Light of Konoha

Chapter 130


half a month, Orochimaru underground laboratories.

"actually only took half a month's time to come up with solutions, is really amazing innate talent!" Orochimaru sincere emotionally said.

"no, this thanks to Orochimaru -sama experimental data you give." Sōseki equally sincere gratitude.

"I have those data?" Orochimaru shake shaking ones head, he naturally did not think myself that data can play a key role in what.

There are countless unknown road, he ruled out that the data is nothing more than sixty wrong answer it.

Think of here, Orochimaru more sentimental, "perhaps because keep humble, to let you see farther than other people!"

Sōseki not help but smile, "Orochimaru - sama, we begin the operation as soon as possible, right? "

operating front table.

Mizuki now know Sōseki may have to pay the "price", the hearts of very ashamed.

His strength is to get help Sōseki, but now not only did not help, but let Sōseki time-consuming effort to give him a treat, even risk being Tsunade -sama who do not like the.

Think of here, Mizuki a heavy hammer bed board, "hateful, I was in the end doing ah!"

Sōseki smiled soothingly, "do not have the psychological burden, peace of mind to accept treatment can a. "

" but I ...... "

" even Orochimaru -sama marveled at your perseverance, you will not fall here! "

Sōseki must not be allowed to hold down the faith, Mizuki face death calmly lay down.

this scene so that Orochimaru see clicking one's tongue in wonder, just a few words can make Mizuki produce such strong faith.

unimaginable, he is with what a leader of the force!

surgery went smoothly, quickly, Konoha second green angel of fresh baked.

Yes, Green Wood Release Mizuki's Wood Release and Sōseki impression almost identical.

Orochimaru brows tightly knit, Shōdai Warring States forces put down on this?

But soon he will not care about, anyway, he wanted only cell activity data after Mizuki.

Mizuki is excited, in his view, this level of power is enough much.

Not to mention, he finally meets the requirements of training Senjutsu chakra, and finally ...... and from Sōseki back closer to some!

"While not wanting to blow your interest, however, Wood Release is best not to use it." Looked Mizuki that excited the way, Orochimaru pot of cold water poured down, "Otherwise, it will be very troublesome to explain the ! "

Mizuki also calm down, indeed, although Kekkei Genkai can be developed, but his innate talent, even if he says he developed, no one would believe it.

Think of here, Mizuki help some frustration, finally get a powerful force with no way out, "I know, I will ......"

Sōseki suddenly interrupted "I just attribute where there Water-Earth two lines, let me put Wood Release developed, and then I pass on to say that outside the Mizuki."

Orochimaru seems surprised eyes, "Sōseki -kun, development Kekkei Genkai is not what is easy to do!"

Mizuki also quickly said, "Sōseki, you do not waste energy because I do!"

Sōseki waved his hand and said with a smile, "in fact, I also see in the Chunin Exams Terumi Mei developed Kekkei Genkai, will have this bold idea."

"she did not reference can be successful I had always easier than Mizuki help her some of it, or should I say, Mizuki you do not want to help me do? "

Sōseki must be to take care of my feelings telling you this ...... Mizuki hearts deeply moved , repeatedly shaking one's head, and said, "of course not! We do not know how to help, but Sōseki how you say me on how to do a good job!"

Orochimaru somewhat helpless, "the development Kekkei Genkai said I can make it so easy to believe, it was only Sōseki -kun you. "

Sōseki said with a smile," when is the arrogant youngster it. "

Orochimaru smiled and walked away, "If this sentence is arrogant believed it!"

"Wood Release ah!" Sōseki sighed, followed went out.

Wood Release is strong or not does not matter, but it is worthy of his symbolic significance to develop, and if in the future after a night out with ......

two days, Hokage Residence Conference Hall in .

Hokage, Hokage advisers, as well as village of Jonin are gathered together, and the atmosphere was very dignified.

"Just this morning, Kumogakure to our stress Land of Hot Water grounds, that is to take the initiative to send troops to maintain peace Ninja World!" Sandaime look of silent, "There Iwagakure, said to be plotting to kill us Sandaime Kazekage, but also to support the Fourth-Kazekage as Puppet, now have to send troops to help Sunagakure things right! "

Danzo sneered," this reason, they say it ought to be ashamed it? "

Mitokado Homura exclaimed, "although I would like to strive for peace, seems to be not likely to be a!"

Sandaime nodded, "Do not have any illusions, I hereby announce the official start of the war ! "

a public Jonin in the Conference Hall are shortness of breath, even for them, the word component of the war are too heavy!

see no objection, Sandaime only continued, "In order to cope with this war, we need two things set up front."

"Western Front to Shimura Danzo as Commander-in -Chief, with Akimichi Torifu as his assistant, mainly to deal with the threat from Iwagakure; Eastern Front to Orochimaru as Commander-in-Chief, to ...... "Sandaime paused for a moment," Namikaze Minato was his assistant, mainly to deal with the threat from Kumogakure "

tone barely fell, in the Conference Hall will be a commotion, and the remaining three people compared to, Namikaze Minato components was not enough.

Danzo wrinkled frowned, but did not speak, in his view Eastern defeat or, just by his pulling strongly against a crazy tide.

Minato some embarrassing show of hands, "Hokage -sama, not as good as his assistant, a job or to the more experienced -senpai, right?"

Sandaime knock tobacco pipe, " need not decline, I believe you can do a good job "

Minato does not give the opportunity to refute, Sandaime and then said," in addition to the two front, but also the formation of scouts to Hyuga Hiashi as Captain!; the formation of surprise force to Uchiha Fugaku as Captain; formation of staff forces to Nara Shikaku as Captain; formation of sense troops to Yamanaka Inoichi as Captain;.? establishment of medical logistics units to Nonō as Captain is there a problem "

the presence Jonin looked at each other in blank dismay, Hyuga Hiashi raised their hands and asked, "Hokage -sama, we have these troops how to participate in the two front?"

Sandaime explained, "you have to arrange it by entering the team can send to help combat the two front respectively."

Hyuga Hiashi nodded, "that I do not have a problem."

Sandaime looked around everyone, "you do? there are questions you?"

Orochimaru asked, "Jiraiya and Tsunade? they village but indispensable battle strength!"

Sandaime replied, " Jiraiya and Tsunade already. "

at this time, Nonō cramped asked," recalled the way the Hokage -sama, since Tsunade -sama to return to Konoha, then the post of medical logistics units Captain, or by the Tsunade -sama to serve it? "

other people not to speak, Danzo is small stared," so that a blood phobia of medical Shinōbi as Medic Corps long, how do you think? "

"Tsunade is blood phobia, but her Katsuyu can not." Sandaime first accused of discontent heard, then towards Nonō said, "but Dan zo say true, compared to Tsunade, you are the most suitable medical logistics units become Captain of people! "

Upon seeing this, Nonō had promised down," that ...... I will try! "

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