Krafft's Notes on Anomalies

Chapter 166 Symbolization


The companions who stayed by the fire were always paying attention to this place. From the perspective behind him, Bright stayed there for no reason, looking relaxedly into the deep forest, as if he saw someone familiar.

Then he saw the opponent take off his hand ax and throw it at the place where he was staring with a decisive and fatal attitude. It hit some kind of body that made a strange muffled sound, and at the same time he turned around and fled towards the camp.

Where the firelight could not reach, a silent and colorful figure appeared from outside the field of vision. Its puppet-like movements were rigid and unnatural, but they briefly sped up as they got closer.

By the time he realized that this was not a nightmare that mirrored what he had seen during the day, Brett had been thrown to the ground, and heavy smoke-like objects of strange colors spurted out from the darkness, scattering like an overturned powder box, causing a burst of An irritating cough that leaves the victim with no time to breathe.

The two entangled figures quickly disappeared into the darkness, and the unbelievable and clear terrifying inference burned his mind like charcoal fire. They were human figures covered with gorgeous fungi, and they started to move.

"Attack!" the Night's Watch hissed, even though it was a bit redundant. The camp that had slept lightly was awakened early, and the metal symphony was chaotic.

The first person to leave the tent was the professor they were just talking about. He used his sword to open the curtain first and quickly observed the external situation. Then he leaned forward and rushed out, standing in the shadow of the tent.

It's hard to imagine what made him develop such a cautious habit, instinctively placing himself in the imaginary world where threats are everywhere. He scanned the entire camp close to the tent, and keenly noticed the problem at the campfire where only one person was left guarding.

"Where's Brett?"

The guards who were keeping watch subconsciously looked at the place where Bright disappeared again. The empty forest seemed to be crowded, and the color shift was faintly visible in the night divided by tree trunks.

The bushes shook, hiding the source of the continuous coughing. It was an airway spasm, a cough that seemed to vomit out the entire lungs. In a short and forced interval, a sound of inhalation like a rooster's crow was made, and it soon faded away together with the struggle and shaking. The first people to get out of the tent saw this scene and identified its owner from the deformed voice.

Perhaps this will drive most of the witnesses into madness and shock, but it will definitely not include everyone in the team. The initial panic passed, and what was realized was the complete opposite.

The person or thing that attacked them failed to kill the sentry immediately, and Bright was still struggling to fight against it.

"Come here!" Before Kraft dared to act rashly, Knight Barrow had already rushed towards the target. This might be the last chance to give Bright a hand before a full-scale battle. Out of convenience, he did not take off his clothes before falling asleep. Armor, and the backlight angle is a must to dare to open the visor to improve the field of vision.

After receiving the order, the subordinates acted as if they had just woken up from a dream. A few people who were closer followed Barrow, and the rest observed the situation and moved closer to their companions, covering the archers carrying short bows and crossbows, preparing to kill and attack the enemies who showed up first. morale.

In experience, the difficulties caused by night fighting are two-way, requiring considerable courage and military literacy, and this is the aspect in which they are most confident. Since we have not been defeated by one wave, as long as we hold on to our position, the opponent will not be able to take advantage. If we deal with it properly, it is not impossible for the situation to be reversed.

Deep down in their hearts, there is even a sense of relief in pronouncing the verdict. They are more willing to deal with something tangible than an invisible and unknowable mysterious object. No matter what it is, as long as it can appear in front of you and be an entity, whatever it is is fine.

What was not what was expected was that those things could not be called "fast" at all. They were like guests at a banquet, dressed in fine clothes, coming from a dark and empty hall lined with wooden pillars and without candles to welcome the guests who had just arrived. The guests who are about to join are invited to join in the banquet hosted by a certain existence.

At this moment, the bravest and most reckless person in the team had swept away the bushes and saw the thing entangled with Bright. It only had half a head. It was like a close friend hugging the victim who opened and closed its lips silently, and clung to the other person's body. , the white silk threads, which are slender and lighter than the hair, spread between the two like living things, covering most of the young face, weaving into a gauze that keeps moving like eye hoods, drowning the dilated pupils.

He might still be alive, and recognized the approaching person through his familiar footsteps and one remaining eye, and wanted to call for help, but he only exhaled a cloud of mist powder that reflected the extraordinary phosphorescence.

Barrow grabbed the thing around his neck and tried to pull it off his body, but the tight adhesion between the two made him unable to use any force. This feeling of adhesion penetrated deep into the skin. Like plant roots gripping the soil. And that bright wall of people is gradually approaching, and those hateful fungus spots can already be distinguished.

The smell of dust that stung his nose made Barrow hold his breath. He knew what he should do.

"May Heavenly Father save your soul." Holding the blade high, he slashed down forcefully and decisively. Barrow faced the stumbling things and stepped back quickly. However, he staggered a few steps on the spot and was unable to escape as he wished. , found that the leg armor was abnormally heavy.

"At your feet!"

In fact, he didn't need to be reminded. Barrow lowered his head reflexively and swung his sword downward again. The headless body grabbed the greaves without being affected, and the full force of the slash cut the bacteria into pieces together with the brittle radius and ulna.

The flying arrows streaked through the air, piercing into the rushing mushroom hosts. The kinetic energy from the hand crossbow only temporarily disrupted their movements, giving Barrow a chance to retreat into protection. When there was no need to worry about accidental injuries, several fully charged winch crossbows were fired into the bacterial colony. The weapons used to deal with armor directly knocked down several bodies, and even nailed one of them to a tree trunk.

The capstan crossbow had completed its mission. The second wave of hand crossbows arrived and pierced the mushrooms without causing any impact other than a slight movement impediment.

There seemed to be some signal delay. They reacted slowly to the attack, speeding up and approaching the fully prepared array.

Shocked by its almost non-existent critical nature, the team that entered the state gradually calmed down. Barrow recalled the feeling of the hand and came to an optimistic conclusion.

"Spread out, don't crowd into a bunch, as long as you don't get stuck, they can't do anything to you!"

"Cut all the moving bones, even the devil will have to be sent back to hell today!"

The boarder, who had lost his head and half of his forearm, stood up again with the support of one arm. He followed the group forward and crossed the border of the camp. The smell of bitter dust filled the air.

But their worst days are over, and the invisible terror has collapsed into something tangible, tangible, and proven capable of destroying incapacitation. Inspired by Barrow, unseen courage returned to this group of elite desperadoes raised by the Duke. They formed a dense formation in twos and threes, preparing for close combat.

【That's it? 】

For Kraft, who has always had nothing to fear, this is really lower than expected.

Although these things are very weird, their current appearance is a bit inconsistent with the situation of infecting the entire forest. It really looks like an oral candida infection. It is a little bit of scabies showing up on the superficial surface of some serious disease.

Please recommend this book from NGA friends_(:3⌒)_

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