Light of Konoha

Chapter 609

Kakashi snappily said, "We really appreciate you can see!"

Obito ridicule or two, "haha, I can not see how you could do ? "

aside, Nagato, Yahiko looking complex of getting in the way," you should come today in order before the prison riot things right? can talk about what happened yet? "

Obito again and again nodded, looked towards Rin concern, "is village was attacked? Rin Did you get hurt?"

Rin slightly shaking ones head, "there are Senior in course everyone safe thing! "

Kakashi added to the side," virtual organization Although attacks on prisons, but do not dare to do too much. "

" virtual organization? "three people confused , is preparing to continue to ask going down, Sōseki interrupted, "Ninja World is currently facing the threat of Shinobi World War fifth, like you powerful battle strength to remain in prison too wasted! If you wish, I can commutation as a condition temporarily put you out! "

Obito Needless to say, not even think I agreed.

Nagato, Yahiko glance at each other, "we are promised."

They appreciate Sōseki let Konan kindness, did not refuse.

However, Sōseki but it is the voice said in a tranquil voice, "first do not promise too early, one thing I must tell you. After one of you go out to deal with the enemy, the enemy that you have ! "

Nagato alarmed and asked," Akatsuki was rebuilt? Yes Konan or Aizen uncle? "

" is Aizen! but not so much to rebuild, it would be better It should be said that the incorporation of fishes! "Kakashi grave expression explains," Akatsuki's influence, not only occupy a particularly important part in the virtual organization! "

Yahiko surprisedly said," Kisame, Sasori them has been very difficult to deal with, and do not row on the name in the virtual organization? "

" that does not mean I do ...... and you speak. "Kakashi organize the language," alliance recently held a first under the heavens Shinōbi General Assembly, all powerful Shinōbi except Senior have participated, the results of the first under the heavens name was picked a teenage youngster, the youngster what Aizen men! "

Rin added, "the first four of strength than the General Assembly is not Shōdai Hokage Madara and weak!"

listen to them say, three people are mind Earthquake.

say the alliance strength faulting, then he was picked up the title they can understand.

The first four of strength

The General Assembly may not weaker than Shōdai and Madara, but also let a stranger take the first under the heavens name, only show the man's strength was too strong terrifying!

And it is this expert, but only a subordinate of Aizen, thinking it is a very fine fear!

Nagato emotionally said, "is indeed the uncle, as if I had made him the leader of Akatsuki, perhaps it is not now the case!"

Obito breathes deeply, "I knew Aizen guy not simple, but did not expect to be so abnormal! "

Yahiko frowns head, and he does not want the Aizen uncle right, then asked," you said, just one of the virtual organization , is there another enemy? "

Sōseki slightly nodded," there is a shell organization called influence! "

three people ignorant force again, ye came out a housing organization ?

It stands to reason, the outside world should be a dominant alliance, in which case, it should be difficult soil fishes such organizations have grown!

how mysterious organization was also changed more than them?

Also, make treats alliance solemnly explained on the strength of the housing organization are mostly former Akatsuki!

Obito wrestled with language and asked, "What is this shell organization?"

Kakashi by Sōseki tell them explains, "You should have heard the legend of salvation Rikudō Sennin ? this thing it true, Rikudō Sennin it was from his mother rescued the hands of this World "

" and Rikudō Sennin's mother from the depths of the sky an extremely terrifying of influence -! big drum wood clan! this home clansman Ding rare, but every member have a repressive a planet's powerful strength! "

" Rikudō Sennin's mother is this big barrel of wood clan subordinate warrior, while the shell organization leader , it is thousands of years ago with her superiors come Otsutsuki Clan warrior of our planet! "

this information allows a series of three people close to the downtime of the brain, a big wooden barrel, what shell organization, how it sounds so fake?

Nagato dry voice asked, "Do you say is true?"

"of course, is true!" Kakashi nodded, "You go out after just find someone to ask will know! "

Obito breathes deeply," I understand, is now facing the biggest crisis alliance is a shell organization, right? "

Nagato and asked," Do they want to destroy world? "

Yahiko look dignified," you want us to go out after contact Aizen uncle, together against the shell organization? "

However, after three people shocked out loud, but found Kakashi and Rin faint smile of looked them.

Obito puzzled and said, "so you see what I do?"

Kakashi said with a smile, "I just sigh, you and this World out of touch for too long! Shell Organization indeed very powerful, but in the alliance, virtual organizations, housing organizations in the tripartite influence, in fact, they are the most vulnerable party! "

Rin nodded," if not false-Qaeda leaders who want to keep them, they most now have been seal up! "

three people once again shocked, what is this development?

Obito some can not understand, "you before not to say that a large wooden barrel is a strong influence from the depths of the sky, just a person will be able to suppress a planet?"

"Yes ah ! "Rin nodded," can this kind of thing, Senior Aizen and that also made it easy! "

three people staggering looked toward Sōseki, they really can not be just this handsome gentle men and repression planet of the gods linked!

Yahiko trance absence, "Is the outside world has passed dozens of years yet?"

"Of course not, but eight years later ......" Kakashi said he is not clout, Senior but has a great power to manipulate time, maybe secretly give yourself time Acceleration of it?

see Kakashi towards his opinion, Sōseki naturally understand what he was thinking, shaking one's head and said, "by Time Acceleration to fight okay, but for training? You are too highly of me!"

"when, time Acceleration?" Yahiko dumbfounded Road.

"not just Time Acceleration, as well as Time Reverse it!" Rin lingering fear recalled, "Three years ago, a man named Mokpo large tube-type guy attacked the alliance, killed many of us, Finally, Senior everyone with Time Reverse the resurrection! "

heard here, three people have been completely dull!

repression planet, manipulating time, which is entirely in the realm of the gods, right?

Just when three people in a daze, and an old man suddenly appeared in front of everyone, look solemnly said, "leaders, moon suddenly disappeared, and now the outside world chaos!"

Sōseki muttered a moment, "moon disappear? Sage trouble to appease everyone, come me later!"


and other Six Paths to leave aside five people stunned look over.

Yahiko stammeringly asked, "You, you call him? Also, what you call him?"

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