179 Tue – New Order (4)


Eve followed Cha Ji-yeon out of the building. It wasn’t the first time I’ve seen him apart from Shinwoo, but in fact, this was the first time he had left without his request first.

‘It’s worth it.’

Of course, it was because of Cha Ji-yeon that Eve made such a decision. Eve was aiming for her as the next submind.

In fact, I didn’t feel a strong need to make her into a submind.

CNU, who now has the ability to sub-mind like himself, realizes that he is coveting Cha Ji-Yeon, and has only taken steps to prevent it.

Cha Ji-yeon was one of the people who had a big influence on Eve before meeting him.

Eve just wanted to get rid of the variable.

“So, that’s all? Just get out and walk around.”

“It’s just something I wanted to see. It’s frustrating if you don’t do anything and just stay inside. Don’t you?”


At Cha Ji-yeon’s words, Eve snorted. Because Eve understands many of her feelings, but doesn’t empathize.

For Eve, who was fighting somewhere in the universe even at this moment, the word ‘property’ was the most distant word.

“Look. It’s no different from Earth. Flying in the sky and strange machines are like movies.”

She walked around, looking at the scenery of an alien planet. Eve followed along with an indifferent look, but did not lose interest in her.

‘Reina hates, Liam despair. Then, what kind of emotion can Cha Ji-yeon make this woman a member of the corps?’

The reason was, of course, to ‘persuade’ Cha Ji-yeon.


When one person looked at the street and the other stared intently at such an opponent and tried various calculations.

Someone cautiously approached the two of them while they were walking in a quiet park, the only green space in the city.

“What’s happen?”

Slightly surprised, Cha Ji-yeon looked at the little girl who was approaching and smiled. There was no problem talking. Cha Ji-yeon was also using a translator, and the child had a translator in the first place. It was the sound of knowing who she was and approaching her.

“You’re the hunters from Earth, aren’t you? I remember seeing you.”

“Do you know about us?”

“Uh…we said we’re our people from a distant universe, fighting together against alien monsters.”

The child spoke straight out of what he knew. Cha Ji-yeon smiled embarrassedly, but did not hesitate to deny it and then nodded her head.

“Look at this.”

Cha Ji-yeon showed the child the crackling spark in her hand. Naturally, the child admired and marveled at the abilities of a hunter that he had never seen before.

Then he ran to tell his parents.

“It’s stupid. That kid was instigated by the higher ranks of the League with misinformation. You must have heard him talk to you, right?”

“…that’s right, but it doesn’t matter now, Eve.”

After the brief meeting, Cha Ji-yeon laughed bitterly at Eve’s cold words as she looked at the back of the child who was moving away.

“It doesn’t matter to me that I’m being used politically… Now I don’t care. I’m used to being used. I’m just satisfied with protecting the future of that child.”

“Protect. From what.”

“…whatever. Anyway, it’s the driving force that moves me and keeps me alive. So what do you fight for? Everyone who fights on the battlefield fights for their own purpose. Who are you fighting to protect? “

Cha Ji-yeon asked a question in reverse. Eve wasn’t the only one who needed information about the other person.

She, too, wanted to know more about the interesting existence of Eve. Especially about the reason for the fight. He was forced to come here. However, those who came here voluntarily wanted to know what the hell they came for.

“That’s right. Sometimes I fight to protect myself.”

“Yeah. Then…”

“But I’m not stupid like you.”

Eve smiled and pointed. I was speechless as I looked at the fingers of Cha Ji-yeon, who was bewildered by the unexpected words.

“It’s not like it burns and collapses and disappears. It burns harder and devours everything in reverse. That’s what protecting me is.”


Although she did not understand for a moment, Cha Ji-yeon could tell through her tone and expression that Eve was laughing at her now.

‘As expected, a little bit of a strange child.’

Of course, Eve’s ridicule did not mean much to the current Cha Ji-yeon.

“Let’s go eat something this time.”

Cha Ji-yeon quickly ended the conversation on the subject and put something in Eve’s mouth.


‘So, are you two eating dessert right now?’

‘I think I’ll probably go in a little bit more.’

‘Kuh-hum, it doesn’t really matter.’

It really doesn’t matter. I was just a little surprised. Eve voluntarily leaves my side and does something with others.

In the meantime, I was a little nervous because the ending of this situation has always been a matter of controversy, but fortunately the local police did not come by because of how well Cha Ji-yeon controls it or how well Eve has grown.

‘It doesn’t matter because I have something to see.’

Now that I have a lot of free time, I have decided to do what I have to do now that Eve is not around.

It wasn’t difficult. All I had to do was ask for information to give to the Federation spy, Pires. And that information is the information of those sent to Earth.

Now that I can easily contact the people of the Federation, I didn’t know if it could be obtained surprisingly easily.


“Hello, Hunter Kang Shin-woo. But, is there anything you need to do outside?”

But the moment I got ready and opened the door and stepped into the hallway. As if waiting, a woman in the uniform of the army here followed.

“No, it’s Lieutenant Ravik.”

“Why did you come here? I haven’t heard of anything, maybe there’s a problem.”

“No. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. It’s just that the order to take care of you came a step late.”

“Are you talking about convenience?”

I was slightly taken aback by the unexpected remark. You’re leaving soon anyway, so why do you have to do this? If it’s for surveillance, that’s fine.

But it didn’t seem like there would be any need to put people in a place like this to monitor.

“I have two people in my party. They seem to have gone out now.”

“The person in charge went to the area where Hunter Cha Ji-yeon and Eve Hunter are located.”

“…that’s fine. Please take care of me.”

what’s the plot That’s natural, but I can’t dig it out now. After this, I decided to use this person who just approached me to get what I wanted.

“Are you talking about the troops that went to Earth?”

“I couldn’t stop paying attention. Lieutenant-sama may know this, but I also think of those who are still fighting there…”

I did the acting properly. First of all, the reason was clearly plausible.

So maybe I can get a list or something? I don’t think it’s very important information.

“Hmm. I’ll ask the upper management once. It’s not like anyone else and it’s not that difficult as it’s a party to the war.”

“Are you serious?”

However, the lieutenant made my request surprisingly easy. No, it was more favorable than I initially thought.

‘Are you deliberately approaching and trying to build a crush?’

Looking at her figure, some puzzles were put together in my mind. The reason that researcher Pires, who received orders from the superior, first approached us was none other than the recruitment of the Earth Hunter.

Now that we are officially the manpower dispatched to the allies, it is not understandable if they are doing various favors in order to completely bring them into their arms.

“Anyway, thank you. Please.”

“You’re welcome.”

Lieutenant Anya Ravik smiled brightly and left. She will probably never know. The information of the contingents he provided could be the beginning of their defeat.

I wasn’t really sorry. Anyway, the current situation is that they are deceived and deceived each other. If you don’t realize it, you’re bound to get hit.

“The permit has been given from the superior. There is no need to worry too much. The dispatched fleet is strong enough to wipe out those monsters in no time.”

Lieutenant Anya Levik, who was supposed to be in charge of me and Eve, came back that evening with data. The data she delivered with a confident attitude was more detailed than I expected.

The composition of the people who participated, as well as the objective power, the number of equipment, etc.

“It’s reliable. Just looking at it is amazing.”

“Of course, that’s only a fraction of our strength.”

I did what she wanted to hear, and her open chest widened even more. He didn’t seem to take this information very seriously in the first place.

“…Did you get what you wanted at once?”

“Thanks to you, it’s easier to plan for the future. You should take advantage of this, right?”

When Eve, who was beside him, snorted as if it was ridiculous, I agreed with him.

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