Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 969: Scientific examination reform

After the reform of the scientific examination was released in the spirit world.

At the same time, over the cities where the scientific research was held, the guards were sitting cross-legged, with a muffled sound from their mouths.

"Your majesty's decree, your majesty said: In this imperial examination, everyone entered the hall with blank papers.

I will send my confidantes to make temporary questions at the scientific examination site, and everyone will listen to the questions to answer.

After answering, my confidant will collect the test papers and submit them to Shangshutai for approval.

To ensure absolute fairness and justice.

In this scientific expedition, the county government had no right to examine it.

They are only responsible for identifying candidates.

Those who replace others, once discovered, will never be allowed to conduct scientific research.

If an official replaces others, he will be dismissed and investigated and never hired.

If the county seat is found to be taking the test, the county magistrate is the first responsible person, and all relevant personnel involved in the case will be investigated and dealt with severely.

Before candidates answer, write their names and hometowns on the top of the white paper.

The invigilators this time are all my confidantes, and they are the ministers of our Yue State meritorious service. They can all be trusted and will never show favoritism to others, and they are guaranteed to be treated equally.

Candidates give full play, and I guarantee the fairness and justice of this exam. "

These words were not only released in the spirit world, but also made every guard scream continuously above the city.

Most of the poor candidates have no spiritual realm and can only spread by voice.

Call it three times in the morning and three times in the afternoon.

Continue to shout the next day.

This was a major event for Yue Guo. After shouting three times in the morning of the first day, almost everyone in the city knew.

Even people who haven't heard it will soon be told by friends, and even the streets and alleys, restaurants and teahouses are discussing this matter.

This incident caused an uproar in the entire Yue State.

Countless poor people walked out of their homes, and then respectfully paid homage in the direction of Hongyan City.

They only ask for a fair and just, but it is so difficult.

Now, the gospel has finally come, and Yue Chen brought justice to them.

They can finally take part in the scientific expedition with their heads high, and they don't even have to continue to bribe officials in the county government, and they don't have to continue to look at their faces.

Cheongna Kingdom, Gyeongpyeongju.

In the yamen of the state capital, in front of the state capital Zhang Shou sat various yamen magistrates.

The county magistrates are all bitter.

The sudden order issued by Yue Chen caught them off guard.

A county magistrate said with a miserable expression: "My lord, this imperial decree, the white flowers and silver that could have been put in your pocket are going to run now."

Another county magistrate said: "It's still a trivial matter that the silver ran away. Three generals were born in my county. Nine nephews of those three generals participated in this scientific expedition. The lower officials had already agreed to them. Their nephews and nephews are all arranged. Now that they are doing this, the lower officials can't explain to the three generals."

"My lord, we must not just give in.

If all the untouchables were made officials, it wouldn't have been a fallout. "

The last words of the county magistrate spoke to their hearts.

The children of nobles have always been officials, and the selection of officials has also adopted a recommendation system.

This is the core contradiction between Yue Chen and the powerful.

The powerful are monopolizing power, and Yue Chen wants to break power.

The county magistrate is not fake for coveting money, but behind the coveting of money, their identity is even more a nobleman.

Behind every county magistrate stood a family, some of them were brilliant, and the magistrate was just a humble member of the family.

Some have fallen into disarray. The biggest official in the entire family is now the county magistrate, but he can rely on this imperial examination to squeeze in his family members and let the family rebuild its glory.

Compared with money, the chain of interests hidden under money is what they value most.

The prefect smiled coldly and said: "It's not so easy to make those untouchables stand out.

Don't think too much about it, this matter is no longer your business, and the big guys above will take action. "

Many county magistrates were slightly surprised, and then were overjoyed.

It seems that the big people can't sit still, they won't just watch the untouchables grow up and take their place.

Some of them are families that have been passed down for hundreds of years. The family background is very deep and they will never sit still.








In the county office, Yue Chen was lying on the reclining chair, his right fingers tapped on the armrest lightly, and said softly: "It's too quiet, it's a bit unusual.

Fang Ruishan, do you think those families in Qingluo Kingdom will be honest? "

Fang Ruishan, who was waiting by the side, quickly said: "If you are a smart person, you should be honest.

They are all family-renowned nobles, and they are not short of culture, Taoism and Martial Arts. They can easily cultivate children who can participate in scientific examinations.

If they are smart, they should be honest. "

Yue Chen smiled faintly and said: "In this world, there are many smart people, but there are also many foolish people.

They used to occupy ten points of the cake, but now they have become seven points. They feel wronged and feel that I owe them.

They will try their best to find trouble for me.

Ha ha ha, you said, would there be such a person? "

Fang Ruishan hurriedly said: "Return to your Majesty, the old minister thought that there would be something."

"Oh, too much?"

Yue Chen asked indifferently, as if asking an insignificant question.

But Fang Ruishan dared not be the slightest ambiguity, and was even more afraid of making a mistake if he was not careful.

When answering, my mind turned quickly, carefully considering every word, and replied: "The minister thought that there would be some."

Yue Chen said indifferently: "If they arrange for their nephews and nephews to come in and arrange scientific expeditions in a fair and just manner, I welcome them. I really hope that the ranks are not all the people from the bottom, and that there are many talents trained by the nobles.

If you are afraid, you are afraid, they have to give me the talent, and they have to cram in stupid people.

You have to know that as long as there is a fool in the team, it will drag the team back.

If this idiot has a lot of power behind him, and he is a self-proclaimed person, then it is likely to cause problems for the entire team.

This person, really can't be too greedy. "

"What your Majesty said is extremely true."

An alarm bell sounded in Fang Ruishan's mind, and he wondered what Yue Chen meant.

Do you let yourself warn others, or use it to warn yourself?

Anyway, this kind of thing is never allowed to happen in his own hands.

After Yue Chen finished speaking, he waved to Fang Ruishan and said: "I am a little tired. I want to squint for a while. You are also a busy person, so go out first."

"Yes, the old minister retired."

After Fang Ruishan paid his respects, he slowly withdrew from the lobby, and then fled and left.

His heart was even more horrified. Walking in the yard of the county government, he found his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Afterwards, he shouted to his servants: "Hurry up and invite a few elders to come over, saying that there are major issues for discussion."

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