Krafft's Notes on Anomalies

Chapter 176 Bacteria

"Everyone wake up!" Kraft caught up with Martin and shouted at the unusually excited or low-pitched crowd around the bonfire, pulling up those who were bowing their heads and hugging their knees.

It is no longer easy to tell whether this is a natural emotional expression, a change after being affected, or both. When awakened, they are in a somewhat trance-like, distracted state.

When the situation was urgent, Kraft did not hesitate to use the family's battlefield first aid skills. The traditional and effective physical stimulation of facial nerve endings quickly restored the consciousness of the unconscious person, whether he was feeling sad or happy or curled up with his knees. , all returned to reality after two slaps.

He grabbed the attendant who had just been pulled up, and raised a finger to observe the convergence reflection and follow-up movement of the other person's eyes. "Did you see anything? A big light spot, or a double image?"

"I seem to be a little dazzled." The servant freed one of the hands covering his face to rub his eyes. It seemed that his vision was not greatly affected.

"You, and you?" Kraft asked each one one by one, and the answers he received were generally "dazzled" and "glare". No one had seen those mushroom visions that were very real and integrated with the scene like him.

However, after a strong emotional outburst or depression, they feel mentally exhausted and realize that they have been too immersed in emotions just now, making it difficult to maintain their energy.

Those feelings are inflated, extreme, and beyond words, making those who have been tested by the battle array unable to control themselves. Not only are they catalyzed by the panic caused by the attack by extraordinary things, but they also have a state of intoxication that allows their consciousness to flow freely.

In addition, there are faint spots of light floating in front of my eyes, as if I am in a dream, and my words have a sense of psychedelic lightness.

Barrow took off his helmet, shook his compacted hair away slightly irritably, retched twice, and said uncertainly: "To be honest, I feel... a little crowded?"

Looking at the vast camp that was mostly demolished, he shrunk his shoulders and gave up the action because his armpits got stuck.

"I know it's weird, but really, it feels like it's been filled in."

This statement received a lot of echoes, and several people who had just shrunk up said that they felt that way, but this feeling was too strange and abstract to express.

The surroundings are obviously empty, but I still feel that my mouth and nose are blocked, my chest is tight, and there are a lot of things stuffed around me, which is oppressive and makes people instinctively want to curl up to escape this discomfort.

From the perspective of others, their breathing is very normal. Although it is slightly faster due to subjective feelings, the ventilation is actually smooth and the chest movement is gentle.

Without a stethoscope, Kraft could only put his ear against the chest wall, but as expected, he heard no obvious rales. He is more inclined to think that this is a disorder caused by synaesthesia. As for whether it is the synaesthesia that is caused by the perception, it is still a question.

Therefore, I can only give some empirical suggestions at this time.

"Don't fall asleep, hold on a little longer, the sun will come out soon."

After thinking about it, just in case, and out of consideration for better than nothing, he added: "If, I mean if, you find yourself falling behind, separated from your companions, and appearing in an unknown place, don't yell. Find a place to hide."

It was already late at night when the first scream rang out. After they had survived the fierce battle with the terrifying thing and woke up from the emotional wreckage with lingering fear, the night had unknowingly entered the coldest and darkest period.

That’s not a bad thing, the chill lifts your spirits and means the long days of summer are just around the corner.

They sat looking at each other for a while, and finally someone couldn't stand the background sound of the fungus body scratching the soil endlessly, and chatted about the usual boring life topics to resist fatigue.

Training, food, and even family relationships that are rarely mentioned. Most of the people here are descendants of a small noble family. Because they have no inheritable property and status, they were sent to the castle to find another way out. It is a very embarrassing position to have a self-perception of belonging to the upper class but in fact there is no qualitative difference from ordinary people, and even worse than some businessmen's families.

At this moment, my mentality has undergone some subtle changes. Contents that are usually taboo no longer seem to be taken so seriously and can be used as entertainment and conversation materials.

Their complaints shifted from poor food and accommodation to a stingy and partial cold-blooded old man who was unwilling to branch out from the industry, and they found a common language here.

The topic soon spread to those guys who had everything because they were born early, as well as the smaller and more favored children, unfair treatment, and the things they should have received.

The conversation, full of resentment and resonance, made the speeches active and the time passed quickly.

Kupp listened to their world with great interest, and imagined how much he could share with his younger sons from the property if he became an "old man" in the future. However, after careful consideration, he still felt that he should pass on the achievements in full, and at most give out a little bit. Money comes.

Kraft is quietly taking time, feeling the changes. He had no sympathy with these things.

The effects most likely mediated by mushroom spores are observably weakening. The light spots have lightened, the ground no longer feels like there is a layer of velvet carpet caressing it, and the non-existent mushroom and mildew spots also quietly dissipate when the attention is turned away again and again.


But it's too real. Two indistinguishable layers overlap unsteadily in the eyes. And the "crowded feeling" mentioned many times, although weak, has never completely dissipated.

It is not the narrowness that is gained and lost when the spiritual senses are disconnected, but the kind of crowding that is real and can be intuitively imagined. Those polymorphous light spots seem to turn from virtual to real, squeezing his breathing space.

The greatest part of his attention was always on those fixed bodies.

When they reached a certain point in time, they slowed down in a highly synchronized manner. The mixture of muscle bundles and hyphae that were so tight that they were about to tear themselves and bones relaxed, and the mushroom head crown drooped to the ground.

The chatting crowd was frightened by this familiar change and quickly stood up to prepare for another wave of attacks.

Even without spiritual senses, when the scale reaches this magnitude, the remaining connection with that side can still make Kraft vaguely aware at this moment that something has been withdrawn from the body, and there is some indescribable "activity" contained in it. sharply reduced.

An active and tiny thing sneaks into the vegetation and underground, and "conducts" in everything with hidden mycelium, just like the nerve-electrical signal animation I have seen.


It can't even be called a "thing", but a signal on a carrier, a small cluster of individuals between matter and nothingness, which is faintly perceived as pieces are peeled off from the body.

He even thought he saw the spots on the swollen roots moving, and the bacteria in the shadows swaying slightly. Coop subconsciously lifted the soles of his feet, as if to avoid the rabbits scurrying under his feet.

An upright and beautiful body was revealed in the forest. The crossbowman struggled to wind the capstan and aimed in that direction to warn, but it just stood there silently.

As time went by, the low-hanging crown and the arrows on the chest were clearly seen, and they realized that it was a body nailed to a tree trunk, which was gradually revealed from the darkness by the gradually brightening light.

The sky overhead, which was cut and broken by branches and leaves, was quietly filled with an imperceptible gray light, and it would take a long time for the forest to be moistened.

Dawn has arrived. They waited for a while, but no body came from the direction of the village. It's over, at least for now. There was a sense of unreality, even with the corpses around to prove it, it was still like waking up from a nightmare and returning to reality.

"Let's take a rest. We'll go to the village later to take care of the remaining matters." Kraft stood up, moved his joints, and looked at the frightened person without wandering.

"If you don't go and deal with them all now, why don't you go back and wait for the rest to catch up tonight? Or does anyone think that they can walk out of this forest overnight?"

This reason is very convincing. If there is another scary night, no one here will be able to get out. The best way is to go back, to the village where it came from, and while the power that drives the body temporarily recedes, smash the things it can control into pieces.

"I'm in charge of guarding this time, so hurry up. It's best to leave before noon."

"Professor, are you really okay?" Before getting ready to set off, Martin confirmed to Kraft, who was not tired, in a rather awe-inspiring manner.

"Better than you think. You know, if you're used to working all night, sometimes the next morning is better than when you woke up."

This is indeed not a pretentious statement. He has sufficient experience of reversing day and night, but his current state is not something that can be explained by his experience of staying up all night alone. After those effects subsided, what he felt was not bone-deep fatigue, but on the contrary, like waking up from a light sleep.

The strange feeling returned to his left arm and drifted between the implants, which brought Kraft back to his uncomfortable daily life. Subconsciously, I felt a little nostalgic for the previous feeling. My body had also calmed down, and I had gained some kind of restful peace, and my attitude had also shifted slightly.

Psychological rejection of the impact is lessened. Rational logic tells the consciousness that something is wrong, but the psychological tendency toward a more comfortable state cannot be changed through denial, just like the irresistible sense of openness of the spiritual senses.


This is also influence. The influence of the mind acts on the body, and the influence of the body can also act on the mind.

Kraft wanted to roll up his sleeves and take a look, but suddenly he realized that he hadn't checked his left arm in a few days. The intense gazes around him made him give up the idea.

"Let's go."

The team followed the path again and returned to the village where mushrooms flourished.

This time, he set foot on that path. The thick soles of the boots seemed to be non-existent, and the comfortable yet disgusting soft texture spread from the soles of the feet throughout the body along with the shivers.

There are already many gaps in it, making it no longer look perfect, but also an invitation to fill in these gaps.

There were sounds of breaking and falling from the houses in all directions. It was the rest of the people dealing with the remaining bodies. They poured all their accumulated fear and anger onto these things, and intentionally or unintentionally avoided this road. and the center it paves the way to.

Kraft climbed up the stone steps with his hands behind his back. The ring backed by the broken stone brick facade was hung high on the arch. There were two inconspicuous areas of different colors on both sides. Something had been hanging here for a long time, leaving behind Photocopy.

"Orthodox?" He held his chin in thought for a moment, then reached out and pushed open the unlocked door.

The structure is similar to other churches. The straight aisle between the rows of chairs in the main hall leads to the place where the worship objects are located. You can see the bottom at a glance from the door.

The midday sunlight falling from the broken window illuminated the tall, wingless ring. Below it were painted many suppressed shapes of vicious demons, ghosts and evil spirits. In terms of expressiveness, they were not as expressive as the claws and claws seen outside.

The angel guarding the main symbol on the side has been modified with a lot of newer paint than the base color.

The image of an image that was supposed to have a benevolent face had the wings on its back wiped out and replaced by a halo that was larger than the body. The facial features were displaced, with multiple arms and legs, fingers and toes spread out, and the body was bent and twisted like no bones.

Affected by influenza A, the workload has more than doubled recently, and I am struggling to work overtime, so I may not be able to update in time_(:3⌒)_

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