Lifetime of Bliss and Contentment With You

Chapter 1032: Brother of MIT?

Chapter 1032 Brother of MIT?

Duoduo continued to spit, "I heard that his family chose the spokesperson like the emperor to choose a concubine. They had to be good-looking, well-born, well-educated, and even had to master piano, calligraphy, painting and calligraphy proficient in eight languages ​​..."

While listening, Lin Yan showed a surprised expression, "Hey, good looks, good background, good academic background, can play chess, calligraphy and painting, proficient in eight languages ​​...... Is n’t this just for me? I ’m more suitable what!"

She's so full of black lines that she doesn't want to spoil her, "..."

It started again ...

Who gave her courage ...

Not to mention, just the education level, her high school graduation degree, she can never step into the threshold of KNO.

It's just that Duoduo finally didn't speak, fearing that Lin Yan's self-esteem would be stimulated.

Lin Yan chuckled and said, "But I really like his brand, it's not so fancy, and it's very comfortable to wear."

I remember that when I was racing abroad, this brand also asked her to speak, but then she refused when she was busy racing.

However, the other party's attitude is quite good, although she failed to cooperate, but still sponsored her a lot of clothes.

She really likes the design of their home, so she often wears it, which is regarded as a wave of publicity.

It's just ... Now that her identity is different, as an artist, she's really unlikely to get this endorsement.

Although after the last charity conference, her current image is not bad, but it has nothing to do with high-end and Kochi, and it is not consistent with the positioning of their family.

Duoduo was looking at the relevant information in his hand, and suddenly exclaimed with excitement, "Wow! KNO's president Ji Mingzhe is so handsome! The six countries are half-blooded, and are high-tech students at MIT ..."

"MIT?" Lin Yan touched his chin. "Which one?"

After Lin Yan finished, he glanced at the material in his hand and looked at it, "Well ... it was my last brother ..."

It's just that she doesn't seem to have the name Ji Mingzhe, she shouldn't know it.

At that time, she was busy studying games every day, and she didn't deal with people very much. Even people of this year couldn't recognize them all, let alone the last one.

A lot of doubts: "Sister Yan, what are you talking about? Brother?"

Lin Yan shook his head: "Nothing, you continue to say."

While reading the information, I continued to gossip, "the information said, when Ji Mingzhe was at MIT, he had a double degree. In addition to the finance major, he actually took one ... a ... aerodynamics ... Aya, What does the aerodynamics profession do? "

Zhao Hongling thought for a while, "I don't know too much about this major, it's really a bit strange."

As soon as Zhao Hongling's words fell, Lin Yan's voice came to his ears: "Aerodynamics is a branch of mechanics that studies the force characteristics and gases of aircraft or other objects under relative motion with air or other gases. Flow laws and accompanying physical and chemical changes.

It is a discipline that has grown up with the development of the aviation industry and jet propulsion technology on the basis of fluid mechanics. The counterpart majors are mostly aerospace and automotive design ... "

Lin Yan also blurted out without passing through the brain.

Halfway through, I found that Duoduo and Zhao Hongling both looked at themselves with surprise.

"Sister Yan, how do you know ... so clear?" Zhao Hongling was also surprised when she was surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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