According to Yu Shengtan's vision, the best way to control the Great Wu Dynasty is to support his pro-nephew to ascend to the throne. However, Xiao Wangye is still young and afraid of serious opposition. If he waits for two years, Yu Shengtan will have some more important positions and win over. With regard to the courtiers, with the support of the imperial concubine, they were more sure to seize power.

Therefore, the existence of Yu Guifei is crucial.

Now Hua Yan rescued Yu Guifei, apparently trying to get him the best breathing time.

Holden felt ashamed that treating Yu Guifei's request would make up for her support. Yu Shengtan thought that when she took advantage of this opportunity to suppress Huo Tingzun again, she felt a lot of emotion at that moment, and held a banquet on the painting of Qinhuai River that night. Inviting and rewarding Ye Qingxuan, Zong Xuan and Zhou Zhengxue.

Within the painting, Sister Feng has a variety of styles and proper greetings. Ye Qingxuan had already seen a great deal of restraint a little, and Zong Xuan was not among the flowers. He didn't care about it. Only Zhou Zhengxue learned that **** was in his heart. Fascinated by the situation, the waves form the skeleton, can not help but let Yu Shengtan look down.

Watching Zhou Zhengxue attacked by two beauties, the idiot looks like five fans and three fans. Nangong Changsheng gathered in Ye Qingxuan's ears and whispered: "Where did Hua Shenyi know this thing, so unaware of convergence in front of everyone, You see that Yu Shengtan has looked down on him so much that he didn't know it, and he kept slapping his fart ... "

"You must not underestimate this person ..." Ye Qingxuan Su Rong said: "This person is so deep in the city. I have never seen anything more powerful than Li Muru. He is a hypocrite, but he It's a real villain. He deliberately pretended to be an idiot, just to make you look down on him, so that he will be even more surprised when he suddenly backstabs. "

Nangong's eternal life suddenly hesitated, "Is there such a disregard for fame?"

"Fame? Face? Hum ..." Ye Qingxuan said indifferently: "If he Zhou Zhengxue cares about these, there won't be a nickname of" human face and beast heart. "

At this moment, there was a song and dance in the flower hall, and the six dancers danced with graceful dances.

Everyone was so fascinated that they could not help but applaud loudly.

But when a woman suddenly exclaimed, she was thrown into the field by one person, and the fat hand grabbed a dancer's calf regardless of the left and right, kneading it up.

The girls were all in a mess.

Everyone could not help but frown at the same time, seeing that the person was not someone else, it was Zhou Zhengxue who was "human face and beast heart".

The dancer who was caught by Zhou Zhengxue broke free subconsciously and ran away in panic. Zhou Zhengxue laughed and shouted, "Don't run, little beauty."

The court began to chase.


Yu Shengtan banged on the table a few times and yelled, "Excuse me, Zhou Zhengxue, what are you doing here? How can you be so crazy?"

Zhou Zhengxue got excited, looked blankly, then watched Yu Shengtan swooped to his feet, and five bodies cast into the truth: "Master Yu forgive me, the villain is really too happy, too much wine, think about Many years of inhuman life under the town's magic tower, and I was fascinated for a while, and this extraordinary action was made ... Master Yu was thinking of a loyalty in Zhou, to spare Xiao Ke. "

Having said that, Zhou Zhengxue burst into tears inexplicably in shame, slapping his face while crying.

Ye Qingxuan looked embarrassed. The drama of this product was a little too much.

"This ..." Yu Shengtan was also amazed for a while, he was just trying to scare Zhou Zhengxue to make himself more disciplined, why was he suddenly so excited?

Also, when has this product been loyal to itself? Still loyal ...

Yu Shengtan tentatively said: "Uh ... Mr. Zhou has contributed to the court, and has been summoned by His Majesty a few days ago, and has taken office. As long as you are loyal to the court, the court must not be rewarded ..."

"No ..." Zhou Zhengxue cried with a big face and looked up: "No matter how good the court is to me, it's not as good as Master Yu. If there is no Master Yu, where is there today? As long as Master Yu is not disgusted, the villain is willing to do A dog under an adult's account needs small things, and even if the sword is wild, the small will never retreat. "

Really shameless.

There are so many people in the world who depend on others to ask him to be a slave. Nangong has been a hundred years old and has never seen such a senior.

Could not help but looked up at Zong Xuan and Yu Shengtan who were disdainful, and raised their thumbs silently to Zhou Zhengxue who once again refreshed the shameless bottom line.

Instead, Ye Qingxuan poured himself a glass of water and wine, and carefully observed what Zhou Zhengxue was selling in the gourd.

Zhou Zhengxue in the venue has begun to scratch his head. Seeing Yu Shengtan's tone is not resolute, he began to scratch his head, crying, asking for acceptance, and finally even said, "If you don't let me work for adults, the villain is alive. Meaning, it ’s better to die ”, and in front of everyone, pick up a chopstick and commit suicide.

Helpless Xia Shengtan had no choice but to accept this Zhou Zhengxue as a student.

The ecstatic Zhou Zhengxue immediately came to know the place and poured wine for Yu Shengtan himself. The scene immediately resumed the lively scene. Ye Qingxuan pretended to talk to Nangong Changsheng, but his spiritual knowledge was completely concentrated on Zhou Zhengxue. Sure enough, no After a while, taking advantage of the opportunity to drink, Zhou Zhengxue whispered to Yu Shengtan, but shocked Yu Shengtan's body, showing a shocked expression.

Then the two went one after the other, taking advantage of the opportunity to give respect, I didn't know what went to the secret room to talk about.

Although Ye Qingxuan didn't hear the specific content, from Yu Shengtan's reaction, it should have nothing to do with himself, but what made Yu Shengtan so shocked was that it was related to the magic gate or Yu Shengtan itself.

It took half an hour for the two to go. When they returned, Yu Shengtan was full of spring breeze, Zhou Zheng was learning to dance, after seated, Yu Shengtan was even respectful of three glasses of water and wine.

Nangong Changsheng came together and said, "No matter what the purpose of Zhengzheng is this week, he must be top-notch, otherwise he won't get the trust of Yu Shengtan so soon ..."

Ye Qingxuan grinned ~ ~: "Zhou Zhengxue has real materials, Yu Shengtan is not stupid, and he won't take such a value to a courtier."

Nangong's longevity fainted. "But how long has Zhou Zheng learned this? The relationship between the upper and lower courts of the Great Wu Dynasty is unclear. What idea can you sigh to Yu Sheng?"

"The highest realm of flattery is not to be charming, but to do what you like." Ye Qingxuan flashed a light in his eyes, and said lightly: "Do you guess what Yu Shengtan wants most now?"

"The throne!" Nangong Changsheng was not a fool.

Ye Qingxuan nodded and said, "This Zhou Zhengxue must carry some secret news, which is conducive to Yu Shengtan's control of the imperial power, so that makes Yu Shengtan so excited ..."

While the two were talking, Sister Feng next to her came in a low voice and whispered, "Two adults, Master Yu please-"

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