Such a strong magnetic field response should be produced by nothing else except the Luluye ruins in New Zealand waters!

Chen Yu thought to himself.

Xincheng had already turned the Dolphin around and headed towards a place with a strong magnetic field.

Soon, the two of them saw some strange stone pillars exposed on the seabed under the Dolphin's searchlight.

On these stone pillars, there are also things that have turned black and look like tentacles.

Is this it? Chen Yu!

Pointing to the strange pillar on the seabed in front of him, Xincheng asked Chen Yu.

Chen Yu nodded and replied: It is indeed this!

Because Luluye has not yet begun to rise, these pillars belonging to super-ancient ruins are only exposed in small sections. If it were not for Horii's detector, it would be easy to miss them with the naked eye.

Great! After spending so much time to find the target, Xincheng relaxed. The next step is to enter this ruins and take out the mysterious weapons inside, right?

The new city is full of power, so it is time to drive the Dolphin over and approach the ruins.

Super-pressure diving equipment has already been prepared on the Dolphin, so that it can dive to the bottom of the sea to obtain weapons at critical moments.

However, when Xincheng was about to launch the Dolphin to approach, Chen Yu shook his head: Xincheng, don't get excited. This weapon cannot be taken out just by getting close.

Then what should we do? Hearing Chen Yu's words, Xincheng couldn't help but asked doubtfully, We don't have much time. If it's hard to find this weapon, if a day and a half passes... the situation will become more critical. .”

Xincheng, believe me. Chen Yu asked, What weapons are loaded on the Dolphin? Can they cause damage to this ruins?

In addition to the Monroe underwater missiles, the Dolphin's weapons also include D-type cannons. It shouldn't be a problem to cause damage to the ruins.

Although Xincheng was confused, he still answered Chen Yu.

As long as it can be destroyed. Chen Yu nodded, Xincheng, let's retreat some distance, as long as the ruins can be within the attack range of the Dolphin.

Hearing Chen Yu's words, Xincheng was confused.

Didn't we agree to find the ruins and take out the mysterious weapons against the Kirialodians?

How come we now want to bombard the ruins?

If we were to destroy the ruins and take out weapons, wouldn't the weapons be blown up together?

Xincheng said with a worried look on his face.

Don't worry. Chen Yu stared closely at the ruins in front of him, Even if the entire ruins are blown up by you, the weapons will not be destroyed.

That's good.

Suspicious, Xincheng controlled the Dolphin to retreat a certain distance, then contacted the headquarters and informed them of the situation here.

The images of the Dolphin were also transmitted back to the Victory Team Hall, allowing Ye Rui, who has strong computer skills, to analyze the ruins through the images and magnetic field fluctuations.

Somehow, when Hui Jianjian saw the picture transmitted back by the Dolphin on the big screen, she felt a palpitation in her heart.

There seems to be something wrong with this ruins.

With that inexplicable feeling, Hui Jian spoke.

There is indeed something wrong. After analyzing it, Ye Rui also frowned and said, The magnetic field generated by the ruins is too strong, and this magnetic field also fluctuates regularly.

At this point, we can't control so much. Munakata said with some worry, If we can't deal with the Kirialodians, the earth will be plunged into aquatic fire, and it won't matter whether the ruins are right or not.

Yes. Megumi Nakama sighed, Get ready for battle. According to the information sent back from the new city, if our firepower fails to eliminate Kirialod and the Gate of Hell, he will attack that place. remains.

The Kyri Elodians and the Gates of Hell remain frozen.

Since both are in the same location, a large-scale attack cannot blow up the Hell Gate without affecting the Kirialodians.

Lina and Horii, who were driving Feiyan 2, came on time to deliver liquid nitrogen bombs to reinforce the loose ice.

This caused the Kirialodians, who wanted to break through the ice every time, to have their movements restricted again.

The same is true for the Gate of Hell, which has stopped opening under the ice.

Ultraman Tiga was still lying under the Gate of Hell, with a lot of lights shining on him.

Although they know that this method is useless, everyone hopes that a miracle will happen and Ultraman Tiga can be revived.

Of course, the residents in this area have already been evacuated to avoid being affected in the final battle.

Chen Yu and Xincheng were waiting, as were the rest of the victory team.

This waiting lasted until noon the next day.

These are the last two liquid nitrogen bombs. Lina reported to the headquarters through the communicator, Please be ready for battle.

Zongfang had already arrived on the ground at the scene, commanding the police station personnel to deploy tanks, preparing to launch missiles at the last moment to attack the Gate of Hell.

The Feiyan 2 piloted by Lina and Horii also floated in the air after releasing the last two liquid nitrogen bombs, aiming at the Gate of Hell and the Kirialodians, preparing to release the Texas Cannon.

On the Dolphin, the live broadcast screen also appeared on the screen of Xincheng's microcomputer.

Once the Kirialodians are not eliminated and the gate to hell is opened, the Dolphin will immediately release Monroe underwater missiles to attack the ruins.

Chen Yu stared closely at the Luluye ruins. It would be best if the victory team could successfully solve the Gate of Hell. If not...

All we have to do is release that guy!

As time goes by, the ice at the Gates of Hell and the Kyri Elodians begins to melt.

Drops of water fell from the sky, and some ice shards also fell from the Kirialodians.

Lina and Horii on the Feiyan 2 could clearly see that the ice on the Kirialodians began to crack.

This guy has already begun to struggle. It won't be long before he breaks through the ice and runs out!

Horii said warily.

Munakata looked at the Kirialodians with a telescope on the ground, noticed the cracks on their bodies, and was ready to issue orders at any time.

As long as there is a bigger movement, under Munakata's order, all attacks will hit Kirialod and the Gate of Hell!

Click, click, click...

There were more and more ice cracks on the Kirialodians in a short period of time. Zongfang was shocked and directly issued an order:


Bang bang bang bang bang! ! ! !

An unknown number of missiles were launched from the tank gun carriages on the ground, blasting towards the Gate of Hell and the Kirialodians.

The Texas cannon on Feiyan 2 also gathered together and was launched with a violent impact.

All the attacks fell on the Gate of Hell and the Kirialodians, causing violent explosions above the dark purple clouds.

For a moment, the fire burst into the sky!

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