It was the first time that I met with Girl’s Generation in the whole room. It took me a year to get to know each other. Now, in the year of 2014, they actually have the most frequent appearances around their parents, not familiar with them for many years. Good friend, but Lee Yoo-ro sitting in the private room at this time. As long as Girl’s Generation has two members together, I don’t know why his name appears in their mouths anyway.

Yes, Lee Yoo-ro has entered the daily life and work of her life for only a year, Lee Yoo-ro, Lee Yoo-ro, Lee Yoo-ro..

Girl’s Generation, now seems to have been involved with Lee Yoo-ro in the eyes of fans. Of course, it may be because the team leader of Girl’s Generation is Lee Yoo-ro’s open girlfriend?

Seeing their freedom in the room at this time, this is in complete contrast with the state of the first meeting. Sitting in front of them is not the president of a large Korean company, but a very close friend. They made them feel comfortable and have peace of mind, so after they came in, they forgot to say hello to Lee Yoo-ro, but they were attracted by the beautiful Chinese food.

After they routinely took photos of their mobile phones before eating, they slowly sat down, while Tae-yeon and Tiffany, naturally sitting on the left and right sides of Lee Yoo-ro, let her sit down at will. It is.

After Lee Yoo-ro called the waiter to serve, the waiter quickly took a bottle of champagne from Lee Yoo-ro. In fact, Chinese food accompanied by champagne is a very weird combination, but Lee Yoo-ro thought that they would not be able to order a high degree of Chinese/Chinese liquor if they had to eat and practice. Then champagne is the best choice, at least for low-alcoholic drinks, everyone can drink.

As the person who loves champagne, Tiffany first looked at himself after the wine was sent in: “Oh..obutt a taste is getting higher and higher? Actually give us some 02 Champagne?” Tiffany is talking. At the same time, champagne is also open.

啵~~The crisp sound of champagne opened, Jun-su also responded to Tiffany’s words: “This is not my point, it is recommended by the chef of the upstairs western restaurant. If you don’t see you practicing at night, I I really want to order Chinese/Chinese liquor. Chinese food is bound to accompany Chinese/national wines!”

Tiffany puts some champagne in everyone’s glass, and Lee Yoo-ro also said to the cup: “I haven’t eaten with you nine people for a long time. Really, it’s not easy for you to get together with Girl’s Generation. It’s not this busy, it’s that busy, especially Soo-young, another person is busy going to fall in love.”

The previous words are still quite straightforward to listen to, but when it comes to the sudden, the front turns and turns into a joke Soo-young? Soo-young was named after Lee Yoo-ro and looked at his nose with a look of innocence and sorrow: “Obutt a, you got the wrong person, why don’t you say Tae-yeon?”

“What do I have to say with Tae-yeon? Anyway, the things of both of us have been reported almost every time, but your mysterious secret has never been photographed. I am thinking that you were found by the reporter for the first date. After the location, did you change your date to your home?” Everyone knows that the first time Soo-young was photographed was the parking lot downstairs of the man’s house. So Lee Yoo-ro deliberately joked whether to transfer the place to the high-end community of Soo-young.

It is necessary to know that the security measures of the high-end residential areas are very perfect, so it is almost impossible for the reporter to sneak in.

And Soo-young listened to Lee Yoo-ro’s words quite speechless, because it seems that Lee Yoo-ro and Tae-yeon are quite often occupying the news page, which makes Soo-young weak. Retorted: “obutt a, what do you say, I live with my family.”

“I still live with my family. The most beautiful flower in our family is my family.” Lee Yoo-ro said that he finally raised his eyebrows towards Soo-young and reminded Soo-young. of’.

“I don’t want to marry you with this, can you drink or drink in the end?”

“Drink, of course, drink, buy it and don’t drink it as an ornament? Come on, drink it together.” After saying this, everyone took a glass of wine and tasted it, then Lee Yoo-ro continued: “I usually And most of you are eating alone or eating together in twos and threes. Really, this is my second time to eat with Girl’s Generation. I also want to take out my mobile phone and send two shots to sns.”

“Get it, send it, we will satisfy your desire. Now there are very few photos of our fans.”

Girl’s Generation After eight years of combined career, everyone has found their own role. In addition to the music program, the usual activities are in their respective fields, even if it is a signing event, Girl’s Generation It is impossible to go all the way, just go to a part as a representative. Therefore, fans often have their group photos on this side.

In addition, the Girls’s Generations at this time have been allowed by the company to use the collective accommodations without compulsory, so they almost went back to each other after their respective activities, and even the time when they brought together nine people was much less.

A rare girl’s Generation, Lee Yoo-ro found out his mobile phone and they came to a group photo and really posted it on their sns. ‘Wow, it’s Girl’s Generation! ‘

Soon netizens have responded: Hey, actually nine?

‘It’s hard to see the fit of the nine! ‘

‘Lee Yoo-ro came out with a Tae-yeon at home and showed love. ‘

Lee Yoo-ro published the sns and ate it with them. The first chopsticks he put in the bowl was first placed in the Tae-yeon bowl: “Often this, it’s pretty good.”

Lee Yoo-ro and Tae-yeon ‘showing love’ started, which made Soo-young finally seize the opportunity to fight back: “Hey, I can’t say it, you see if these two people want us to eat, goosebumps. They all fell off the ground, and they still have to clip it when they have a meal.”

Lee Yoo-ro immediately turned the table glass and placed a roast chicken leg in the bowl of Soo-young: “Put your mouth!”

Lee Yoo-ro’s move instantly made them laugh: “Haha Ha.. Grate with chicken legs.”

After laughing, Yoon-ah looked at Lee Yoo-ro: “obutt a, I saw the joint venture’s live broadcast platform on the news/country side, and the results are good?”

Yoon-ah followed the past when Lee Yoo-ro first went to China/National Live, so she was a bit curious after the results were answered.

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