Light of Konoha

Chapter 337

A few days later, in a hostel room.

"This Mifune General is really swift and decisive. I found so many exercises in a few days!" Aizen sighed with the pile of scrolls at hand.

However, it is not surprising that Mifune will cooperate in this way.

On the one hand, these exercises are just basic things and have no value.

On the other hand, the collection exercise itself confirms his claim of developing a new exercise method. Otherwise, what is the use of having so many exercise methods alone?

Of course, in the final analysis, strength says everything.

Like an ordinary person, many people don’t care even if they shout for peace, but if you say the same thing from Shōdai Hokage, you can be regarded as a standard.

Mifune should still have some expectations for what he said to create a method for efficient use of physical energy.

With such emotion, Chanel's voice came from outside the door.

"Aizen sama!"

"Please come in!"

Opening the door, I saw Chanel walking in with food, "Aizen sama, I brought lunch for you!"

"Thank you." Aizen slightly smiled, and then looked towards the door, "Friends outside, don't you plan to come in?"

"Sorry, sorry!"

With this voice, two men and a woman walked in.

Seeing this, Chanel quickly put the food on the table, then stood in front of Aizen and asked, "Who are you? If you get closer, you can don't blame me for being impolite!"


Although her potential is not weak, it takes time to guide the strength in the body. And she has just been training for a few days, of course how strong is impossible.

The reason why she has such confidence is completely because she can close the door and let go of ghosts, and there are four in one release!

"Don't worry, we are not bad guys." Yahiko laughed and pushed Nagato next to him, "Look, this guy has the same hair as you, and he is also from Uzumaki Clan!"

Seeing the other party blunt out Uzumaki Clan, Chanel felt a little loose. After all, she has been taught by the four ancestors for a period of time, and she still has some understanding of some of the characteristics of Uzumaki Clan.

However, she still didn’t give in, “It’s almost useless if the set is close. I won’t let you get close to sama if you don’t say the purpose!”

Yahiko had no choice but to talk to Aizen. Beckoned, "-senpai, are you the one who rescued us from Hanzo last time?"

Aizen chuckled, "It's me."

"Hey? Admit it? Now!"

Seeing the other party's confession so readily, the three people are dumbfounded, shouldn't you deny the next plot, they take evidence, deny, and take evidence, and finally they are forced to helplessly? Did you admit it?

"Since you have all found here, what's the use of denying it?" Aizen said softly with a smile, "Besides, I didn't do anything shameful, right?"

"haha, it's -senpai!" Yahiko grinned, -senpai's refreshment was too appetizing for him.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Chanel looked towards their eyes softer, "Have you been rescued by Aizen sama?"

"Of course..." Yahiko laughed Suddenly startled, "Also? This elder sister was also rescued by -senpai?"

Glanced at Aizen, seeing that he didn't stop him, Chanel rolled up his sleeves said in a tranquil voice, "Because Uzumaki Clan’s powerful life force physique, I used to be treated as a medical Ninja Beast, until Aizen sama appeared, and took me out of the abyss."

looked at the bite mark on this arm, three people subconscious will He moved his gaze to other parts, although he was concealed by the clothes, but he could still see the tooth marks faintly.

Konan bit his lower lip, "Those people are too much!"

Nagato's eyes are even more indifferent, "A bunch of scum!"

The same Uzumaki Clan, he is much luckier than the other party, at least he still has -sensei, and a close friend who has been with him all the time!

Chana slightly shaking ones head, "I am very lucky to meet Aizen sama!"

"Not a wife and daughter!" Yahiko guessed wrong, sighed frustrated," I thought that -senpai was because his wife and daughter were both Uzumaki Clan, so it saved us for the sake of the same clan!"

"Wife, wife, and daughter, how can you talk nonsense!" Eyes dizzy, the top of the head is steaming, almost transforming into a steam girl.

"Actually, I will save you and Chanel. There is indeed Uzumaki Clan's reason in it." Aizen sighed.

"Hey!" Yahiko exclaimed, "Are you from Uzumaki Clan, senpai? It's just a genetic mutation that doesn't have red hair?"

Listening to him, many people Cast a curious look at Aizen.

"Just seeing Uzumaki Clan's experience, I will inevitably feel sad." Aizen's eyes flashed a lonely color at the right time.

Is the clan of sama-senpai also exterminating the clan... Several people secretly guessed in their hearts and didn't ask much.

Seeing that the atmosphere suddenly became heavy, Yahiko clapped his hands next to him, changing the subject and saying, "This elder sister, you are the clansman of Nagato, do you want to join our organization too?"

Chanel has a question mark. Although she has a good sense of these people, is it too hasty to invite others to join the organization at the first meeting?

Seeing Chanel stunned, Yahiko introduced, "Our organization was established to achieve the ultimate peace. It is an organization with ideals, responsibility, and full of vitality and vitality!"

Chanel was silent for a moment, "I will only follow behind sama."

"That's better!" Yahiko finally remembered the business, looked towards Aizen with passionate eyes, "-senpai, join together Let's do it!"

Aizen said with a smile, "You don't even know my identity, origin, or character, so you want to invite me to join?"

"Those are not important !" Yahiko looked at him with piercing eyes, "As long as you have the same dream, I believe -senpai, you are also a dream chaser looking forward to peace!"

"This World, you rarely see something like this You are such a pure person!" Aizen sighed.

"So-senpai, did you agree?" Yahiko asked excitedly.

"You must give me some time, let me think about it!" Aizen helplessly said.

"haha, it seems that I was pushing too hard!" Yahiko hehe smiled twice, "but -senpai, don't try to escape secretly!"

Aizen some didn't know whether to cry or laugh, "What did I run for?"

"That would be the best!"

Like a bully who forced a prostitution, Yahiko both hands on the hip, laughed and took Nagato away.

"What a weirdo!" Chanel spit out from the side.

After confirming a few people to leave, Aizen released the restrictions on the mask.

Then a few ghosts floated out of the mask with excitement.

"Didn't expect and clansman are alive!"

"Very good!"

"Aizen sama, why didn't you let us out just now?"

"Aren't they good people? That's why you won't let them meet the ancestors, sama?" Chanel suddenly became alert.

Although that Nagato is her clan, compared with Aizen Sama's kindness, the clan is nothing at all.

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