2012 is coming to an end.

The last days did not come, I am very glad that we are all alive.

2012 is my lucky year. Everything is much smoother than I thought. Looking back, I think that the old cow is a little bit worried. I have never been successful since I graduated. Thank you very much. Thank you very much, you let me You can also sit in front of the computer and write some emotional words, thank you.

From the 09 year old cows to do this dream, I hope that one day can rely on the code to maintain a livelihood, but now the dream is not fully realized, but it is not far away.

very happy!

The first time I felt so close to my dreams.

Write a book, the exact word should be regarded as a code word, the code word brings me a lot, silence in the world of my own fantasy, silence in the happiness of being able to have your support, quiet in the excitement of the publication fee, quiet in me Self-identified success, many, many, and more than I imagine, thank you.

Without your support, your subscription, your collection, your clicks, there will be no invincible, no old cows, and it is impossible to go on this road. I used to feel that I had nothing to do. Now I feel that I still have some use, and I can write words that everyone likes (although many people don’t like it, but you like it, hehe.), there is some value of existence, everything changes. So beautiful, moved towards the right direction.

I feel that I am a grateful person, and I will remember it all in my heart. I will remember my life.

I hope that this road can go in the long run, and I can follow my dreams all the way. Thank you for everyone who helped me.

Keep writing down…

Looking forward to the arrival of 2013, I hope everyone can be happy and happy!

Then the old cow wrote an online game titled “Online game to find a wife”, I hope everyone can support it, –< >– I have a lot of trouble with the account, and I have a few votes. The old cow is grateful.

Now double-open, the update of invincible will not fall, and the daily guarantee will not be lower than the 5000 word update, then everyone will continue to support the old cow, create a miracle in 2013 year, haha…

*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come –< >– (.) Vote for the recommended ticket, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. )

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