Light of Konoha

Chapter 340

Yahiko scratch his head, "It's been so many years, uncle your enemy should have died long ago?"

Aizen smiled freely and freely, "Who knows? But you have to find yourself a goal!"

Obito frowns on the side. Although he instinctively thinks the other party is talking nonsense, when you think about it carefully, it seems that what the other party said is not unreasonable.

Otherwise, how do you explain that such a powerful expert has not left any traces in Ninja World?

Moreover, there is still such a powerful Kenjutsu in this world where Shinōbi is the mainstream!

"After going back, please ask. As Madara's will, he should know more than me."

"I know again!" another side, Black Zetsu pupils Suddenly contracted, "He said he didn't find anything, but this is just his own statement, maybe he already knows about my two scoundrel big brothers."

"Think about it. He is a person who has experienced that era and knows the power of mother. Now he has discovered Rinnegan of Nagato. He may have guessed that mother is not dead, so he plans to use himself as a bait to lure mother out and expose mother to my big brother’s eyes. ."

"Unfortunately, he didn't know that his mother was indeed sealed. The person who really led Nagato was actually Black Zetsu!"

Thinking of this, Black Zetsu looked in his eyes Seriously, "Although it's just my guess, you must be more vigilant about this guy!"

He can point out that the opponent’s enemy has Rinnegan’s "vulnerabilities", but the question is, how does he explain where he came from? Know the history?

It's really big!

The illusion space was quiet for a moment, as if digesting the shocking news.

For a long while, Yahiko continued, "Back to the subject, Tobi, how is your Dark Demon army developing?"

Tobi tweak one's ears and scratch one's cheeks said , "One, two, two, two, four, one, sixteen... Maybe two thousand? No, it seems to be three thousand? Ah, in short, it's less than one hundred thousand!"

He was leaning on at first The White Zetsu army was introduced to Akatsuki. Of course, the reason he gave was to borrow the power of the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path to cultivate Dark Demon.

Otherwise, he, who has already mastered a lot of influence, would want to enter the Akatsuki, which is not too powerful at present, which is a bit strange.

"Dark Demon army?" Aizen asked at the right time.

"It is a Dark Demon that Tobi found, which can be used as an army force by cultivating replicas!" Yahiko said seriously, "I don't want anyone to die, but to achieve peace, you must have enough power. It's the only way to frighten those Great Country. The army produced by this kind of Dark Demon may be able to meet the requirements!"

"Don't you want anyone to die? It's a simple idea!" Aizen said.

"But this is not easy. Two or three thousand armies are absolutely impossible to deter those Great Country." Yahiko sighed, and then looked towards Tobi, "What else is needed to build a 100,000 Dark Demon army? "

Tobi tilted the head, "Yes, what do I need?"

Yahiko twitched the corner of his mouth, "I am asking you!"

Tobi said aggrieved, "Even if you ask me, I don't know!"

Said with a smile, "hehe, let me talk about it, it should be Ryo, site, time !"

"Absolutely, you can tell me carefully."

"First of all, Ryo, using the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path to cultivate Dark Demon also consumes natural resources, which are natural resources. Where do you come from? Of course, you can only rely on Ryo to buy from those Great Country!"

"Secondly, it is the site. Whether it is an army or the cultivation of Dark Demon, it needs a unique site, otherwise it is easy to be Others discover our actions."

"Finally is time. Cultivating these Dark Demons does not happen overnight. Only enough time can we grow to the point where the entire Ninja World is terrified."


Tobi repeatedly nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Yes, that's what I think!"

"The site is easy to handle, just use Ame no Kuni!" Nagato Murderous aura said suddenly, "Let Hanzo also experience the pain of losing something precious!"

Yahiko is a browse tightly knit, "Hanzo is not an ordinary character, as the former Ninja World Demi-God, His every move is paid attention to by Ninja World. If we kill him, wouldn't Akatsuki be exposed to everyone's eyes? When the time comes, it will be difficult for us to secretly develop!"

Nagato was depressed, "Are we just letting him go like this?"

"Of course we can't let him go!" Although Yahiko was kind, he had absolutely no liking for Hanzo, who almost killed the three of them.

"Did I not deliberately threaten him recently and let him take the initiative to hide in Ame no Kuni? When he completely disconnects from the outside world, so that people outside think that he has retired, we will kill again He! When the time comes, no one will notice even if he is dead!"

Nagato had to be nodded, "Let him live for a while!"

, Aizen suddenly said, "Hanzo has worked hard from the bottom step by step. With his eyes, you may not be able to see your thoughts. If he pushes too tightly, Nagato may be dangerous!"

Nagato doesn’t care, "It’s okay, I have almost mastered Rinnegan’s power now, fight it again, Hanzo’s scoundrel will definitely not be my opponent!"

"I I’m not talking about this.” Aizen was slightly shaking ones head, “Nagato, you should have used Rinnegan’s power when you stun Hanzo last time?”

Nagato hesitated nodded, “Yes.”

"The average person may not recognize your Rinnegan, but will Hanzo not recognize it? The reason why this news was not allowed to circulate in Ninja World is mostly because he caught your eyes."

Yahiko exclaimed, "You mean, if Hanzo feels that the risks outweigh the benefits, he might spread the news of Rinnegan?"

Aizen nodded, "Rinnegan is very difficult to deal with, but can you guarantee to avoid every attack?"

Yahiko mused, "Yes, I thought it was too simple!"

Nagato suggested, " Or let me kill him. If it attracts attention, disconnect me from Akatsuki."

Yahiko hesitated, "But..."

"Actually , I have an idea." Aizen said with a smile.

"I almost forgot that I asked you to be a military advisor with Uncle!" Yahiko urged, "Uncle, tell me your approach."

"Actually, Akatsuki and Hanzo The battle of Yahiko has attracted a lot of attention. The best way to keep these eyes away from us is to let Hanzo'kill' us!"

Yahiko brows slightly wrinkle, but soon The reaction came, "I understand, control Hanzo, let Hanzo attract attention as the Master of Ame no Kuni on the surface, we can go back and develop secretly behind the scenes!"

"How can we control Hanzo? Konan lightly tapped his chin with his index finger, "Can you use Genjutsu? Can a character of Hanzo's level be controlled by Genjutsu?"

I know this... Obito is preparing to recommend himself, and has not had time to speak. , I heard Aizen said with a smile, "Let me try it!"

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