Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2336: Despair and fear

This is a wrong decision. Many people in the theater are aware of this problem.

They are thinking, should they leave now?

They thought this way, but no one really left. Perhaps it was because they felt depressed and upset at the same time they really wanted to know what happened.

What exactly is the owner of the panting voice experiencing?

So no one left.

The atmosphere is depressing and disturbing, but the film continues.

Accompanied by the rapid gasp, there were some curious voices.

Then only heard a "pop", the pitch-black screen suddenly lit up with a small fire.

After a second, the flame disappeared and the screen became pitch black again.

Everyone can see what is going on?

It was the gasping person who was using the lighter but did not light it.

And the flash of fire just now made people see an eye, an eye full of horror.

Immediately afterwards, there were several "pops" in a row, and the flames flashed several times.

The owner just tried to light the lighter.

Finally, the flame that was ignited no longer went out, and the lighter ignited.

Still the same eye with a look of horror, the screen shifted backward, and the protagonist's entire face was slowly revealed.

That's Ryan Reynolds, who is the star of this movie.

His condition was very bad, his mouth was covered with a cloth.

As the scene continues to move backwards, everyone finds that Ryan's situation is getting worse and worse. He seems to have been kidnapped and locked in a small wooden box.

what is that?


Everyone in the theater thought of this word.

According to the movie's name "Buried Alive", it is easy to associate this word.

day! It really buried people alive!

A focus topic that everyone paid attention to before has an answer at this time.

Does the story of "Buried Alive" really bury a person alive?

Now, the answer is there, it is really to bury a person alive.

Fortunately, this person is still alive.

Although the situation is very bad, nervous, depressed, and frightened, at least he is still alive.

There is hope in life, and it is possible to go out.

Perhaps what this movie is about is how the protagonist who was buried alive in the coffin escaped from the coffin?

Finally, the protagonist must have gone out alive.

All the people in the theater think so, or rather, comfort themselves in this way.

This possibility is indeed very great. The protagonist, who is the existence of a plug-in, will eventually escape smoothly in the face of no matter how dangerous the situation is.

Well, it must be so.

"He looks terrified." Someone whispered.

The atmosphere at the scene is too depressing and disturbing, maybe saying something will make the atmosphere a little easier.

In fact, this is true. Of course, when this voice appeared, the atmosphere on the scene was really not so depressing and disturbing.

"Of course, when you find yourself **** in this way, in a coffin, and you don't know how much soil is buried on it, you might be scared to death."

"You are right. If I face such a situation, I am really scared to death. This is really scary."

"Fortunately, Ryan is not you. Although he is very frightened, he is trying to get rid of the current predicament. He is pushing **** the plank above. He tried his best, and the plank won't move. Damn! There must be a lot of mud buried on it. He was really buried alive in the ground."

"Don't worry, he is the protagonist. In the end, he will be able to escape this **** place."

"Fortunately, he doesn't have everything around him. He has a lighter and a knife. Look, he cut the rope that binds him with the knife, and he is free. Okay, I'm talking about this In the small coffin, he can at least move around."

"He found a mobile phone. My God! It turned out to be a mobile phone, which is really a surprise! With a mobile phone, you can make a call, and maybe he can use the mobile phone to let people rescue him. Hopefully, This **** place, the phone can have a signal."

"He successfully made the first call. The mobile phone really has a signal, and I have thoroughly seen hope."

"Before it was too depressing and disturbing. Now that the mobile phone has a signal and can talk to the outside world, I finally feel a little relaxed."

"Yes, I do too. It's just that this looks like an old cell phone of at least 10 years ago, I hope the battery of this thing can last. There is no outlet to charge the phone in this **** place. "

"This is regrettable. I really hope there is a socket here, which is still powered on. It is best to have another TV. In this way, the protagonist can watch a movie leisurely while waiting for the rescue. "

"Your idea is good, but unfortunately this is not on vacation."


Some viewers deliberately say light words, which can make them less nervous and uneasy.

At this time, through the protagonist’s phone call with the outside world, everyone already knows the protagonist’s identity and the ins and outs of the matter.

Why was he buried alive in such a coffin?

The protagonist is named Paul Conroy, an ordinary American truck driver. In order to make more money, he went to another country, Iraq, to ​​be a contractor.

However, unfortunately came.

Paul was attacked and kidnapped in Iraq, then put in a coffin and buried 6 feet underground in an unknown place.

The kidnappers left Paul with a lighter, a knife, a hip flask, a pen, and a mobile phone that did not belong to Paul.

The purpose is to get Paul to contact the outside world, and then let Paul give them a lot of money by contacting the outside world.

After they get the money, they will tell the specific location where Paul was buried alive.

This is definitely a very unfortunate thing, Paul is a complete hapless.

It is impossible for him to take out the money the kidnappers want, he can only find a way to let the outside world come to save himself through the phone.

Panicked, desperate, and mentally frantic, Paul made one call after another in this state.

However, what I got was disappointment again and again.

He called the police first. Although his desire for help was very urgent, the operator at the other end of the phone said a lot of nonsense, but calmly said that he could be transferred to the security department.

He quickly tried to calm himself down, and then called his wife.

But no one answered, he had to leave a message to his wife and told his wife to contact the U.S. government to find a way to rescue him.

Then, he called fbi again, and the fbi agent also said a lot of nonsense and asked for his social security number.

Damn it! He was buried alive and was about to die. What does it have to do with the social security number?

The phone went down.

Paul called his company again, but the company executive still did not answer the phone, so Paul had to leave a message again.

At this time, he was close to collapse.

Apart from despair and fear, there is nothing else.


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