Ye Qingxuan was able to occupy a small table in the corner of the lobby on the first floor because he was early.

After ordering a few drinks, I simply ate and drank.

At this time, the lobby was full of people, and the sound of pushing cups and changing lights was endless, but Ye Qingxuan could clearly see that these people are not drunk, especially their eyes from time to time towards the backyard courtyard, which explains everything.

Their target is the people of the ghost palace.

The news spread so fast?

I'm afraid the news that all of them have fallen into the ghost palace is known to everyone.

Their source ...

Where is it?

Ye Qingxuan drank and drank and ate half a full meal shortly after.

Just then, the noisy lobby suddenly fell into a quiet place.

Everyone's eyes looked at the gate of "Yingxianju" in an instant.

Ye Qingxuanyuan looked at it unexpectedly, and into the eyes, a voluptuous woman wearing a bucket hat came in.

The first-class, **** woman, Yingying, went to the counter, took off the bucket, and immediately showed a happy face.

Not only was the shopkeeper and the shopkeeper stunned, it was the sound of swallowing in the entire lobby.

A moving body, a stunning face.

Every inch of the face above that face is full of temptation, especially the eyes, which are just ecstasy.

Hooking is the man's spirit, and of course it is the man's spirit.

Not only is her face beautiful, but the eyes and mouth corners have a fascinating smile. As long as a normal man meets, she is deeply trapped and fascinated.

"The shop, one goes to the house, one is a wine dish." Tankou spit gently, the woman said quietly.

Dian Xiaoer slobbered stupidly. After all, it was the shopkeeper's knowledge and knowledge. He first came to his senses and went to give Dian Xiao Er a slap. Then he apologized: "This girl, it is no coincidence that the shop is full. No more room. "

"The middle and lower rooms ..."

The treasurer appeared embarrassed, and replied, "The middle room is also gone. As for the lower room ... girl, that's the shop ..."

The so-called tongpu is a dozen people sleeping on a long stilt. It has always been a place where people from the lower floors do n’t care about the environment. All the dartists, cart drivers, martial arts who run outside have been living there for many years. The bottom disciples of the martial arts, the environment is not clean, but also full of the smell of men's sweat, it is definitely not a place where the charming young girl lives.


A piece of gold was shot directly in front of the shopkeeper, and the woman raised an eyebrow and said lightly, "Go to the house, you have to think of a way to let others let you out."

"This ..." The shopkeeper was in a dilemma.

Unexpectedly, the woman frowned, and her eyes flashed coldly. She immediately trembled her mind and said, "Okay, girl, if I don't want to give up, I will vacate my house ... I will squeeze with my buddy."

The woman's disgusted expression flashed away and she said, "Remember to put on a new bedding ..."

"Oh, okay." The shopkeeper was despised, and it was quite unpleasant.

At this time, the martial arts people who had been shocked by the beauty of the woman finally woke up from the shock. Many of these people were fierce characters who broke the house on the green forest road. Naturally, there was a guy who was intrigued by the beauty. Immediately, there was a table at the banquet. The big one-eyed man laughed and laughed: "Hey, little girl, how old is the old man ’s house that sleeps. It ’s better to come to the house of your uncle. Would you like to sleep with me?"

Hahaha ...

As soon as this remark was made, a laughter was set off in the lobby.

Then more heroes began to make a lot of tricks, and many people's words were even more rude and full of teasing about beautiful women.

The woman did not hear the Buddha in general, but not only that, but her face was a little smile, and almost all the souls of men were hooked.

The scene was even more noisy.

Feng Mu swept across all the tables, and the man he watched suddenly fell into irrational madness. Everyone almost thought he was being followed by this beauty, and quickly put himself in the most handsome pose, just like estrus. Male dog shows himself, while treating all other males as enemies of life and death.

The woman glanced over and ended up falling on Ye Qingxuan in the corner.

Since entering the door, the woman has confirmed all the men, everyone has given her the soul, but this unkind young man just looked at her briefly, then bowed his head and ignored him. Peanut rice is more attractive than her.

This made her very angry.

"Shopkeeper, help me prepare the dishes and bring them here."

After the order was completed, the woman came in eagerly and went straight to Ye Qingxuan who was sitting alone in the corner.

In the eyes of all men's jealous death, the woman sat her enchanting body opposite Ye Qingxuan lightly, watching him with a charming smile, biting her lips, and softly saying, "Can you sit here, little girl?"

Ye Qingxuan looked up in surprise, the other party's natural acquaintance made him smile secretly, but he did not believe that he had such an **** encounter, but shrugged indifferently, and said arrogantly, "Isn't the girl already seated? Please.

Having said that, continue to bow down to eat his peanuts.

The woman couldn't help but be stubborn, bit her teeth, and didn't believe her charm became so ordinary. Then she said, "Little girl surnamed Yu, I don't know how the son-in-law is called? Meeting with children is a fate, and the son won't feel that Peanut fate is bigger than a little girl, right? "

The words were plainly teasing.

In the large court, he was seduced by a peerless enchantment, and Ye Qingxuan couldn't help feeling more strange. Not only was he not excited, but he felt a sense of crisis secretly.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan had felt the jealousy and killing in the eyes around him ~ ~ The girl joked, everyone met, why not know the name. Ye Qingxuan felt that the woman was deliberately provoking trouble, and quickly got up and said, "The little is over, this table is over to the girl." "After that I got up and wanted to leave.

Ye Qingxuan's move almost made the woman jump up angrily, and then she looked darkened, and resigned herself to the table.

The surrounding wolves suddenly felt compassion, and were particularly angry with Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan has not yet gone out in two steps, and the earliest words to make fun of the one-eyed man who was a girl Yu jumped up. With four big men at the same table, she suddenly stopped in front of Ye Qingxuan. The one-eyed dragon looked up at her nostril and stared at Ye Qing Xuandao: "This little brother is very face-to-face. I don't know where he is on the road, but he is so rude to this girl and has no gentlemanliness."

Just because he talked to himself about gentleman, and also grace?

Ye Qingxuan could not help laughing.

But as soon as he smiled, the one-eyed dragon on the opposite side was like a lighted artillery battle, a "throw" punch, and hit him directly.

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