Light of Konoha

Chapter 444

Just like the night when the war ended eight years ago, brightly lit, coveted.

Everyone releases the pressure in their hearts as much as they want. At this moment, they don't worry about what the future will be like, nor are they worried about the threat posed by Akatsuki.

Everyone laughed happily and played games, as if returning to the no worries and carefree time in the Academy!

"This Matan sparrow saint re-emerges today, it must be another foul wind and bloody rain, you have to pay attention, I have already drawn the cards, if you put it to me, I can..."

"Asuma, hurry up!"

"Well, um~ I'll hit fifty thousand!"

"It's past (x3)!"


"pu! Why did I make another three shots?"

Kakashi looked from the side, his eyes were complicated, and he remembered the one who yelled out seventeen cards and was eaten in seconds. youngster ......

Sōseki patted his shoulder lightly, "Why didn't you go to play with everyone?"

Kakashi shook his body, and looked back at Senior before he relaxed. , Reluctantly said with a smile, "I feel a little sick, so I still don't bother everyone."

Sōseki asked, "Do you think of Obito?"

Kakashi's body Once stiff, he immediately sighed, "Although I said he was a little disappointed on such a happy day, I still can't understand why he became like this..."

Sōseki smiled gently, "Then go He got it back and asked him in front of him!"

"Get him back!" Kakashi was refreshed, but soon said with a bitter smile, "He can still return Do you have to come?"

In his opinion, if all of Obito's things are true, the best outcome after coming back is life imprisonment, right?

Sōseki Weiwei shaking ones head, "Isn't it something that a friend should do to bring back someone who has gone astray? Even if he is punished afterwards, he should not be looked at forever!"

Kakashi was in a daze, then took a deep breath, "Senior, you are right, I can't look Obito wrong forever!"

After speaking, he walked over in one direction.

There, Naruto is yelling, "Many people! It feels like a night market!"

A certain fox in his consciousness space is urging loudly "Hurry up! How boring to look like this?"

Naruto sighed, "I don’t have any money, do I mortgage you here if I lose?"

Kyūbi yelled," Believe me, you will not lose!"

"Hehe...but I seem to have forgotten something, what is it?"

Beside him, Minato and Kushina Comment with a smile.

"It's Asuma, I am so knowledgeable in firing guns!"

"I can only say that this is his style, I dare to fight anything in order to win!"


At this moment, Kakashi came over and bowed vigorously at them, "Minato-sensei, Kushina onee-san, I want to apologize to you on Obito!"

Minato Weiwei shaking ones head "Let him go by the past. Besides, it’s none of your business!" Kakashi stood up straight and squeezed the fist, "I will definitely catch Obito back and let him give You apologize and redeem your sins!"

Kushina smiled freely, "If you really want to apologize, let Rin wake up quickly...Really, I kept it from us for so long!"

" Obito, Rin..." Kakashi nodded hard, "I will, I will definitely bring them all back!"

"Okay, don't think about that many troubles now, just have fun!"


It was late at night, and after the banquet, the lively courtyard regained tranquility.

After cleaning up the mess, Sōseki walked to his room.

Entering the room, Sōseki did not go to bed directly, but sat down on a chair.

I took a book on the table and flipped through it, and then the voice said in a tranquil voice, "Please come in."

The dark shadow outside the room was surprised. But thinking of the identity of the person in the room, he was not surprised, opened the door and walked in.

Looking up towards the coming person, Sōseki said with a smile, "Fugaku -senpai, the time you picked seems a bit special!"

Fugaku didn’t take the opportunity to get closer, and It is said in a formal name, "Sōseki -sama, I have a very important confidential report!"

"Important secret?" Sōseki raised his eyebrows, hand sealed his hands, and an invisible barrier moved away. "Okay, don't worry about the conversation being heard by others now!"

Seeing Sōseki's solemnity, Fugaku relaxed a little, and then said that it was Wang Zhan, "Uchiha Clan intends to launch a coupon-d'état!" "

Sōseki leaned forward slightly and asked in a serious tone, "Fugaku -senpai, what is going on?"

Fugaku sighed, "You know, Danzo-sama I have always had a prejudice against my clan, and in the past few days Obito and Shisui revealed that they were related to Akatsuki. Within clan was even more people were alarmed, worried that Danzo-sama would be liquidated under the pretext of being liquidated!"

"So, we clan Decided to preemptively and launch the coup-d'état before Danzo is liquidated! But who knows, Danzo-sama will have such an accident today..." Fugaku's face was full of didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Although the change that happened to Danzo-sama was a good thing for my clan, it was a pity that it came too late, and the majority of people had no way to look back. They finally decided to launch coup-d' état!"

"It turns out that it is!" Sōseki looking thoughtful nodded, then asked, "Fugaku -senpai what do you think?"

I know the key part, Fugaku said solemnly, “I know that the village may not care too much about Uchiha’s rebellion, but in this sensitive period, the village’s repressive actions may scare the fleeing people and cause chaos. Moreover, the power of the village will inevitably be In the process of suppressing the riots, I was injured!"

"So, I hope that I can execute the decapitation operation and kill the leaders of the radicals, and then the village will define me as the undercover agent of Akatsuki!"

"If this happens then, Uchiha no longer has the ability to rebel, and Uchiha's accumulated hatred can also be transferred to Akatsuki and me!"

The room is very quiet, with only lights Shaking light and shadow are shaking.

Fugaku did not speak, but his breathing became rapid, as if he was waiting for the final judgment!

At this moment, Sōseki suddenly looked towards the outside world and said with great interest, "It seems that there are visitors coming again, Fugaku -senpai, why don't you take a break for a while?"

Fugaku heart Startled, knowing that he can't spread the news about his coming to see Sōseki tonight, otherwise, his actions to transfer hatred will inevitably lead to suspicion!

So, he turned into a trash can at the fastest speed and jumped into the corner to hide.

Thanks to the barrier, the silhouette lingering outside the door did not notice the movement in the room.

Then the door suddenly opened.

Seeing this, the silhouette outside the door was a little surprised, but soon calmed down and walked in.

"Sōseki -sama!"

Because of hiding in the blind corner of the room, the line of sight is blocked by the bed, Fugaku can't see the figure of the visitor.

But after hearing this sound, his heart beat fiercely, "This is Shisui?"

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