Invincible Emperor Summoning System

Chapter 2317: Bloodthirsty Curse

Because Bloodfang had already suffered a loss in Longshan City last time, it is now time to attack Longshan City again.

Bloodfang made a lot of preparations.

Although the main reason for attacking Longshan City this time was because the statue of the Bloodthirsty Demon God was broken by Yue Chen.

You must know that the statue was condensed by the god-level powerhouse with the essence of supernatural power! The one in Bloodfang's hands is the most important thing in the statue of the Bloodthirsty Demon God! It can be seen that the essence of the divine power extracted by Yue Chen from it can heal the tyrant! So when Bloodfang attacked this time, there was still a treasure bestowed by the Bloodthirsty Demon on his body.

But when these treasures are not a last resort, Bloodfang is reluctant to use it.

This is a treasure bestowed by a god-level powerhouse! Isn't it a pity to use it in Yue Chen's hands! Anyway, this time two city owners brought their own troops to come here to be taken advantage of.

Bloodfang asked the two city owners to lead troops to attack Longshan City.

"You two, you all know that now we are difficult to ride a tiger, and if we can't break Longshan City in a short time, not only the Demon Lord will punish! Our own rear will also be unstable!"

"Now I need to prepare a forbidden curse, my subordinates need to protect myself, and the next battle will depend on the two to take the lead!"

Bloodfang called the two city masters over. After being controlled by the Bloodthirsty Demon God, Bloodfang didn't worry about the betrayal of the two of them, and spoke out the thoughts he had prepared.

Although the two City Lords are now under control and cannot refuse their own orders, Bloodfang knows that if these people are given some hope, they can burst out of great potential! The two city masters had seen the damage suffered by the cannon fodder during their attack before, and knew that this attack was not the same as in the past. The defense of Longshan City is like a hedgehog covered with thorns, making it impossible for others to start! Not to mention those soldiers in the cannon fodder troops, in most cases they can only fight downwind, once the attack is frustrated.

These soldiers will escape faster than they attacked! In the rear, the supervising team directly managed by Bloodfang has eliminated many soldiers who wanted to run if the situation was wrong! "Bloodfang City Lord, it's not that we don't want to go, but the two of us first came here and don't understand the layout of Longshan City. Didn't Bloodfang City Lord attack Longshan City once before?"

"The elites under his command are more experienced!"

"Furthermore, the two of us tried to attack before, but finally returned without success!"

As soon as one of the city lord spoke, he wanted to shirk, and he told the previous failure of the bloodtooth city lord.

This made the city lord of Bloodfang couldn't help but glance at that city lord.

The two almost died there on the spot because of the previous battle. Although they are still with Bloodfang to protect him, they are still very reluctant to attack Longshan City! "You two, you also know that this attack on Longshan City was an oracle personally descended by Lord Demon God! After your defeat in the offensive, I will also have to bring my troops up!"

"On the contrary, if you two directly capture Longshan City, then we will not only be able to get the reward of Lord Demon God, I promise you, this time the spoils will give you 50%!"

Bloodtooth's face was full of painful expressions.

Upon hearing the promise Bloodfang had made to them, the two city owners looked at each other before agreeing to this offensive mission.

Although Bloodfang alone occupies half of the spoils, the two City Lords still have no opinion.

Because this attack on Longshan City was originally Bloodfang's proposal, besides, the strength of Bloodfang was a few orders higher than the two of them, and it was only natural to get more trophies.

Not long after, the two men called their subordinates together and began to discuss matters concerning the battle.

Yue Chen stood in the front, he had already delegated the command to Bai Qi's hands.

Bai Qi's war command ability Yue Chen was very relieved, seeing that the blood-toothed cannon fodder on the opposite side was slowly retreating back.

When he was thinking about what the bloodfang would do this time, Bai Qi on the side had already given orders to his hand.

"Come on! Notify the troops below that the enemy's official troops are coming up soon!"

Bai Qi gave an order, and the messenger beside him immediately ran down the tower and began to convey Bai Qi's order.

"It's strange, I think Bloodfang is not the kind of person who is willing to consume his subordinates! The previous cannon fodder doesn't matter, but he can't bear it in the official army!"

Based on Yue Chen's understanding of Bloodfang, the cannon fodder troops were all caught from the tribe along the way, and it is totally a pity to die. Anyway, they are all demons' tribes along the way.

But if the official troops of Huaishan City suffered heavy losses, it would also be heartache for Bloodfang.

It's not that Bloodfang attaches much importance to his troops. If he really values ​​his troops, the Bloodthirsty Demons will not let these people donate blood frequently! However, these troops are still the most important source of blood for the bloodthirsty demons. If they lose a lot of money at once, Bloodfang can't stand it! "Your Majesty, you only thought of Bloodfang, but there are still two City Lords on the opposite side this time!"

"According to the character of Bloodfang, it is very likely that the troops of the other two city owners will attack this time!"

Jia Wenhe on the side said.

As he was talking, he saw that the opponent had unexpectedly changed the offensive unit. When the cannon fodder, which had no power in the first battle, came down from the battlefield, he couldn't help showing a surviving expression.

It was the troops of the two city masters who succeeded them in the attack.

Just like the bloodthirsty demon said, although this offense is very difficult, it may cause heavy casualties! But if you get the favor of the bloodthirsty demon through this war, it will be a step up to the sky! Why is Bloodfang so strong that a single person can overwhelm two City Lords? Isn't it because there is a bloodthirsty demon behind him! Anyway, because they are controlled by the bloodthirsty demon god, the two can only depend on the bloodthirsty demon god. With this opportunity, they may also be able to rise to the emperor level! Besides, although their subordinates are very important, they are not bloodthirsty demons. They still need these subordinates to provide blood. If they die, just recruit a group! With this idea in mind, the two City Lords took their men and began to prepare for the attack.

Knowing the difficulty of Longshan City, the two city owners did not want to divide their troops this time, and attacked directly on the front wall.

"Hmm~" As soon as the offensive horn sounded, everyone on Longshan City knew that the opposite was coming soon! "Let the soldiers of the fortress of the mountains get ready, this time we have to consume their vital power!"

Bai Qi's art of command is not to be vain, but it is the result of repeated killings on the battlefield and victory! The main force of Longshan City on the wall is to rely on Yue Guo's army.

If relying on the soldiers who have just joined in Longshan City, Yue Chen doubted that the previous siege would be difficult to sustain! The troops in the outer city were organized to deliver various strategic materials to the guards on the wall.

You can't fight a war, but you can handle things well! "Now they are on, people of the bloodthirsty demon race, now start to prepare, when the war starts, release the forbidden curse!"

Bloodfang gave an order, and the bloodthirsty demons began to stand in their place, surrounded by the troops of Huaishan City to prevent surprise attacks by the enemy.

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