision.

The jungle spider on the opposite side had been crouching in the big dragon pit for a long time. When he saw someone coming in from the field of vision, he quickly transformed into a human form and stepped forward to clear the air.

Lin Ran used the universal card to wake up Baron Nash from above the dragon pit. The angry dragon spit out fragrance and sprayed green liquid on the spider, causing two bars of blood to drop instantly.

The frightened Spider hurriedly stepped back, but it was impossible for YM to succeed in this baron's vision. Mid laner Lulu also appeared in the baron pit at this time, putting a shield on the spider in order to let it drain out the real eye.

Since EDE has ample vision for his TP, AmazingJ's Titan is leading the lane in the bottom lane.

Lin Ran glanced at the small map. The middle line of troops was reset to the center of the map. The top line of troops had just been saved by Jin Gong's Poppy with more than ten soldiers, forming a large wave of troops and slowly pushed over. At this time, the blue line was on the blue. The position behind the ruins of Fang Yita was fighting with the opponent's soldiers.

It stands to reason that someone should be there to clear out this tempting wave of soldiers. Spiders, Titans, and Lulu are all in sight, and it is impossible to assist Thresh to capture soldiers.

The answer is ready to come out.

Lin Ran took a deep breath and pressed the R skill with his left index finger.

A prying eye appeared above the heads of the opponent's five heroes. At this time, all the disturbances in the canyon could not escape the card master's eyes.


Lin Ran discovered the lonely war goddess Sivir between the first and second towers on the upper blue road!

The auxiliary Niutou was staying with the large troops to check the field of view and prepare for an ambush. Lin Ran made a prompt decision and pressed the R skill again to teleport directly to Sivir's feet.

The goddess of war with the ID Jinjiao activated her ultimate move as soon as she saw the target. She let out a sharp shout and ran towards the second tower. Titan reacted very quickly and already had TP troops trying to double-team Lin Ran.

Lin Ran landed a basic attack with Lich's Bane passive on Sivir, who was absorbing the blue sword, electric sword and storm sword, knocking out a large amount of health, and lit it up in order to weaken the healing amount.

Then the red card above his head flashed. Lin Ran calculated the time and pressed W again. The card was locked at the moment when the red card switched to the yellow card. The flash sticker threw out the universal card and the yellow card at close range.

Sivir quickly handed over the flash to get out of the way, and then activated the magic shield to try to block the yellow card.

But unfortunately, the yellow card flew slightly faster than the universal card. Lin Ran threw out the universal card and the yellow card one after another, hitting Sivir's body almost at the same time.

The magic shield blocked the wild card, and Sivir, the goddess of war, was still frozen in place.

The level 13 card master's yellow card stuns him for two seconds. Lin Ran presses his face and moves A, triggering the Thunder Lord's decree and lowering his health again.

The two seconds of yellow card dizziness delayed the acceleration time of Sivir's ultimate move. Sivir's AWQ replaced 1/3 of Lin Ran's health before dying, and was then killed by a blue card.

Titan landed and found the situation very embarrassing.

The four YM players started a team battle the moment they saw Titan TP heading to the top lane. Ning directly threw Xiao Ming into the dragon pit. The latter flashed his Q to push up Lulu, and cooperated with Jin Gong's Poppy flash to hit the wall, knocking Lu away. Dew instant kill.

At this time, even if Titan rushes to the frontal battlefield, it will be useless.

In the four-on-three team battle, EDE still lacked key output and control. The results are self-evident. On the front battlefield, there was a wave of 0 for 4, while the Titans chased to the highland tower and replaced Lin Ran. The remaining four YM players started to fight the Baron. .

Lin Ran's ultimate move completely tore apart EDE's formation and turned the entire battle situation around!

I'm afraid that some readers will say that I abuse the leader, so I'll just write this chapter where the protagonist turns the tide of the battle. There are not many chapters left in LSPL. With a BO5 and some daily routines, we can enter the LPL arena and compete with those readers who love to see it. Face-to-face confrontation with familiar characters.

Please vote for recommendations, invest, and collect!

Oh, another little knowledge. Card W draws cards in the order of blue-red-yellow. Readers who often play cards should know that Lin Ran used this knowledge to draw yellow cards as quickly as possible.

ps: Thank you to Sily Yimo for the 500 starting coin reward, and thank you to Nan Zhi Qinghan for the 100 starting coin reward.

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