Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 898: Really lonely like snow

   "Mo Fengya, Shengzu must be in Mofengya!"

Yao Lianxing took a deep breath and showed a sudden enlightenment on his face. He laughed and patted Yang Zhen’s shoulder and said, “Yang Xiaoyou is really smart, so inferences can make you infer the specific location of the Holy Mound. !"

The other people listened to the fog, Wulun Tianzun asked, staring at him curiously: "What are you talking about? What is Mo Fengya, how does Yang Zhen know this place? How do you know the Holy Mound? At Mofengya?"

  The people who asked a series of questions were more curious, and all of them focused on Yang Zhen and Yao Lianxing!

   Yao Lianxing laughed and said, "Seniors, we walked and said that the sacred mound must not fall into the hands of the demons, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable!"

  Although everyone was curious, they also knew that it was not the time to break the casserole and ask the end. They were all ready for a while, and they took the sword.

Along the way, Yao Lianxing ordered the disciples to inform Jianlao and others, let Jianlao and Yaosheng Palace Master and others take the Yaochi Holy Land strongman to Mofengya, and set aside some people to notify the demon **** leader.

   "Boy, how did you guess, with such a bright mind as this deity, you can't figure out how you know it, is it so powerful now that the Heavenly Book Metaphysics is so powerful?"

  The cheap cat followed Yang Zhen and asked with a curious look.

  The rest of the people also looked at Yang Zhen. Yang Zhen shook his head and said, "I just mentioned it casually. I made a specific judgment, or Lord Yao!"

Yao Lianxing laughed and said, "When was Yang Xiaoyou so humble? Yes, you mentioned it casually, but it was you who said it casually, let the old man completely clear the cause and effect of the matter, no wonder, no wonder Mozong is in When I learned that the Yaochi Holy Land was searching near the Star Valley, I didn't care at all. Instead, I sent several people to the same place to confuse the audience..."

   There were no stupid people present, and when I heard this, I suddenly realized.

   Wulun Tianzun laughed and said, "So, when you searched for the unsuccessful in the Star Valley and expanded the search scope to Mofengya, Mozong couldn't help it?

   Yao Lianxing snorted and said, "They must have calculated that the Holy Tomb is near Mofengya, otherwise, they would not attack the Yaochi Holy Land like this, preventing us from entering Mofengya!"

Everyone couldn't help nodding, with Mozong's background, even if they had eaten all of the Yaochi Holy Land, the rewards were far less than the price paid. At present, they are attacking the Yaochi Holy Land in such a frenzy, if it is not to confuse the audience, obstruct the entrance of the Yaochi Holy Land Mofengya is simply a matter of gains and losses.

   It is precisely because this point is very suspicious that Yang Zhen asked this question!

   Sure enough, found the location of the Holy Mound!

   Life is really lonely like snow!

   Yang Zhen looked at the unusual breath near Mofengya from afar, grinned, and said to Feng Wuya and others, "How are we? How do we get in?"

  Feng Wuya and others have not spoken yet, Wulun Tianzun laughed and said, "How can I get in, of course, I have entered, and the old man will give you a head start, try the depth of this Demon Sect!"

As soon as the voice fell, a wave of terror erupted in the five-round Tianzun, the violent breath covered the sky, the colorful horses were shining on the top of the five-round Tianzun's head, the whole person was like a rainbow, and the long sword in his hand sent bursts of dragons. , Obviously disdain to do a hand attack.

The atmosphere of Mofengya is very strange. Everyone on the scene can feel that there is absolutely a problem. Yang Zhen likes the recklessness of Wulun Tianzun. He laughs when he sees it, and his face is facing Hua Youyue and Han Yaner. The man said, "You two, be careful!"

   said, before waiting for the two women to answer, Yang Zhen banged like a cannonball, directly smashing a hill in Mofengya.

   Earth waves horrified terror, flying dust, horrible sounds and the turbulence of distance, rumbling to the surroundings, also mixed with the sound of howling and roaring.

   Countless demons rushed out from Mofengya in all directions, slaying towards Yang Zhen and the others, and the black pressure was crushing between the earth and the earth. The terrible air waves were like a black ocean, and Yang Zhen was drowned in a blink of an eye!

   Sure enough here!

   The rest of the crowd lit up, all exploded, and slammed into the army of magic puppets.

Hua Youyue and Han Yan'er looked at each other, one gold and one white, and the two horses were like a sun and a moon. On the way to the magic puppet, the golden dragon and the white dragon suddenly spun up quickly, synthesizing a light of extinction. Suddenly, violent weather waves erupted.

  Yang Zhen smashed a group of magical puppets with a sword, and looked around in surprise. Xiaoguliang and Xiaodaochi didn't know when to figure out such a combined attack method, which concealed yin and yang together, it looked beautiful, but its power was also great and scary.

  A flowery moon struck in white, and the shadow of the long shadow sword in the hand suddenly turned into a world of ice. Pieces of petals fell from the sky, containing endless killing opportunities.

   Xiao Dao idiot a pair of long thighs stand up on the ground every time they commit themselves, it is a beautiful picture with mechanics, and Yang Zhen's eyes are shining!


   The terrifying giant waves came, and the endless enemies of the puppets succeeded, as if they could not beat it!

   Five rounds of Tianzun roared and scolded: "There are too many of these bastards, there is no way to kill them!"

  Yang Zhen laughed and said, "The more demons here, it proves that the Holy Tomb is here. Don't care about these things, just kill them."

   Wulun Tianzun's eyes lit up, he laughed and said, "Okay, boy, compare with the old man, who can kill first?"

  Yang Zhen's eyes lit up and asked, "What bet?"

  Five rounds of Tianzun Hey laughed: "Just bet your body style!"

  Feng Wuya and others couldn't help crying and laughing. It turned out that Wulun Tianzun had already remembered Yang Zhen's body style.

  Yang Zhen's body style does have some things. It can't keep up with the speed of lightning.

   But the five-round Tianzun is a strong man in the celestial period after all. Will Yang Zhen promise him to compare with him?


  Yang Zhenzhen let Feng Wuya and others looked at Yang Zhen in a dazed face.

   That's agreed?

  A weekday period, or a kid who has just broken through the weekday period, who should be faster than a real astronomical period strong man?

   Wulun Tianzun's eyes lit up, he laughed and asked curiously, "What do you want from the old man?"

   Yang Zhen pouted and said, "What good thing can you have!"

   Wulun Tianzun's eyes glared and said: "Boy, don't say that there is nothing good in the old man. If you win, the old man will tell you a secret!"

   "What secret?" Yang Zhen asked curiously.

   "About eternal life!" Wulun Tianzun grinned and bombarded a magical puppet in a celestial period with one punch!


  Eternal life?

  Yang Zhen was taken aback, looked at Wulun Tianzun with a deep meaning, and said that the heart is fake, but in this world, is there really eternal life?

  Feng Wuya and others frowned and looked at Wulun Tianzun with a stern expression, not knowing what they were thinking, and looked at Yang Zhen's eyes, which became a little weird.

   Probably because everyone knew that Yang Zhen couldn't win. Although he wanted to say something, he didn't say it. He looked at Wulun Tianzun with a helpless look.

"it is good!"

  Yang Zhen laughed and said, "One word is for you!"

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