King of Assassins

Chapter 683: Endless changes

"Master, you are finally out..."

Lian Yi saw Gao Xuan walking out of the quiet room, and he was extremely happy.

For more than two hundred days, Gao Xuan stayed in the quiet room without any movement.

Ripple is a girlish temperament, unable to bear loneliness. She is very dependent on Gao Xuan.

Just separated by a thin wooden door, but without Gao Xuan's order, Ripple did not dare to rush. I can only wait awkwardly outside.

So, she was very excited after seeing Gao Xuan, and ran over to pull Gao Xuan's sleeve to act like a baby.

Gao Xuan patted Lianyi's head lightly to show affection.

He asked casually: "What will happen during my retreat?"

"Nothing. Even Hu Ji visited once, Tao Jun, Zuo Wentao, and Jiang Yunfeng also visited once."

Lianyi didn't like several people very much. She said, "They don't seem to have anything to do, but Tao Jun left you a letter."

She thought for a while and said: "It was Baili Qingtong that often came to play with me."

Although Baili Qingtong is not important, the old man asked, he always had to explain.

Gao Xuan nodded, "It's all right."

He originally thought that Aoqiong or the King of the Golden Horn would have something to come, but fortunately, the pace of this world is slow. For some unknown reason, the other party didn't come to ask for trouble.

Gao Xuan also secretly rejoiced, but fortunately the other party didn't call the door during this time.

Otherwise, he is immersed in the "Nine Changes of the Emperor" and it is difficult to extricate himself, and the powerful enemy will be killed, and he does not know what will happen.

Now that he has initially learned the "Nine Changes of the Emperor's Heaven", he really wants to find someone to practice his hands.

Ripple didn't know what Gao Xuan was thinking, she took out Tao Jun's letter, "Master, this is Tao Jun's letter."

Gao Xuan opened it and looked at it. This letter was written with moiré, probably out of the idea of ​​secrecy.

The content of the letter was very simple. It was mainly to remind Gao Xuan to be careful. I heard that there was a change on the side of the Ten Thousand Demon League. It seemed that a powerful Demon King was about to come over and make trouble.

On the other hand, Ao Qiong seemed to be very angry with King Jinlin. It's just that Ao Qiong is anxious to deal with his own affairs. When he comes back, I'm afraid he will come to make trouble too.

Tao Jun wrote very vaguely, but the meaning was very clear.

Gao Xuan smiled after seeing it, Tao Jun deliberately sold it. However, this gesture is also very clear, that is, no matter who asks for trouble, he will not help.

Gao Xuan took the letter paper and shook his hand, and the aura on the letter paper turned into a person, exactly the same as Gao Xuan.

Lianyi stayed beside her, her eyes turned around on the two Gao Xuan's bodies. The two Gao Xuan stood and sat one by one, but their faces and attitudes were exactly the same.

The eyes of the two of them are dark blue with a little golden light, bright and deep, full of charm.

There is no difference at all between the two.

Ripple is a creature formed by Gao Xuan's point, and is most sensitive to Gao Xuan's aura. But she still couldn't tell Gao Xuan from the real.

Even if she knew that Gao Xuan's body was the sitting one, there was nothing unreal about the standing person.

Ripple was more surprised as she watched. She opened her mouth for a long time before asking, "Master, what's going on?"

Gao Xuan smiled: "It's just a clone technique."

The avatar technique is not too difficult for the spirit immortal. This spell is very interesting, has a wide range of applications, and many people are proficient.

The avatars in the Nine Changes of Emperor Huangtian have changed a lot, and to put it bluntly it is the advanced avatar technique. It's just that there is a world of difference between power and ordinary clone technique.

Gao Xuan turned into his own clone by letters, and this clone retained his seven points of strength. This is actually very impressive.

The ordinary clone technique is no different from the illusion technique. You can also do some ordinary things. It is easily destroyed by power.

Gao Xuan's clone retained 70% of his combat power. This can play an extremely important role in combat.

The clone will dissipate after being killed. For Gao Xuan, only part of his soul power is lost, and the loss is minimal.

Gao Xuan can actually conjure hundreds or thousands of clones at a time, but the more clones, the weaker the clone's power.

Hundreds and thousands of avatars also looked lively, in actual combat just wasting their power in vain, and had no practical value.

According to Gao Xuan's idea, it is best to control the clone within three, which can maintain considerable combat effectiveness and maintain sufficient flexibility for changes.

The clones can change into one hundred and eighty thousand clones at the highest level. Moreover, all clones have the same combat effectiveness.

To be honest, Gao Xuan was very skeptical of this statement.

Da Luo Jinxian made one hundred and eighty thousand clones, isn't that invincible?

Obviously, there can be no such beautiful thing. Therefore, there must be an upper limit to the variety of clones.

Gao Xuan is also a beginner, has learned the magical changes, but still doesn't understand the essence of it.

At this moment, Gao Xuan was quite satisfied with the changes in the clone.

At least, for his level, this spell is super practical. So borrowing stationery is just a gimmick. The change of the clone is entirely based on the power of the soul, and has nothing to do with foreign objects.

Of course, this clone also has limitations, that is, it cannot leave the range of Gao Xuan's soul.

The clone itself does not have wisdom, it is equivalent to Gao Xuan's hand, and Gao Xuan's spirit commands no matter how it changes.

This clone is not a life, and is fundamentally different from Ripple.

Moreover, maintaining the clone also needs to consume the power of the soul.

Gao Xuan's thoughts turned, and his clone turned into a swallow.

The swallow flapped its wings, hula la flew out from the gate, and fluttered its wings straight into the blue sky in the autumn wind.

At the level of Gao Xuan's soul, he could see the blue white clouds that the swallows saw, could sense the bleak autumn wind that the swallows felt, and could feel the changes in the air flow obtained after the two wings oscillated.

Through this swallow, Gao Xuan felt all the information in sync with the swallow.

This is also very interesting.

The swallow went straight up into the blue sky, and could not get up at a height of more than one thousand feet.

The blue sky looked as pure as washing, but there was heavy wind on the blue sky.

The swallows could no longer resist the strong wind at the thousand feet.

Gao Xuan also realized a problem. If he became a swallow, he had to be bound by the form of the swallow. No matter how strong his individual strength is, he cannot bless Yanzi.

Thinking of this, Gao Xuan changed his mind and turned into a goshawk again.

The goshawk has white heads, black feathers and yellow claws, and its wings stretched out to be more than one foot long. The goshawk vibrated its wings and flew up in the wind.

Straight up to the position of five thousand feet in this way, the view of the heavenly master turned into a black spot, and the distant kings became a small piece.

Here, the wind is as strong as an invisible sword. The goshawk couldn't stand it either, and was even weaker to fly upward.

Gao Xuan thought of turning into a huge flying dragon, before the golden dragon-shaped body emerged, it fell apart in the wind, turning into a little streamer and dissipating.

At this point, this clone has completely dissipated.

Gao Xuanlue tried spells and found the problem too. The avatar can change into various objects and various creatures, but not everything can change.

For example, the dragon will not work. It is conceivable that other powerful creatures will not work.

Even if it can barely change, it's just a mere manifestation.

The ever-changing changes of the clone naturally possess the ability of this form in whatever form it becomes.

Gao Xuan probably understood that the real limitation of the avatar's variety is his power. The scope of his change is within his power.

He can't change a life beyond his power.

Therefore, the real effect of the clone is the clone. Variety, that is, fun. No practical value.

Of course, you can also become a fly or bug like Monkey King, and sneak into someone else's stomach.

Then yelled, my sister-in-law will open her mouth soon, I am coming out...

In fact, powerful monsters are not stupid. It’s not that easy to become a bug and want to sneak into the other’s mouth.

If this can be done, it is not difficult to kill the opponent directly.

In any case, the avatar is very interesting.

If Gao Xuan was willing, he could make hundreds of clones and turn them into houses, tables and chairs, pots and pans, etc., and then he could live at home by himself.

Or, use a clone to become a group of beautiful women dancing and singing?

Having said that, this seems to be the same as using hands. What's wrong with usable hands, everything must be obtained with our own hands...

Speaking of this, the avatar's ever-changing is simply an otaku artifact.

Gao Xuan couldn't help laughing when he thought of this, but made the ripples on the side a little unclear. She didn't understand what the big master laughed, and she seemed to have something to laugh at...

Ripple is straight-tempered, and she asks if she doesn't understand, "Master, why are you laughing?"


Gao Xuan naturally wouldn't say this to Lianyi. He said, "This spell is so subtle that it makes me understand something, so I laughed."

Lianyi was a little skeptical, she always felt that Gao Xuan didn't tell the truth.

Gao Xuan said: "In this way, I will make you more fun."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and said in a low voice, "Change."

A puff of white smoke rippled out of thin air, and a girl in black and white robes emerged from the smoke.

The facial features of the girl in black and white Taoist suits are very delicate, and there is naturally an extravagance between her eyebrows. She was confused and panicked, she didn't know how she suddenly appeared here.

The girl turned her gaze and saw Ripples, she cried out in surprise: "Ripples, haha, did you make me this?"

The girl in Tao suit is Baili Qingtong, and she and Lianyi are good friends. When it's okay, I ran to Tianshiguan to look for Lianyi to play.

It's just that she was reading the Taoist scriptures in the room today, somehow, her eyes went dark, and then she got here.

Baili Qingtong was still a little panicked, but she immediately forgot about it after seeing the ripples.

Lianyi looked at Gao Xuan with some hesitation. She didn't know whether Baili Qingtong in front of her was the person or the illusion change.

Gao Xuan smiled and said, "It's your kid, that's right."

Lianyi then greeted Baili Qingtong. She grabbed Baili Qingtong's little hand and said in a low voice, "Qingtong, my elder has left."

Baili Qingtong also saw Gao Xuan this time, and her face was slightly red. It was really embarrassing to shout and jump in front of Gao Xuan.

She was a princess after all, and she became famous and quickly calmed down. She took a few steps forward to salute the head Gao Xuanji: "I don't know if the heavenly master is here, the disciple is rude."

"It's okay."

Gao Xuan smiled and said, "You and Lianyi are good friends, and you don't need to be polite."

He casually pointed to the first seat: "Sit down."

Baili Qingtong was very embarrassed: "The heavenly master is here, there is no disciple seat."

Ripple didn't have so many rules, she pulled Baili Qingtong to sit down: "Master, let you sit down, you are welcome."

Seeing a good friend suddenly pop up, the ripples are so happy.

Gao Xuan was also in a good mood. He said, "It's a good day today. I invite you to eat good food."

He thought for a while and asked Baili Qingtong: "You came from the court and followed the national teacher to practice the Taoism. I wonder what you like to eat?"

Baili Qingtong is still a little confused now, and she doesn't quite understand what Gao Xuan means. After thinking about it, she said, "I prefer to eat Zhang Guo's bi pear. This kind of pear can only bear fruit on a century-old pear tree. The flesh is sweet and juicy. , Full of spiritual energy, it is of great benefit to the cultivator..."

"Okay, just eat bili."

Gao Xuan was experimenting with spells, he flicked his fingers, and the floor of the hall was rippling with smoke, and a pear tree grew out of thin air.

The pear tree grows very quickly, reaching a height of several feet in a blink of an eye, and the branches break through the roof. One by one fist big bi pears hung on the branches, revealing a rich fruity fragrance.

Baili Qingtong was full of suspicion, she reached out and picked a bi pear and took a bite. The pear flesh was refreshing and sweet. With just a sip, she felt the spirit flow all over her body, and she was uncomfortable.

Baili Qingtong showed a pleasant surprise, and she said in disbelief: "It's actually true."

To be honest, Baili Qingtong always thought that Gao Xuan used illusion.

It's not difficult to use illusion to conjure pear trees. Her master can do it too. But to transform the real Bili into a mouthful of spiritual energy, this is not what illusion can do.

Baili Qingtong quickly realized that she was a little rude, and she hurriedly picked two bi pears and gave them to Gao Xuan, "Tianshi, you taste it, it's delicious."

Gao Xuan picked it up and took a sip, it really tasted good.

Baili Qingtong gave another ripple: "You also eat ripples."

The advantage of bi pear is that it has no pit, so you can eat the whole pear.

Baili Qingtong was not too polite, and she was satisfied after eating three bi pears by herself.

Ripple also ate two. She didn't have a real body, and didn't care much about her appetite.

Bi Li is indeed a good thing, and it can turn into pure aura when eaten. Ripple made an exception and ate two of them.

When Gao Xuan saw that Baili Qingtong had finished eating, he waved his hand, and the pears on the tree fell one after another and divided into two piles by themselves.

The huge pear tree turned into smoke and dissipated, and the roof that was broken by the pear tree roof was restored as before.

Gao Xuan pointed to dozens of piled pears and said: "These are for you, and I will take them back to the national teacher to taste."

Baili Qingtong had to use a tool to put Bi Li away, and the pile of Bi Li had quickly shrunk into a ball and fell into her hands.

This group of bi pears are stacked on top of each other, but it is only the size of a bi pear.

Baili Qingtong looked interesting, but didn't know how Gao Xuan did it.

Gao Xuan didn't wait for Baili Qingtong to speak. He said: "Today you will go back first, and come to play with Lianyi the next day. Go back and ask the teacher for the country."

As soon as Gao Xuan brushed his sleeves, Baili Qingtong disappeared out of thin air.

When Baili Qingtong recovered, she had already returned to her room.

Baili Qingtong looked around and squeezed his hand again, feeling that everything just now seemed to be a dream.

But she looked down again, holding a pile of bi pears in her hand. Dozens of green pears are stacked together, but they are the same size.

Baili Qingtong screamed and hurriedly ran out of the room to Tao Jun's room.

Tao Jun is the head of the Qingxu Taoist Academy and a national teacher. The place where he lives is naturally the center and the most magnificent.

That is to say, Baili Qingtong's special status can pass through the porches smoothly all the way to Tao Jun's abbot's room.

Dao Sect talks about the square inch of the human heart, and the abbot of Tianxin.

The so-called abbot also represents the will of heaven and the heart of heaven. Therefore, the official name of the head of Qingxu Taoist Academy is the abbot.

But Tao Jun, these low-level spirit immortals, didn't dare to entrust them. They usually claim to be the head of the Taoist Academy.

Baili Qingtong ran into the abbot's room and saw Tao Jun holding a volume of Taoist books and reading in a low voice.

Taoism has been passed down for tens of millions of years, and countless ancient books have been left behind.

Especially for the school of Qingxu Daoyuan, the ancestors of the past have written works. These works also contain an understanding of Taoism.

When Tao Jun is free, he has to read his classics.

When Tao Jun saw Baili Qingtong running in, he put down the Taoist script and frowned slightly: "Qingtong, how old you are, you are still unstable like a child."

Baili Qingtong didn't care about Tao Jun's lesson, she said excitedly: "Master, Master, what do you think about this?"

She handed Bi Li to Tao Jun. Tao Jun took a look, and his expression immediately became serious.

Bi Li was nothing, although she was far away in Zhang Guo, there was always a way to get it. However, dozens of green pears were stacked into one, and they did not affect each other, and the weight remained the same.

If this was a magical weapon such as the Qiankun Pouch, it would be normal. The problem is that this is Bili, not a magic weapon.

It's entirely because someone superimposed Bi Li with advanced spells to have such a wonderful effect.

The exquisite use of space is simply terrifying.

Tao Jun couldn't be laughed at. He realized the terrible magic of this spell, his face became more solemn, "Where did you get it from?"

Baili Qingtong didn't notice the change in Tao Jun's face. She triumphantly said: "It was the heavenly master who invited me to eat pears. He also asked me to bring them back to treat you."

Tao Jun asked: "Have you seen the Heavenly Master?"

"I see, he is sitting in the hall."

"You ran out to play again." Tao Jun couldn't help but reprimanded.

Baili Qingtong said with an innocent face: "Master, you don't know, I am sitting in the room reading, and somehow I arrived at the Tianshi Temple. Tianshi is in a very good mood today, saying that he wants to invite me to eat..."

Baili Qingtong Xiaozui quickly said the whole process clearly and clearly.

"That's it."

Tao Jun fell into deep thought after listening. In his opinion, this matter is not fun.

Qingxu Daoyuan, he has been in business for hundreds of years, and he has laid down numerous arrays. It can be said to be solid.

As a result, at the core position of Qingxu Taoist Academy, Gao Xuan took Baili Qingtong away casually.

The heavy arrays he painstakingly laid out failed to play any protective role.

He was close at hand, and he didn't feel any sense. This is terrible!

The more Tao Jun thinks, the more afraid he becomes, the more he thinks, the more guilty he becomes. What does Gao Xuan mean, come to me to demonstrate?

There is no need for this either, he didn't express his conviction long ago.

Could it be Gao Xuan's dissatisfaction with him standing by?

Tao Jun has lived for more than two thousand years, and his life experience is too rich. In his opinion, it is impossible for Gao Xuan to do such a thing for no reason.

In the final analysis, it should be a small warning.

Tao Jun consciously understood what Gao Xuan He was a little angry, but he didn't dare to show it.

Hu Ji said that she gave the Xuantian Nine Changes Sutra to Gao Xuan. Could it be that Gao Xuan has practiced the magical powers of the "Xuantian Nine Changes Sutra" after a few months of retreat?

It's a pity for Tao Jun to think of this. Hu Ji, a vixen, doesn't share good things with him, but wants to give it to Gao Xuan, which is really hateful.

However, Hu Ji's cultivation is no weaker than him. There is nothing he can do to get angry.

Tao Jun thought left and right, always feeling uneasy. He is also very embarrassed as to how to deal with it.

I only hate that Aoqiong and the Golden Horn Demon King are dulling, if they come here early, he won't have to be so embarrassed.

Tao Jun went out quietly to find Zuo Wentao. As soon as he met, he asked: "Friends, when will Ao Qiong come?"

Zuo Wentao was a little stunned. Tao Jun was so treacherous, why did he ask so directly this time. He looked at Tao Jun with a serious face, and it was not easy to be perfunctory.

He thought for a while and said, "The Dragon Palace party ends in September, and Aoqiong will definitely arrive in October..."

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