Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2307: Another literary treasure

Shen Cong said with a smile: "The bird officer is naturally not a curse. The bird officer should be Shaohao, one of the five emperors. Shaohao is the eldest son of the Yellow Emperor and his mother is Lei Zu. His tribe regards birds as the totem of worship. Moreover, Shaohao also regards birds as their worship totem. "Bird" is named for hundreds of officials, such as phoenix bird, blue bird, red bird and so on. The hundreds of officials in his country are like the hundreds of birds, and he himself is the king of the hundreds of birds. Therefore, the bird officials must refer to less Hao undoubtedly."

After hearing this, Wang Xuemin laughed and said, "That's it. It turns out that Shaohao, one of the five emperors, likes birds so much, which is interesting. It is not more appropriate to say that he is a bird officer."

Shen Cong also smiled and said: "Shaohao really likes birds, but the only person who can think of and dare to call Shaohao as'Bird Officer' is probably only the little friend Li Fan."

Wang Xuemin said: "Presumably this name will arouse everyone's interest on the Internet. Mr. Shen, how do you think we should launch this "Thousand Characters" by Brother Li Fan?"

Shen Congdao: "With Li Fan's current influence, there is no need to think about the ways and means of launching. Just make an announcement to the outside world and say that Li Fan has another new work for everyone. Of course, first It's okay to create a little suspense, just start with the phrase'heaven and earth are mysterious, the universe is wild and wild'."

Wang Xuemin smiled and said, “That’s right, brother Li Fan’s works don’t need any propaganda methods at all. However, brother Li Fan sent the works to me first. This is a trust in the Ministry of Education of our country. We can’t let it go. He was disappointed. In my opinion, it is necessary to make a little suspense first. It is also very simple."

Shen Congdao: "It's indeed very simple. The eight characters of'heaven and earth are mysterious and the universe is wild and wild' are still thrilling!"

Wang Xuemin nodded and said, "It's true. Old Shen, I'm going to make an announcement now. This kind of thing should be done sooner rather than later."

Shen Congdao: "Nature."

Wang Xuemin then left and quickly returned to his office to personally organize the announcement language.

Soon, the official channel of the Ministry of Education issued an announcement.

To the effect, do you still remember the phrase "the heavens and the earth are mysterious and the universe is wild"? Do you want to know if there is any further to this sentence? Mr. Li Fan will tell you the answer.

As soon as the announcement came out, it quickly caused a shock on the Internet.

Generally speaking, people are not too concerned about the announcements issued by the Ministry of Education. The announcement of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China requires a certain amount of time to be considered in order to have sufficient influence on the Internet.

But if the announcement is related to Li Fan, then there is no need for any brewing, and it will explode directly on the Internet.

Just like this time.

"Fuck! What does this mean? "Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow, The Universe Is Wild" and what follows?"

"Looking does mean that. Wouldn't it be true?"

"The eight characters of'Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow, the Universe' is really shocking. Every time I see it, I will be shocked by it. If there is really a following, I really can't imagine what it will be like. ?"

"If there is really something to follow, it should be eight characters? Just like a couplet? But, which eight characters can withstand such a momentum?"

"I don't know! It's really anxious! When did the Ministry of Education play this hand?"

"That's not right! What is the relationship between the following text of'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang, the Universe' has to do with the Ministry of Education? If there is a relationship, it should also be a relationship with the Ministry of Culture."

"I'll wipe it! You didn't notice this problem even if you didn't say it. Then, why is the Ministry of Education issuing this announcement?"

"Then who knows? But, it doesn't matter. The important thing is, is there a real story? What's next?"

"Since it is said in the announcement, Mr. Li Fan will tell us the answer. There should be an answer soon. But people are still waiting anxiously."


In a very short period of time, is there a follow-up to "Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow, Universe Primal Wild"? It has become the absolute focus of the entire network.

Countless people are discussing and speculating, looking excited and looking forward to it.

The eight words "Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow, The Universe Is Wild" once again shocked everyone. Just like before, when these eight characters appeared for the first time.

Honghuang, that mysterious and remote era, makes all people feel awe and yearning.


Wang Xuemin was very moved and envied the news that the news exploded in such a short period of time.

It would be great if every announcement issued by the Ministry of Education of their country had the same effect as it is now.

Unfortunately, Wang Xuemin knew that it was impossible.

After sighing, Wang Xuemin knew that he didn't need to wait any longer. As a result, another announcement was issued, "The answer is in Mr. Li Fan's latest work "Thousand Characters". Let's go and see for yourself."

There is also a link at the back, after clicking it, it is exactly the content of "Thousand Characters".

"Thousand Characters" has a total of one thousand words, and it can be published directly on the Internet, which is very simple and convenient.

After this announcement, the Internet suddenly became quiet.

Because everyone was excited to click on the link and search for the answer. Where will they continue to be discussed on the Internet?

After a long time, voices gradually began to appear on the Internet.

This time, it was all excitement and excitement.

For everyone, the appearance of "Thousand Characters" is a huge surprise.

They never imagined that after so long, they would be able to see the following text of "Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow, The Universe Is Wild" today.

Moreover, it is not as previously speculated, the following should also be eight characters, just like a couplet.

Where is this couplet? This is clearly the knowledge handed down from the world, and the voice of China in the dark.

If you chant aloud, it feels like you are chanting a classic that has been handed down for thousands of years.

This feeling is very familiar to everyone. This is what they felt when they once recited the "San Zi Jing".

Now, they once again enjoyed this feeling.

"That's how it feels! That's how it feels! It's the feeling of reading a sage's book. "A Thousand Characters" will undoubtedly be a classic handed down.

"The Thousand Characters Wen" feels that its value is no less than that of the "Three Characters". Mr. Li Fan has brought us a literary treasure."

"I really feel that "Thousand Characters" has been passed down for thousands of years, just like the previous "Sanzi Jing". I am so lucky to be able to read such a work."

"It's true, it's like a classic handed down from ancient times. This feeling is very mysterious, but it's so real."


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