And when Zhan Yu and Meng Yuanzhang were about to run out of power, they suddenly raised their anger, pressing their palms against the ground, and then vacated before touching the ground. The two of them pulled Huangfu Jingde together with the other hand. Taking advantage of the situation, Jiang Feiran and Fang Chaoxue leaped into the air at the same time. Not only did they escape the arrow rain, they also successfully cast them into the forest next to the Royal Garden.

At this time, after Ye Qingxuan's protective body was able to withstand hundreds of powerful arrows, Huang Guang flashed and shattered. Ye Qingxuan's whole body was nailed with arrows, and he was shot with a hedgehog. general.

Roar, roar!

Qi's shouts seemed to be inspiring to be able to kill his rivals.

However, following the novel "Pig

Ye Qingxuan ’s [King Kong is not bad body] is not only a defensive defense, but also a strong defense against the flesh. Those strong arrows ca n’t pierce his skin at all, so Ye Qingxuan ’s energy is absorbed, then [Happy escape sucking tactics] cast in reverse, under the arrow like rain, the Royal Forest Army suddenly lay on the ground.


The crisis of Ye Qingxuan and others did not end there. A burst of shouting and killing came, and countless heads of Yu Linjun were killed by the forest, intercepting two people, and there were experts who were more than innate mixed in, and rushed towards five people.

Suddenly the five of them were in enemy positions and scored for Chong.

Outside the forest were all torches, shouting to kill the sky.

Ye Qingxuan's long sword flew and the rain-like sword flew. Immediately, seven elite masters blew blood around their brows. Suddenly fell to the ground. Then the wrist sank, the long sword waved backwards, and a sword flew through the sword. Three people suddenly fell back, their throats bleed, and they fell on the spot.

Taking advantage of this gap, Ye Qingxuan scrambled into a big tree.

I saw dense forest masters everywhere inside and outside the forest, there was no room for any foothold at all.

The two elite masters of the Lin Lin Army overtook the tree. Ye Qingxuan's serial sword flashed, splashing blood and flying.

With the sound of a strong arrow, Ye Qingxuan rose into the air, suddenly crossed a distance of more than ten feet, and fell to the edge of the woods.

More than a dozen Yu Linjun threw their spears out of their hands, and their strength was unusually overbearing. Ye Qingxuan did not want to be the target of public criticism. Before lightning, he threw himself into the most densely crowded place, and the sword in his hand vibrated extremely fast. It just buzzed and kept on for a long time. Then the six swords, the next six swords, the first six swords, the last six swords, the left six swords, the right six swords, and the six-six-six-six swords are the [swords of Ailaoshan thirty-six swords]. The technique fought, but one sword was divided into three swords. Using the method of [One Gasification and Three Qings] of Quanzhenjiao, it became 108 swords.

One hundred and eight sword swords stretched across the world, like a holy lotus blooming among the crowd, and the sword sword broke through the armor of the Royal Forest and reached into the body. The power was far, covering more than ten feet.

Nearly 300 Yulin Army stood still, Ye Qingxuan stood up and flew towards a place where the fighting and fighting were fierce in the dense forest. A breeze blew the clothes, and the 300 Yulin Army fell to the ground at the same time, breath Nothing.

The two spears attacked from behind. Ye Qingxuan didn't need to look back, just shake to the left and right, he could not avoid the enemy spear in the meantime.

The body leaped, and both feet kicked backwards. The sound of the broken sternum came. Two Yulin Army spurted blood and flew, and Ye Qingxuan suddenly increased the speed with this reaction force. A flashing body flew twenty feet away. Outside.

A scream came from Xu Jian, 30 feet to the left, where the battle was fierce.

Ye Qingxuan recognized Meng Yuanzhang's cry, knowing that if he was in distress, he would never speak out for help. Under the tremor of his heart, he immediately speeded up and went to rescue.

Under the flames of light, a group of more than 200 people of the Royal Army was slaying around Meng Yuan, and Meng Lao was leaning against a big tree, and another person seemed to fall to the ground under the tree.

In order to protect the wounded, Meng Lao Liu gave up his most brilliant meritorious deeds and continued to fight.

Among the crowd who besieged him, there were five or six congenital masters. One of them was Cao Zhengdong, one of the Cao Family's four enemies who once had a fight. I saw that every shot he made made Meng Yuanzhang to deal with it. Take the opportunity.

However, Cao Zhengdong already stabbed Meng Yuanzhang's thigh in a few strokes. Fortunately, Meng Yuanzhang avoided timely, but just marked a bloodstain, the blood flow immediately, but it did not hurt the bones and muscles. There is still a battle for the time being.

Cao Zhengdong laughed proudly: "Meng Yuanzhang, falling in my hands today indicates that your limit is reached, and it will not cause you to die. Do you still expect someone to come to your rescue?"

Immediately, someone immediately said, "Hey, even if someone comes to help, that's one dead one, two dead one!"

"Well said! Hahaha ..."

When the crowd laughed, Ye Qingxuan had already flew up. He saw Meng Yuanzhang's blood and his footwork was unstable. He knew how long he couldn't hold it anymore, he drank violently, the sword and man were united, the swordsmanship fluttered, and a sword appeared Light, like a raging wave, shot down at everyone below.

"Ye Qingxuan is here, see how Er and so on leave Ye's life?"

Cao Zhengdong had to take the order of Meng Yuanzhang in two or three swords, and then went to find Ye Qingxuan. When he saw him bring him to the door, he gave up Meng Yuanzhang and got up to meet Ye Qingxuan.

Huh? When did this kid have the courage to dare to single himself out?

Ye Qingxuan almost laughed on the spot, but at the same time, he heard Meng Yuanzhang roaring: "Lao Qi is a trap, leave me alone, help the second brother!"

trap? Difficult to show off?

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan was not able to digest the information. Three rows of Yulin Army flew out of the ground, and a spear in everyone's hands matched with Cao Zhengdong's attack. Surrounded to the center, it turned out that the four spears formed a battle array and joined together to deal with him.

Ye Qingxuan took a closer look and turned out to be the other three of the four members of the Cao family, Cao Zhengnan, Cao Zhengxi and Cao Zhengbei.

The "Four Signs of the Cao Family" arrived at the scene as many as possible, with Cao Zhengdong as the core, forming a sharp spear array, and the momentum suddenly changed.

"Eh? It's four of your brothers ..." Ye Qingxuan glanced at them and couldn't help but utter a sarcasm. "It seems that your Cao family likes to conceal people's problems have fallen ill, from top to bottom, No good cake! "

That Cao Zhengnan said: "Less nonsense, the king is defeated, the hero is judged by success or failure, not a moral sage."

Cao Zhengbei laughed and said, "In the beginning, three of our brothers used this spear array to compete with you, but there was no big brother at the time, which made you cheaper. Today, our four brothers are waiting here. Shame, revenge. "

Ye Qingxuan cleared his life and death early, without fear in his heart.

Wen Yan sneered: "Only the four of you? Also worth it !?"

Cao Zhengdong finally spoke, saying, "Well worth it or not, let's see the true chapter under our hands!"

As soon as the words came down, Cao Zhengdong had taken three brothers into the air at the same time, surrounded Ye Qingxuan around the center, four spears pierced downwards, and the momentum was immense. The iron spear was like four spirit snakes desperately dancing towards the Ye Qingxuan didn't want to get stuck.

Ye Qingxuan didn't move, but just swiveled the sword in her hand, turning the tip of the sword like a flower ...


One sword and four spears instantly exchanged four strikes in the air, Ye Qingxuan moved slightly, and the four Cao masters flew to the outside.

When Cao Zhengdong stabbed Ye Qingxuan's sword with a spear in his hand, he knew that it was not right, only to feel that the other party's extremely solid innocence penetrated like a sharp and hard chisel. Suddenly attacking his meridian, Xuanmen's internal exercises that he has been practicing for many years seem to give the other party a wonderful and innocent nature, which can resist him for a moment.

Although his skill is far less than that of the "spear sect" Cao Sheng, compared with Ye Qingxuan, he always thinks that it is comparable, but he never thought of it, only a few days away. Ye Qingxuan's arrogant strength Even raised so high, has broken through the virtual realm and become a peerless master in the world.

Cao Zhengdong was blown away by Ye Qingxuan, and he gave a sigh of vitality, eliminating at least half of the invasion of the opponent. The spear in his hand stabbed to the side. The spear tip penetrated the trunk of a large tree and threw him. The retreating body was fixed.

Then the Cao Zhengdong turned around and exhibited the exquisite technique in [Mixed Yuan to Win the Golden Spear], swinging the sword, the spear was cut down on the side, and the spear tip slid to Ye Qingxuan's neck, but the momentum was no longer If so sharp before.

Ye Qingxuan snorted coldly, not afraid, his left palm was flat, and he was extremely accurate from bottom to top, and he even held his spear apart uncomfortably.

There was a chill in Cao Zhengdong's heart, and Fang understood that Ye Qingxuan in front of him was no longer a master that he could handle anymore. At this moment, even if the "spear sect" Cao Sheng was present, it was difficult to deal with Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan held Cao Zhengdong's spear in one palm, and then stabbed his right hand forward, going straight to the other's throat ~ ~ At the same time, Ye Qingxuan's left palm shrank sharply, so fast that it was difficult Believe and judge.

Cao Zhengdong's offensive was destroyed by Ye Qingxuan's move at this time, and he saw the opponent's sword stab, so he strove to retreat sharply to avoid Ye Qingxuan's back-hand attack.

But this movement, the sound of wind behind him, turned out to be a palm wind.

Cao Zhengdong's martial arts that wanted to get Ye Qingxuan turned out to be so powerful that he attacked in front of him, but the strength behind it turned out to be twists and turns, and went around the full circle and attacked directly behind him.

Is this Xiaoyao School's [Baihong Palm Power] understandable to him by Cao Zhengdong.

Cao Zhengdong ignored the energy that was still stirring in his body, stabbed his spear forward, avoided gritting his teeth and twisted, and blocked Ye Qingxuan's palm in time.


Cao Zhengdong snorted, sprayed blood on his mouth, and even speared Ye Qingxuan with a spear and flew away. His back hit a trunk of a large tree, causing injuries and injuries, and this slipped to the ground. (To be continued ...)

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