King of German Mercenaries

Chapter 303: Open a school (below)

Therefore, Marin decided to jointly run five aristocratic schools in the five cities of the country-Orich, Emden, Lyle, Norden, and Denborg, to train the military literacy of the noble and military children And ability. As for the businessmen's children, although they were in the same school, Marin decided to start classes separately so that these people would not be mixed with the children of the nobility.

Because it is inevitable that the children of businessmen have the habit of being cowardly. It is very bad if it is transmitted to the children of the nobility and the children of the military. Therefore, Marin alone counts classes for those businessmen and even plans to set up separate campuses. Although nominally students of noble schools, Marin did not intend to expose them to the children of the nobles and soldiers too much.

Moreover, considering that there are 10,000 regular troops across the country, it would be too scary if their children and brothers are eligible to go to school. Therefore, in the end, Marin only allowed the children of officer ranks and above to enter the noble schools. At the same time, the sons or brothers of the soldiers who were killed in the past are also eligible to enter the school. In this way, the number of aristocratic schools is prevented from bursting. Otherwise, the families of 10,000 soldiers all come to school, and the number is much larger than Orich's population ... and the number of officers is very limited. Marin has 10,000 troops, with a total of only 400 teams and 40 companies, plus In terms of logistics, the total number of officers is only a few hundred. Among them, many young military officers have no children, or their brothers have reached adulthood and do not meet the age of enrollment (the school accepts students with strict regulations). In this way, 5 schools can still afford it.

Uh ...

As for the serf's children, Marin hopes to use them as well. However, letting the serf children receive the same education as the children of the nobility is really challenging the rules of society. After all, in the eyes of the nobles, serfs were like grass and mustards, and they could not be compared with them ... If Marin forced the serf's children into noble schools, it would cause the nobles to rebound strongly ...

Eventually, Marin came up with a compromise-that is, to set up a separate artisan school, in the name of training serf artisans, to set up schools to train serf children.

In the artisan school, students mainly learn the Bible, mathematics and artisan basics. At the same time, there is also simple military training. Of course, this kind of military training is used to train soldiers, and serf children do not learn military command knowledge.

三年 In the third grade of primary school, Marin will eliminate most of the students who are not well-educated serf children, and let them go home to farm or find their own way out. The remaining few are smart children left by the exam. Then, in middle school, these people will be taught physics, chemistry, and other subjects. Of course, it is not the complete middle school physics and chemistry that Marin learned in his previous life, but a cut-out version of physical chemistry based on religious background, so as not to conflict with the teachings of the church.

When they have finished their middle school knowledge, the most outstanding group of students will enter the university that Marin will run in the future, continue their advanced studies, and give them to Ada to train them to become scientists. Others have all become artisan apprentices, training in the direction of senior craftsmen.

Marin set up a craftsman school to train craftsmen, and ordinary people would not have an opinion. Because although craftsmen are richer than ordinary people, their social status is not high. Moreover, the most important thing is that the cultivation of serfs as craftsmen did not violate the interests of the noble class. Therefore, there will be no objections.

As for those who are the original artisans and handicraft guilds, will Marin care about them? He dared to kill in large numbers, not to mention the people in the handicraft guilds. If anyone dares to jump out, he doesn't mind the butcher's bloodshed again ...

In fact, Marin is not very satisfied with those uncle-like craftsmen. These people are the main force of the European citizen class in this era, and the people who love rebellion the most.

At the same time, the artisans trained by Marin School signed a lifetime contract with Marin's Huffman royal family from the day of enrollment. Therefore, they are regarded as Marin's lifelong subordinates, and it is unlikely that they will leave or leak their secrets. Moreover, their identities are considered serf artisans, under the sole control of Marin. Such people will not be opposed to the lord at every turn, like those civic artisans. In addition, Marin has added brainwashing classes in school since childhood, and taught them to be loyal to the lord every day ... When they grow up, they will be enthusiastic and loyal like the people of the ancestors. I will be so excited that my eyes will be full of tears ...

When they grow up and become the main force of technology, Marin will slowly let them replace those easily rebellious civil class, so that these people become the main force in the city. In this way, the degree of stability in the city will be greatly improved ...

Thinking of this, Marin smiled happily ...

After the death, Marin signed the document. While running 5 noble schools in 5 cities, he also opened 20 humble artisan schools in rural areas to cultivate and select engineering talents from the private sector ...

First, Marin will arrange engineering teams to build school buildings. The five aristocratic schools in the city are definitely built with exquisite houses and facilities. As for the teacher, I will definitely invite you.

And the 20 artisan schools in the countryside, you have to order casually, as long as there is a shelter from the wind and rain. After all, the serfs' children were not demanding. Give them a chance to read and read, even if it's not bad. Moreover, this can also save a lot of costs for Marin. As for the teachers of the arts and crafts school, Marin planned to send some literate artisans to serve first. Wait until there are conditions later, then let professional teachers teach ...

At the same time, in order not to challenge social order, Marin's school temporarily only accepts boys and girls. After all, according to Catholic doctrine, women are just made by taking a man's ribs and have very little status. If Marin's school recruits girls, it could be a world uproar, making him the target of all attacks.

Moreover, only recruiting boys and not girls can save half of Marin's expenses ...

As for the children of ordinary soldiers, Marin plans to send them to artisan schools for education, but separate classes. Their tasks are different from those of serf children, and they focus on militarized education. After graduation, they will not immediately become military officers, but because they have a certain military foundation, they can be promoted to grass-roots officers if they are successful. Of course, if some of them are interested in artisans, they can apply for transfer to artisan classes by themselves ...

However, while implementing education, Marin encountered a very headache-that is, the problem of paper ...

In this era, paper was very expensive. The current papermaking technology in Europe is still passed on from the Yuan Dynasty. The raw materials for papermaking are also rags, fishing nets, etc., which is equivalent to the level of the Cai Lun era ...

材料 However, materials such as rags and fishing nets are limited. Europeans are generally poor in this age, and even rags will be fully utilized by the poor. Broken fishing nets will also make up and make up. If it is not completely broken, it will not be thrown away.

Therefore, papermaking raw materials are actually very difficult to make, which also makes paper expensive. It will not be until the Qianlong period, that is, at the end of the eighteenth century, that French missionaries stole a new papermaking operation in China and mailed it back to Paris. Only then will European papermaking technology have a greater breakthrough and the cost will be reduced. a lot of.

At this moment, European paper is expensive, with 100 sheets of 16-open paper, the price is as high as 1 gold coin (equivalent to 1.14 two silver). In other words, the price of a piece of paper is as high as 0.6 Finney. Ordinary people work 2 Finnies a day, only enough to buy 3 pieces of paper ...

At the same time, a book needs dozens of sheets of paper, thicker than 100. If you give each child an exercise book, and draft paper or something, the cost is simply too high ...

Marin thought about it and finally decided that in the aristocratic school, each child would send a book, but instead of an exercise book and draft paper, each person would send a small blackboard. The teacher teaches lessons and also writes in chalk using a big blackboard. The blackboard can be used repeatedly, and the cost is low. The only trouble is that the teacher will be very tired to correct the homework, because he is not reading the exercise book, but the small blackboard ...

As for the artisan school in the countryside, Marin decided to share a book with several children and also use a small blackboard for homework. You can even use a sandbox that does not consume chalk ... In short, how to save how to come ...

After all, there are so many children in the country. Even if you use chalk, that's a lot of expense ...

Xie Yuefei can write on the sand. Why can't these serf children? Writing on the sand table, you can do it by simply finding a branch, which is very convenient and low cost ...

Of course, these are the methods that came up helplessly. In the future, Marin intends to fully use books. However, before that, the problem of papermaking cost needs to be solved ...

Marin has seen many crossing novels and knows papermaking technology. The papermaking process is not difficult, and it is difficult to obtain pulp. As long as you have pulp and paper making, you can easily find a paper craftsman.

In this era, Europeans made paper using only materials such as rags, fishing nets, and linen. Materials were hard to find and expensive. At the same time, the Chinese people used bamboo or wood in a lime pond to rot into pulp, which took more than a hundred days.

He Marin naturally does not use the above two methods. He knows two modern methods of obtaining pulp-one is to use a machine to scrape the wood into fine fibers and then cook it into pulp. However, Marin has no machinery and naturally will not adopt this approach.

The other is chemical pulping. After chopping or smashing the wood into small pieces, put it in a sealed high-pressure vessel and cook it with caustic soda or sodium sulfate (glauber's salt). Cook the pulp in days. Unlike the ancient method used by Huaxia ~ ~, it takes a lot of time to soak raw materials for more than a hundred days, which is very wasteful.

There is no soda caustic soda, but there is thenardite. Because there are so many gadgets in the Middle East, most of them are picked by the Arabs from the salt lakes in the desert. Some saline lakes can pick up soda ash, while others can pick up thenardite ...

As long as enough thenardite is bought, large-scale chemical pulping can be produced and paper can be produced in large quantities. Moreover, the paper produced by chemical pulping is of good quality and is better than paper produced by physical pulping.

However, the wastewater from chemical pulping is more polluted. But what's wrong with that? Marin knows that there are forests everywhere in North America, just get the paper mill to North America ...

With so many towering trees in North America, Marin planned to cut oak for shipbuilding and fir trees for paper. In short, make full use of the big trees in the virgin forests of North America ... Who cares about pollution and pollution?

With a lot of cheap paper, Marin had the conditions to promote education for all. Moreover, he also plans to start a newspaper, as his mouthpiece, to brag about himself ...

The great development of science and technology in Europe actually happened after the advent of advanced papermaking in the mid-19th century. Because paper is cheaper, scientific and cultural knowledge will spread quickly and more and more scientists will appear.

Mechanical pulping appeared in 1840, while chemical pulping appeared in 1851. After that, European technology began to take off with the support of a large number of books. By the late 19th century, Europe had fully entered the era of industrialization.

Therefore, the development of papermaking is crucial to the development of human beings. Of course, before that, Marin let the students use the small blackboard and sandbox. But first, Malinde set up a chalk factory to study how to make good quality chalk ...

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