“JYP Girl Group plans “sixteen”, and now the last one is unpublished, and then cj entertainment president, twice Miera-roe chief planner Lee Yoo-ro ‘ssi, announced the last member name. President Lee ..” was announced after the host’s so-called advertising time came back, and once again gave the ‘handover stick’ to Lee Yoo-ro standing in front of the stage.

Lee Yoo-ro knows that the person he chooses may be standing on the cusp of a few days in Mi-rae, but he doesn’t care. The Girl Group selection program he planned was ready. As for the voice of the outside world, Lee Yoo-ro could really ignore it. He lifted it slowly after the host threw the topic to himself. The microphone said: “I, the last member selected is the one that saw the missing factors in the whole trick.. Of course, everyone can also think that I compared the twine to Girl’s Generation !!..”

“The last member I chose was considered, and now I lack the talent in the portfolio. That is to add a good dance performance to the current member.. momo!!”

When Lee Yoo-ro said the last member, the audience was amazed, and this ‘amazing’ contained a lot of puzzles. Of course, Lee Yoo-ro also understands that everyone does not understand why the member momo who was eliminated at the beginning can finally become the final member? Then the minors standing on the stage, what are those who compete for this opportunity to debut?

The moderator knew that the program group knew that Lee Yoo-ro’s decision was the final result of a discussion with Park Jin-young. Although he is the curator of the program, the producer of Mi-rae twice, he is not the owner of this combination. So the final candidate

Because of the last stage, the momo standing under the stage, when she heard Lee Yoo-ro read her name, the moment was a horror, followed by a sorrow and sorrow from the bottom of my heart. The whole thought, except crying, she didn’t know what to say at this time. This is too sudden for the audience at the scene, and it is too sudden for momo. Suddenly she did not have the slightest preparation, and suddenly she was too confused to be confused.

Lee Yoo-ro’s choice is not only ridiculous for people in the audience, but even people standing on the stage feel depressed and feel helpless. No one can change the choice of Lee Yoo-ro. At least Park Jin-young has not issued any objections, so they are even more impossible as Trainee.

The only way is to accept it and accept it silently. Unwilling, unwilling and useless, the decision of the upper layer cannot be changed.

The momo who cried into tears was also invited to the stage by the host. Lee Yoo-ro gave the center of the stage to the twice because they are the protagonists of today. When the host asked Momo’s thoughts, momo only said one sentence, ‘I am a person who was eliminated..’ Then I cried and couldn’t speak. Even the host could not interview, so the host gave the time to Lee Yoo-ro: “President Lee, can you give me specific reasons for choosing momo?”

Lee Yoo-ro smiled and nodded. “Every group must have a dance in the dance. Because the choreographer seonsaeng-nim can’t guide their practice by 24 hours, then people with strong dance talents must stand at this time. Come out to be the role of seonsaeng-nim to lead teammates to practice and guide teammates to practice. In the Girl’s Generation, Hyo-yeon plays the role of dance seonsaeng-nim, and T-ara Ji-yeon does the same..”

“If you say something ugly, we can use high technology when the sound is flawed, such as using a computer. However, there is no way for the computer to correct the dance, so practice, guidance, and become a vital dance. This is also the reason why the Japanese idol knife group dance is famous in the world. What is the use of idol to conquer the fans? It is not the appearance, not the body, but their sweat! It is the sweat left by idol for each stage. !..”

“So when I select each member, it’s not just me who talks with Park Jin-young, but also the JYP staff, as well as the writers, screenwriters, lights, stereos, etc. of the program group. Combine all the opinions made. As President Park Jin-young said earlier, we pay more attention to character and humanity before choosing. Momo is after we ask all employees and staff. Decided!! Let us congratulate her!!”

The whole audience was touched by Lee Yoo-ro’s words, idol is not easy, and he simply said that ‘sweat is the key to attract fans. ‘And sweat contains too much effort, too much seriousness, too much effort, these may be easy to ignore the side of the fans.

In the applause, Lee Yoo-ro came to the member of the twice, and they were shaking hands once. When he came to Im Na-yeon, Lee Yoo-ro smiled and shook hands with her and said, “Congratulations, do you wear your hat?”

Im Na-yeon smiled and responded to Lee Yoo-ro: “Oh.. I have already saved it in the dormitory. This is the encouragement that President Lee gave me. Every time I see the hat you gave me. I am full of strength.”

“Oh.. It seems that my hat is magical?” Lee Yoo-ro smiled and said, came to Chou Tzu-yu and shook hands with her: “From the first time I saw you, I will I know that I will see you on the stage one day. I didn’t expect it to be so fast. Now that you have become an artist, you must learn to be cautious in the future. You represent not only yourself, but also twine, JYP, and I! Keep working hard.”

Chou Tzu-yu blinked with his big eyes and looked at Lee Yoo-ro’s sweet smile, then thanked Lee Yoo-ro for his 90-degree sigh: “Thank you, President Lee, I will work harder in the future.”

Finally, Lee Yoo-ro came to the front of the momo: “Dry your tears, you have the strength and you don’t need to be sympathized. The outside world may have some words that are hard to hear in the next few days, but please take the courage to face it on the next stage. The captain used your strength to call those people’s mouths. Did you know?”

“Know it, I will work hard, thank you President Lee.”

Park Jin-young also came to the stage to wear a necklace symbolizing ‘twice’, and Lee Yoo-ro came to the minormember…

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