Light of Konoha

Chapter 332

see each other with no difficulty put them pressed down, a few people are shocked mind.

"Amazing, who in the end is this guy?"

"a human, even better than those of us Shinigami in Soul Power?"

" too terrifying, and his soul is simply too strong terrifying! "

" I do not even feel that this is not his best! "

obviously is the soul of state, in the face when the other party, but a few of them but it feels kind of breathing come.

Like in childhood playing in the forest, suddenly met Butch is so frightening.

"You should now be able to calm down, right?"

speak at the same time, Aizen is not made secretly sigh, Shinigami for the emotional impact of really too serious.

Otherwise, they can go down in the history of Uzumaki Clan character, should still not heard a message so lost self-control.

"Please stop there and let us have calmed!"

If we say that they at first some face Junior arrogance.

So, now, they only admire the heart.

For them from the chaos of the times, strength is clearly easier to convince people.

"That was very good!"

Aizen will receive a spiritual pressure, few people seem to return to the fish in the water, while the soul happy.

calm down a little, the night again and asked, "What, you just said Uzumaki Clan were destroyed in the end ......"

"is true!" Aizen would let them down the conclusion, "because Fūinjutsu a powerful force to be afraid of people, Uzumaki Clan many years ago were more than a dozen joint country destroyed!"

a few people's mood was very low, but with the previous foreshadowing Actually, it's too extreme performance.

"how is this possible?" Alone Ching Fai muttered excited yelled, "Konoha it? Konoha did not take action and rescue you?"

"You know Konoha? "Aizen looked at him quite surprised look.

"Of course, the signing of a friendship contract and Senju Hashirama people what I ...... Yes, you know Senju Hashirama, right?"

"certainly know." Aizen casually explained, "this incident occurred when, Konoha is also being plagued by war."

"war?" Zheng-hui some doubts, "now in the end what age? has been a hundred years yet?"

"with your mouth Konoha established as a starting point, and it has only 51 years." (timeline issue see Chapter)

"51 years?" said Ching Fai stared "also, Hashirama should be dead right! If he is still alive, will not be looked war!"

Although he was uncomfortable, the positive audible Hui said that, the remaining three people still had doubts .

"As long as that person alive, the war would not have happened?"

"how could such a thing?"

Ching Fai shake shaking ones head, "you do not understand, Hashirama is strong enough to put down the troubled times of the people!"

the remaining three people are shocked mind, although they are expert in different times, but had never heard of, there is virtue strength of oneself repression of people in troubled times.

"He was right." Aizen slightly nodded, "Senju Hashirama really is as powerful as a man, but unfortunately, a few years after he founded in Konoha dead!"

"how is it possible?" the dark eyes widened positive Hui mask, "Hashirama how could die so young?"

"he and Uchiha Madara never ordered a war, although the killing Madara , but he is subject to a very strict heavy injury potential, a few years after the death. "

the remaining three people are to their mouths with strength of oneself pacify troubled times expert was shocked, suddenly heard the people died because of battle, the people are not good.

in the end what age, can simultaneously born out of such a rank of two expert!

"Hashirama and Madara never ordered a war? They are not the best relationship friend?" Ching Fai speak, the brain chaos, "and they've also fought ah, Hashirama should be stronger fishes no reason to pay life ...... is it because heart-breaking? "

see more they pull farther, Aizen coughed," in short, Uzumaki Clan many years ago was destroyed, but spread with this bloodline of people, and not all disappear! "

four people hear aroused, right ah, the other party is not said before Uzumaki Clan to revive it?

see four pairs of dark eyes towards his opinion, Aizen chuckled, "may wish to use your sense look outside."

four people this find, where they are the dilapidated Ancestral Hall seems to be shrouded barrier.

released sense, they soon found a red-haired woman is holding a also has a red-haired, just the amount of fat and some rare baby standing outside.

red-haired - iconic characterized in that once they itch by scratching.

"She, she is?"

"No doubt, she is the person you Uzumaki Clan!"

hearing this, few people are rejoicing .

"very good!"

"did not expect also to see clansman!"

Uzumaki Qianxue is wide-eyed looked towards Aizen, " so, you are that child's father? "

Aizen sighed," do not think, I just feels that she saved from her den out of it. "

" den? "

"a closer look at her body, should be able to find some problems."

few people doubt the sense extends out, and then the woman will be exposed to the outside portion of the garment - palm , the neck found numerous bite marks.

"This, this in the end is how is it?" Even if it has no body, but a few people are still angry that even the soul of the body trembling.

"lost the blessing of ethnic groups, various Uzumaki clansman born with extraordinary abilities of fate it would be like?" Aizen defeated with a single word of their psychological defensive line, "such as they are, become a medical Ninja Beast human form of livestock has been considered a good luck! "

" It is also because outsiders coveted, just several decades of time, this World has been difficult to find the silhouette of the Uzumaki Clan - you know, then fled out of exterminating the clan when Uzumaki clansman in fact a few "

hearing this, some people susceptible to the emotional impact of mad up again!.

"inexcusable, absolutely inexcusable!"

"I want to kill those scoundrel!"

"They dare to insult people, I will not a let go! "

this time, Aizen did not stop them, just stood quietly, waiting for them to vent finished.

long, four people to wear off.

"The sama, what you need us to do?"

Apparently, their attitude changed again.

"You do not have to worry about, but I want you to do is help me take care of their culture!" Aizen smiled and pointed outside Ancestral Hall.

"just like this?" A few people are afraid to believe that such a condition was too favorable, and that kind of thing is no need to tell each other they will do it.

"Of course, you think, what you are worthy of my coveted?" Aizen said with a smile.

He did not lie to him, as long as both of them to take care of Chennai on it.

After the wait, if he really has a mission to arrange for the mother and child do these old fellow is not eagerly follow?

In addition, he will also have more men, to the status of mother and daughter Chennai, these old fellow certainly will take the initiative enthusiasm he used to beg!

"haha, we are certainly willing!"

Then, the night is also a little embarrassed.

After all, he said, but before that they do not belong to this World, this world does not want to interfere, the results become Uzumaki Clan shameless thing immediately agreed.

"Uzumaki Clan way and my way not in conflict!" Aizen continues Fudge said, "My ideal is to rewrite this World order, behind me, I will take you to achieve the Uzumaki Clan revenge, revival! "

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