Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2348: The director is a little nervous and nervous

The whole story is not long, and it doesn't take too long for the fans to read the whole story.

After reading it, while everyone was excited, they were a little bit surprised to find that this story is not scary at all, and it must not be scary at all.

Regarding Nie Xiaoqian's identity as a female ghost, everyone accepted it extremely smoothly, and didn't feel any panic at all.

This surprised everyone.

Originally, although everyone was looking forward to the story, after looking forward to it, there was actually a little worried.

Worried that the story will be scary, and people's hearts will be pounding.

I also think that Nie Xiaoqian's identity as a ghost girl will make people feel uncomfortable and difficult to accept.

But in fact, all of this does not exist.

Even when Nie Xiaoqian played for the first time, everyone didn't have any response to her identity as a female ghost.

By the way, Mr. Li Fan did not say that this is a horror story, nor that it is a ghost story, but that it is a love story.

Since it is a love story, how can it be horrible and scary?

Many people suddenly thought of this, and couldn't help but regret why they hadn't thought of this earlier?

I thought of it a long time ago, and there is no need to worry about it before.

On the Internet, book fans are talking about it.

"I used to panic when I thought of falling in love with a female ghost. But now, after seeing Nie Xiaoqian, I suddenly found that falling in love with a female ghost is also a very warm and happy thing."

"If all the female ghosts are as beautiful and kind as Nie Xiaoqian, I am also willing to fall in love with the female ghost and marry her as a wife."

"Now that I see the word'female ghost', I no longer feel scared and prudent. Because when I see a female ghost, I think of Nie Xiaoqian. Nie Xiaoqian is so beautiful and kind, of course I don't feel scared anymore. "

"Nie Xiaoqian will definitely become the spokesperson of female ghosts in the future. Whenever we mention female ghosts in the future, everyone will subconsciously think of Nie Xiaoqian. Mr. Li Fan has created a classic character for us."

"I will definitely become a classic character, and an iconic figure in the female ghost world."

"Nie Xiaoqian has a sad destiny and a kind-hearted nature. However, under the coercion of her grandmother, she did a lot of harmful things, which is really regrettable."

"Nie Xiaoqian's destiny is indeed tragic, but she can meet Ning Caichen after her death, and she can be said to have suffered all the pain."

"It's true that since meeting Ning Caichen, Nie Xiaoqian's life can be said to have been very happy."

"I originally thought that Ning Caichen dared to fall in love with a female ghost is a very awesome thing. But I don't think so now. Nie Xiaoqian is beautiful and knows how to take care of people. It's me and I dare to fall in love with Nie Xiaoqian."

"Nie Xiaoqian's story is very wonderful and legendary, but it is not very long. I now somewhat understand Mr. Li Fan's "Liao Zhai", what is going on?"

"Liao Zhai? When we look at Nie Xiaoqian's story, we really feel that Mr. Li Fan is setting up a Liao Zhai for us. The stories that Mr. Li Fan wants to tell us through this "Liao Zhai" should be similar to "Nie Xiaoqian". Not a long story."

"Although the length is not long, it can give people the feeling of a long-form giant. The content is so rich that it can't be finished. This kind of story is unique. I really look forward to the next story of "Liao Zhai". I really hope. There can be more stories, and it is best to have more than 10 stories."

"I suddenly have a strong hunch that in the following time, Mr. Li Fan will tell us a story about the Liao Zhai every day. Hahaha! It's so cool."

"I will tell a story about Liao Zhai every day? Is it so cool?"

"I hope so! Think about it, every day I can hear a new Liao Zhai story. How beautiful is that?"

"However, if there is one story every day. It may take up to ten days to finish all the stories. I think it is better to have one story every two days, so that it can drag the time longer."

"Why do you always think that there are only a dozen stories? For Mr. Li Fan, creating a story is as easy as eating and sleeping. Maybe this time Mr. Li Fan will tell us many, many stories?"

"Many, many? How many are they?"

"I don't know, maybe there will be more than 30, which is a full month's time."

"If this is the case, I will wake up with a smile when I fall asleep."

"Then, let us look forward to it together."


According to the naming method of "Liao Zhai: Nie Xiaoqian", everyone can be sure that "Liao Zhai" is a series of stories.

As for the total number of stories in "Liao Zhai"? This is not known.

Everyone hopes that the more stories the better.

If you can reach 30 stories, you will definitely live a happy life every day.

They dare not ask for more.

After all, Li Fan will never create works easily. The possibility of being able to create 30 short stories in a row is very small.

Everyone is looking forward to it.


Three Holy Village.

Kong Xinlin laughed excitedly after watching "Nie Xiaoqian".

The story is not long, but the content is very rich, novel and bold, and there is a legendary color, which is extremely attractive.

This story is simply too suitable to be adapted into a movie.

Movies made are definitely big sellers at the box office.

Moreover, it will almost certainly become a classic.

Nie Xiaoqian, Ning Caichen, and Yan Chixia will also become classics in film history.

Of course, the premise is to make the movie well.

In addition to excitement and excitement, Kong Xinlin suddenly became a little nervous and nervous.

This story is so good, Li Fan gave him such a good story to shoot, just in case it is not done well...

Not only has it ruined a classic story, it is also difficult to explain to Li Fan.

Kong Xinlin was a little nervous.

Li Fan saw Kong Xinlin's thoughts, smiled faintly, and said, "Mr. Kong, what's the matter?"

Kong Xinlin did not conceal his anxiety, and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Li Fan, this story is great. It will definitely become a classic story. If it is made into a movie, it will definitely be a classic movie. To be honest, I suddenly felt something Worried that I might slap it."

Li Fan smiled and said: "Mr. Kong, you are one of the best film directors in our country. It seems that you should not have this worry."

Kong Xinlin said: "Of course I am also confident. But now this story is indeed too classic."

Li Fan said: "Mr. Kong needn't worry too much. Since I am willing to give it to you to shoot, I naturally have absolute confidence in you. I will adapt the script myself, and Mr. Kong needn't worry too much."

Kong Xinlin nodded slowly and said: "Okay, please rest assured, Mr. Li Fan, I will definitely take it."

Although he was nervous and nervous, he would never give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

For a film director, a good script is already very difficult to find.

A script that can definitely become a classic is hard to come by.

How can you give up with such an opportunity?


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