When Tae-yeon arrived home, their family began to take out the gifts they bought for Lee Yoo-ro during the trip, Tae-yeon, Tae-yeon sister, Tae-yeon brother, and Tae- Yeon parents, everyone gave them a heart. Lee Yoo-ro happily took the gift and began to flip through the Tae-yeon travel photos.

At this time, the Korean network, as well as the media, appeared as Lee Yoo-ro expected, ‘Lee Yoo-ro sees parents and Tae-yeon planning weddings’. In short, all the people who photographed Lee Yoo-ro in the airport to pick up the Tae-yeon family return back to motherland photos, the media, and the beginning of the news that Lee Yoo-ro and Tae-yeon may be in the direction of marriage Negotiated.

Because in all Asian minds, this is the feeling: if the two are still in the ‘love’ stage, it is impossible to see the parents if they don’t reach the point of ‘talking marriage,’ and only when it comes to marriage. See your parents.

However, today Lee Yoo-ro personally picks up Tae-yeon’s family. Doesn’t this mean that they have already taken the last step toward the highest hall of ‘love’? Every love can be blessed by family, then it is the happiest and most happy for ‘marriage’.

The speculations of the various versions on the Internet are constantly emerging. What are you getting married this year, what may be married, what else to listen to, the church, and so on, in short, Lee Yoo-ro and Tae-yeon The marriage has once again become a talk after the Korean tea.

In fact, people who understand their feelings also know that they have been together for more than a year, but in the past year or so, the two people’s emotions have indeed experienced too many storms and sorrows. Nowadays, the two people who have finally come out on the Internet are at least half of the people who are giving blessings.

Blessings, of course, there are also questions. After the exposure of this online news, sone, especially Tae-yeon’s ‘soft powders’ have rushed to Tae-yeon’s personal sns to ask her about true and false, and many people are in her personal officer. The coffee asks about the true and false of marriage.

Of course, there are still some media that have a close relationship with cj entertainment. For the sake of this ‘fairness’, Lee Yoo-ro’s original words at the airport were published. He said that he had seen Tae-yeon’s family a long time ago. As for the problem of getting married, Tae-yeon can’t let go of her work, and she can’t let her fans from all over the world.

After the outbreak of online news, Tae-yeon also received a call from the company. The company asked Tae-yeon here if I need to make a statement. However, Tae-yeon also understands that Lee Yoo-ro is so high-profile that she has the most commentary in the afternoon, and he has the purpose of picking up the plane. Today, the two of them made headlines for the next step, and tempted. In short, Tae-yeon gave the company the answer that he would ignore this matter for the time being. In the face of this online message and news, treat the word ‘with it’!

After all, she and Lee Yoo-ro are not new, and the only thing that allows fans to feel the news value of both of them is the ‘marriage’.

…… ..

At dinner, the Tae-yeon family’s dining room and their family and Lee Yoo-ro sat together, and Tae-yeon mother bought a lot of fresh dishes from the traditional market around Tae-yeon in the afternoon. It was night to entertain Lee Yoo-ro.

When eating, Lee Yoo-ro took Tae-yeon’s mobile phone and watched the message that the fans gave her on the sns: “These messages, as well as today’s news, you don’t need to pay attention and reply. Now we only have this A selling point is worthy of the media hype, waiting for the hype for a long time, the fan’s thinking will slowly be instilled with the media’s news. Just like when our two talents exposed love, not a large group Fans have resistance. In fact, there is no real ‘dead loyalty powder’..”

When Lee Yoo-ro said ‘Dead loyalty powder’, Tae-yeon also nodded: “Yeah, most of the fans nowadays are ‘wall powder’. Where there is something worth paying attention to Which side is running. The old batch of ‘dead loyalty powder’ is now almost the same size as us, or it is bigger than us. Their so-called ‘dead loyalty’ is just supporting our music. After all, we are now broadcasting. The activities are getting less and less.”

“Oh.. You are all in the ninth year of this year, hard work, tired, and now you should enjoy it. It is also good for your younger generation. Anyway, everyone is doing very well now… right, Do you know that my relationship with Zhao Shihao is not bad?”

Tae-yeon looked at Lee Yoo-ro a bit strangely. His words changed too fast. Just said that the opportunity for the younger generation suddenly came to the comedian. “Well, I know, did you and my family go out with him on the day you went abroad?”

“Well, he was not bad recently, so he invited me to dinner and thanked him. He gave me a joke when he was eating. Soon-gyu was not filming “roommate” with him, (Tae-yeon nodded and knew) he When he said Seolnal “spring festival”, he invited Soon-gyu to eat, and later it was the account of Soon-gyu. Do you know what Soon-gyu said to him?”

“What did Soon-gyu say?”

“Zhao Shihao’s original words are like this. Recently, my days are not bad, and I am obutt a, so he said he paid the bill. Who knows Soon-gyu said.” Lee Yoo-ro said that he deliberately learned here. Soon-gyu said in a tone: “obutt a, your money is there, I am Girl’s Generation!”

“噗~~” After Lee Yoo-ro’s voice fell, Tae-yeon’s family all laughed, and even Tae-yeon had a rare eruption of her aunt’s laugh.

Tae-yeon’s mother said with a smile: “Soon-gyu really tells others, I am Girl’s Generation?”

When everyone laughed, only Lee Yoo-ro didn’t laugh because he had laughed at that time. At this time, he didn’t laugh: “As for true and false, I don’t know, after all, it is said in the comedian. Maybe there is an exaggerated ingredient?”

Tae-yeon also followed Lee Yoo-ro’s words: “Even if it is exaggerated, it will not deviate from the center. Definitely, Soon-gyu said the phrase ‘Girl’s Generation’.”

After dinner, Tae-yeon brewed the coffee and gave Lee Yoo-ro a look. The two sat in the living room and started chatting: “When you got a message from Jessica while in the car? What did she say?”

“Let me go to Japan to help her deal with a little bit of things in the company. She can’t come back in Europe for a while…”

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