Episode 18. Confinement (3)

Chapter 18. Confinement (3)

“… Wow.”

An empty sigh came out automatically. Did you really go out? Leave me alone like this?

Do you have any unique hobbies? Maybe he has a shady and eccentric hobby, like a pet person.

Only silence filled the cabin building where even Jane had left. As I lay still and stared at the ceiling, Jane came to mind.

Her I don’t particularly want to think of her. However, I had to consider the number of cases because my treatment depended on her behavior.

“Because I don’t know what’s inside.”

A foxy girl. What the hell do you want from me

The flirtatious and sensual attitude he sometimes shows embarrassed me. Even so, the cruelty of sending the guilty man to the orc’s lair ruthlessly evoked fear.

Jane, who struck down an orc by throwing her scythe with her natural trait of strength, was exceptionally strong. She’d be kind if it wasn’t for the twisted tendencies that broke my ankle.

“I lived once.”

Come to think of it, what was that orc trying to do to me? I felt embarrassed for some reason.

When she was tired of denying reality for a long time, she felt something out of place. For a moment, she calmed her pounding heart and gave strength to her body.

As she sits slowly on her arms, her legs are visible. The shackles were still intact, but the line was quite long. At this rate, I might be able to go to the bathroom or kitchen.

Of course, I don’t feel grateful. But that wasn’t what got on my nerves.

“What is it?”

My ankle, which had been swollen, felt normal. Is it an illusion? I didn’t feel the pain that stimulated me even with a slight touch.

I glanced around and hurriedly removed the bandages. It was the moment when her expectations became reality and appeared in front of her eyes.

“It doesn’t hurt.”

It’s real. It was fine. She gave her a slight slap and stimulated her, but she felt no pain.

I was very sick just yesterday.

“How can this be explained?”

It doesn’t make sense no matter how skilled Jane is in medicine. Maybe my stamina is strong, I don’t know, but the possibility was small.

Could this be related to my characteristics? For a moment, the hope that I might have a trait squirmed.

I thought that if the trait existed in me, it might be related to the lucid dreams I’ve had occasionally since I came to this world.

After checking my ankle, I wrapped the bandage again. There’s nothing good about being caught by Jane, who’s coming back.

“They said there was a status window that was obviously lured.”

It’s not even a novel. Not even a game funny really Is there anyone who would say those words out loud?

“… Status window!!”

Isn’t it? Then.

“System window?!”

Surprisingly, nothing pops up. Expected result.

“Big. Then it is.”

Still, I had a conversation with Yoo In-na. Even though it’s in a dream

She remembers me too, and so will she. He’s even a warrior. There must be something

Because you have abilities and actions that are superior to mine. Because he’s a nice and good kid.

Obviously. Will come

That alone made me very determined.

My heart warmed as hope welled up.

I can wait.

And then I’ll go back. To home. To modern.


I think I fell asleep for a while as I stayed still with my eyes closed. I felt someone’s presence along with a squeaking sound.

“Bocchan, were you kind enough to wait?”

Jane laughed softly. A smile overflows with color. Freshly cooked food is neatly packaged and held in her delicate hands.

“This, release it.”

“Sorry. Honey, I’m a bit busy with work.”

I opened my axe eyes and shouted, raising my voice as much as possible. My voice was unfamiliar with the low pitch that surprised even myself.

Even though his ankle was healed, the discomfort from the shackles was still there. I was annoyed at Jane’s attitude in answering questions.

She casually placed the food on a small table. She saw the meat and soup that looked appetizing, but her body jumped out reflexively of her damn pride.

“I don’t eat.”

The simple table on top of the bed was blown away. However, the strange silence that followed immediately made me regret it.

“Write. Honey, then you can’t use it.”

Seeing the flying food, Jane took a step closer to me. At the moment she winced and turned her head away, but she said yes, but she had to say something.

“Unpack this, let me out.”

“Boss, I am tired. Like a man, huh? Can’t you be nice?”

Jane looked really tired when she said that. Her dark circles, darker than before, made her look more decadent.

“As long as you let me go, it’s over.”

“Honey, come to your senses. What are you going to do alone? Did you forget that I have all authority over the Bocchan right now?”

Jane covered her mouth with her hand as if mocking her, and explained as she unfolded her fingers and folded them one by one. She is like a kindergarten teacher teaching young children.

“In great debt. To unauthorized escape. What I didn’t report is melting. You really should thank me. Huh?”

“Please. Can’t you just let me go?”

“If it wasn’t for me, what would have happened to the young boy? Think with that smart head.”

What? What the heck Better than being imprisoned.

“The only person you can rely on is me.”

“… No.”

“Why do you hate it so much? I make you pretty.”

In the silence, each other’s eyes meet. Mouth burns tight


Jane, who came and sat across from me, smiled as she remembered something about her.

“I’m rather fortunate. What do you think would have happened if it had been successful? Whoops. Our naive youngster, counterfeit ID? Neighboring countries?”

“… What do you know?”

“If that happened, I know the boy would have met a terrible end.”

Jane’s voice was firm. Her steadfastness required an explanation.

“Wait a minute. What?”

“Don’t hate eating.”

Jane avoided my touch and left. She left me with food scraps strewn on the floor.


Becca looked at the man who called her. The palace of the prince, who came after a long time, was splendid and had its own unique beauty. But she couldn’t help but feel a sense of reluctance.

The man who looked similar to his lord, Elina, smiled like the sun. The picture on the tapestry hanging above him boasted extravagance.

“It’s been a while. Sir Cliston.”

“Meet the little moon of the Empire.”

“There is no need for that between us. Wake up.”

Karsen smiled softly. However, Becca had fully guessed his hidden nature. Even if you look at it right away, in his hand is a letter with a torn packaging crumpled.

If he hadn’t been Elina’s henchman, he might have been assaulted by the arrogant prince.

He may be separated from the servants after he leaves. So she had to placate as much as she could.

“Sister is also true. What would you do if you left such a talented knight behind? Of course, from the point of view of the imperial family, it is very good.”

“… ….”

Becca just listened to Karsen in silence. However, he didn’t get to the point and turned his words around.

“Come to think of it, isn’t the age for marriage soon too? Do you have any favorite food?”


At that moment, Yeongsik with blue hair passed by. But at this crucial time, you cannot spoil the cause by playing love games.

“Yes. Then can we go straight to the point?”

“Of course. Majesty.”

Karsen, holding a fan, covered his mouth.

“It is said that prostitution for women is prevalent these days.”

“… How do you do that?”

It’s not something a noble member of the royal family would be concerned about. But he made a fuss like an imperial emergency. Like an innocent bachelor shocked by something impure.

“How can that be? It’s too scary to put it in your mouth. As a man, it’s both regrettable and unpleasant.”

“… Is that so.”

“Also, the Duke of Ortini is talking about it….”

Carsen, who remembered something about her, let out a deep sigh. He has a very sad expression, but his bright eyes were shining like stars.

“I heard that there is a Changgwan that is the most popular in the capital city. I’ll just have to do some searching there first. Even tax and accounting information.”

“… ?!”

The point is to entrust her search to Becca. Although it was humorous to see a knight of the imperial family, not a guard, move because of just such a thing.

“May I ask your noble prince why he is concerned about such a thing?”

Even if you said that, it wasn’t bad from Becca’s point of view. She felt a bit guilty for breaking her promise to the crown princess.

“Caring for the people is also the duty of the imperial family. More than anything.”

“… ….”

“I believe in you. Because he thought of the comfort of the imperial family more than his sister’s private feelings. Even the government can’t let such a vulgar man into the imperial palace.”

“Did you know?”

Karsen smiled broadly.

“Of course. It’s also a good idea to have a generous emergency fund. If it’s not Lord, he has no choice but to ask someone else.”

A deep sense of guilt ran through Becca’s chest. She stood by and watched what the prince did to strangers. Because the safety of the empire was more important to her than Elina’s name.

Because of Lee Seong-hyeon, the noble lord joined the warrior party. That was not the usual lord’s appearance.

He had no reason for her to change if it were not for that man. There is a flower road, but she doesn’t have to make a contribution.

Whether you marry a man from another world with no ability or make him your mistress. In the end, the master’s reputation will suffer a fatal blow. Of course, her political power supporting her will also weaken.

So she disobeyed Elina’s order. She stood by She felt sorry for the stranger, but she resigned herself that it would be best for her.

For her lord.

“But isn’t this helping him?”

Carsen’s intentions are unclear. If Lee Seong-hyun were to thoroughly investigate the Changgwan he was in, he might be able to escape. Of course, the exact direction after that is unknown.

At least we can confirm his existence. He even won a fleetingly good room in a situation that didn’t matter even if he was alive or dead.

“What do you mean by that?”

Karsen smiled shyly and raised his finger to the corner of his mouth. The man’s voice trembled.

“Seonghyun Lee, kill that stranger. That is the greatest loyalty that the Earl of Cliston can show to the Imperial Family.”

“Your Highness, do you really need to go that far?”

“The man from the other world was obscene and filthy, so he entered the Changgwan himself. I would like a scenario of a miserable end, in which, in return, I get a s*xually transmitted disease and die from suffering.”

“… I will take orders.”

I stick out my tongue at the prince’s wickedness. I didn’t know that Prince Carsen would be like this.

First of all, finding his whereabouts is the first step. If you deliver the news, how will Calento Young-shik react?

The thought that suddenly came to my mind was funny. Accepting Karsen’s proposal, Becca left the palace.

The splendid maze-like imperial palace was peaceful and quiet. In the distance, I could see Princess Elina’s sleeping quarters. The owner of the elegant palace was empty, and the attendants were doing their best to manage it.

She will pay the price for not obeying Elina’s orders. But he no longer wanted to go down the wrong path.

Becca was determined to be her own lord. Only this time.

“Sorry. Her Highness Elina, I will definitely restore it to its original state.”

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