Invincible God of War Upgrade System

Chapter 776: After abusing the elders

The demon monkey's performance at this time was simply not helping his own body, looking at the incomparably huge cracks one after another, blood splashed out from the inside and sprinkled all over the ground.

But even so, there was no pain on the face of the demon monkey, but it became more and more crazy. When he saw this, the elder Taishang was not well.

"Crazy! You are really crazy, aren't you afraid that your body will really explode? If you are like this, you will not be able to last until the end." Elder Taishang said this incoherently at this time. At the same time, he was slowly going backwards.

If the Demon Monkey's body really exploded, it would definitely affect the person closest to him. He didn't want to be the center of the explosion and die with the madman in front of him.

I only saw that the battle between the two stopped directly, and those people in the distance could slowly see clearly, but because they were too far away, they still couldn't see clearly.

"Why did it stop suddenly? Is the winner already decided?"

"But looking at the situation between the two sides, it doesn't seem like the winner has been decided, or that some situation has occurred that forced them to stop fighting?"

Because the distance here is too far, it is impossible to see what happened there, so they have already diverged their thinking and started to guess.

It's just that these speculations are a little unreliable, there is no factual basis at all, and they are just entertainment. Even they know that it is impossible to end the battle, otherwise the two sides will really confront each other.

The monkey's mouth cracked and laughed, "Hahaha, I didn't expect you to be so timid. If that's the case, then I'll give you a ride!"

"I will never lose to you. A cowardly guy like you doesn't even dare to fight really hard, then you are not qualified to survive in this world. Be my stepping stone honestly!"

After the monkey said these words, its body swelled up again, the wound on the body was visible to the naked eye, and blood also splashed out, but at this time, the breath on his body burst out inexplicably and became stronger. .


The demon monkey rushed out without any hesitation, and the speed was much worse than before. Even when the elder Taishang was caught off guard, he didn't see clearly at all, and was directly bombarded.

The Demon Monkey didn't want to stop at all, the big hand grabbed the elder Taishang directly and threw it to the ground, and the whole person fell from the air at a high speed and aimed at the elder Taishang.

I saw a loud noise, and the elder Taishang was smashed to the ground, and a huge pothole had appeared on the ground, followed by the demon monkey falling from the sky at high speed.

The Demon Monkey had already aimed at the elder Taishang. Naturally, there was no deviation at this time. It fell directly from the sky like a meteorite. It generally hit the ground, and a huge sound came.

Dust and flying stones splashed all over the place, and the place was covered by dust for a while, and it was impossible to see what was going on in it, but everyone could still vaguely hear a scream.

And this scream is very similar to that of the elder Taishang, but everyone is not so sure.

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