Is the Evil God Me?

Chapter 231: luxury

To Lynn's surprise, the first stop the carriage stopped was not the Earl's Manor.

Instead, Lynn was a little uncomfortable with the jewelry line.

The jewels here, under the intoxicating lights, present a very extravagant extravagance. The countess should be a frequent visitor here. She enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded by those shiny things, and her slender jade fingers swept across the luxurious luxury items.

Amiste pointed to a counter from left to right.

The countess' remarks made Lynn almost spit out.

"These are all sent to the manor."



"And this side, all."

After the shock, she became numb. Merthys had already seen the strangeness and began to register. She quietly told Lin En that these were all properties under the countess' name, and she would come over and take away a batch of jewelry when she was bored. Most of these jewels will become various decorations of the Earl's Manor, and a small part will be rejected by the tired Emiste and flow back to the market. The jewels flowing out of these Earl's Manor will appreciate a lot.

And Emiste will probably spend shopping when she's in a bad mood to soothe her mood.

It is also one of her pastimes.

The countess was so excited that she picked out an emerald brooch from the pile of jewels and pinned it to Lynn. The emerald on this brooch happened to be the same color as Lynn's eyes, and it looked even better when it was pinned to his chest. Complement each other. Victoria's handsome young man pinned this one, which can make people's attention more concentrated in the pair of blue eyes.

As for the price...

Lynn remembered, but he only caught a glimpse of four zeros in a hurry, and he gave up thinking, is this the wealth of the rich woman, and he was stunned when he dropped anything.

Putting her hands on Lynn and looking at it, Emiste was still a little dissatisfied.

It seems that this emerald brooch lacks a bit of exquisiteness. It seems that the tourmaline jade that she just fell in love with is quite good, but it is a pity that the two are not compatible. The countess quickly solved the problem. She waved her hand to the jeweler to come over, remove all the gemstones of the emerald brooch, cut them on the spot and replace them on the tourmaline brooch.

The jeweler wiped his cold sweat and said that this may directly destroy two efforts.

Emister pointed to a pile of jewelry with a smile, saying that if he didn't do it well, he would destroy more than two hard work. Lynn wanted to stop her several times, but seeing the pure excitement and happiness of the countess, he didn't want to disturb her, so he could only shut up. After all, this is her business. No one else has the right to say what she wants to waste. Three and four.

Moreover, compared to her net worth, this little money is not a waste of money.

Lynn was silent, choosing to remember her kindness to herself.

Soon, under the on-site operation of several jewelers, the emerald tourmaline brooch was freshly released. It is relatively small and delicate, embellished with many small diamonds of different colors, and it is very valuable at first sight. To be honest, it was pinned to his chest, and Lynn had a cautiousness that he didn't dare to make a big move.

I really don't know what a girl should do if she hangs so many jewelry on her body and bumps into it.

What happens in the jewelry store is just the beginning.

After the jewelry store is a perfume store, after the perfume store is a cosmetics store, and after the cosmetics store is a cloth and satin store, with the meticulous service of an old tailor. Lynn also had a few more items that Amiste carefully selected, including brooches, scarves, men's perfume, foundation that Lynn couldn't use, and lighters.

Buy, buy, buy, the countess is just these three words.

Buy from left to right, from top to bottom, most of which are properties under her name. Lynn and Meredith accompanied her to run almost half of the business district. The appearance of the countess often made the merchants either ecstatic or beat their chests. Even if the little gentleman didn't have anything in his hand, he would still be ecstatic. I felt a kind of mental fatigue.

Lynn was thinking, when will this end?

Amiste is tireless and happily shopping all morning and afternoon, she probably doesn't know how many things she bought. And Lynn, after the initial statistics, gave up and continued to think about the number that made his heart skip a beat, so that he could enjoy a little of the joy of shopping at first, but after exceeding the limit, he became numb.

This kind of shopping continued until noon.

Lynn breathed a sigh of relief when the countess stopped to propose a break.

They took a break in a converted café.

This time, the countess finally did not wave her hand, and said to the menu that I will have a copy of everything from here to here, but gave it to Meredith to let her handle it.

"How about it?"

"Huh?" Breaking free from an unreal trance, Lynn looked at the countess suspiciously, not understanding what she was talking about.

"I said, do you feel happy with such a splurge?"

Emister leaned forward, and asked Lynn with a soft heart.

"To be honest, I don't feel much." Lynn recalled thinking for a while and decided to answer For me, the material is enough within the range of sufficient use, and too much will occupy me energy. "

Lynn is not pretending to be coercive. Before crossing the border, his social currency has been restructured with the breakthrough of various technologies. At that time, the consumption atmosphere of the whole society gradually got rid of the vulgar shackles of material. Participation in spectacle projects such as launch towers and underground development has achieved advocacy.

At that time, Lynn's hobby after work was star watching.

"I thought you would enjoy being intoxicated... But I can rest assured that you are like this. Wealth will turn people into a greedy dragon. You obviously have a very clear understanding of wealth."

Emiste stared at Lynn earnestly, and after confirming that he was not lying, he revealed his intentions.

The countess was very rich, and she was a little troubled by it.

What if you like someone, but that person values ​​his wealth more than himself? To this end, she has thought of some ways, among which the simplest and most rude way is to throw money, so that the other party loses the original concept of money, and it is the best to lose the concept of money.

But Lynn is clearly not that superficial.

In the face of the countess's spending money, Lynn was a little surprised at first, and then she didn't feel it. It is different from the people's view of money in this era. The wealth that Lynn recognizes is either a spectacle or a spirit, and it happens that few people can satisfy him in these two eras, so when he faces his partner, he takes the second choice. warmth.

"If this is the test, I look like I passed?" Lynn smiled.

"You are the first man I will test, and I will be the last." Amiste smiled, obviously very satisfied with Lynn. "Let's rest for a while, there is a salon in the manor at night. For you, I have specially invited many people."

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