Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1450: This is a younger brother

  In the palace of Emperor Su, the mother-in-law looked pale, staring at the tens of thousands of magic repairs in the air, clenching her teeth.

  After Yang Zhen and others left, the Su Di Palace has been in dire straits.

  Emperor refining the heavens and the earth, this is not a matter of two days a day. The extraction of the power of terror has almost emptied the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth.

   If it wasn't Yang Zhen's formation that could still claim a little bit of vitality, Emperor Su's resurrection was still a trouble.

The biggest headache for Su Di Palace was Moxiu. When I wondered if the emperor refined the world, he opened the magic door. Jinchan Modi suddenly appeared here with tens of thousands of monks, and reached a certain agreement with the emperor. This kind of transaction is general, staying around, not letting anyone leave, nor letting anyone in.

  Yang Zhen suddenly appeared here, which has made the people of Su Di Palace overjoyed.

   What surprises her mother-in-law and others is that Yang Zhen has already broken through the emperor's realm, which can be said to be good news for the Su Di Palace.

   Watched countless Moxiu rushing towards Yang Zhen, and her mother-in-law and others were eye-opening, but they could not rush out to help Yang Zhen.

   Once rushed out, it will definitely have a counterproductive effect.

   And to no avail.

   Tens of thousands of magic repairs, as Jinchan Demon Emperor said, even if a person spit, Yang Zhen was sprayed to death.

The mother-in-law took a deep glance at the Emperor Su Di Gong in the air, and there was a gloomy look on her face, and told everyone to say: "If Yang Zhen has something to lose, he will be recaptured at all costs. As long as Su Di recovers, we will There is hope, even if it is tens of thousands of Moxiu, it is not an opponent of an emperor."

   everyone nodded anxiously, no one was optimistic about this action.

  Who can take back Yang Zhen in the hands of tens of thousands of demons?

   Not to mention, there is a golden toad demon emperor staring next to him, this person looks unremarkable, the means is extremely cruel, and the people are cruel, not to mention a little bit of sand in his eyes.

  Yang Zhen ridiculed Jinchan Demon Emperor so much. Seeing the appearance of Jinchan Demon Emperor, Jin Chan Demon Emperor could not wait to get Yang Zhen's bones upright.

   Even her mother-in-law's face showed a desperate look, Yang Zhen came, not only failed to change the situation of the Su Di Palace, but also died in vain. This is the sorrow of everyone!

   However, at this moment, the overwhelming demon repair all fell from the air, and fell like a dumpling to the side of the Sudi Palace.

  If it wasn't for her mother-in-law hiding fast, a bad old man Moxiu almost fell from the air and hit her face.


  Everyone's eyes widened, and he looked at the gorgeous scene in midair in disbelief.

   Anyone who is close to Yang Zhen's Baizhang range is all stiff, like a stone, and it falls off with a whine.

  Listen to the puffy sound that fell on the ground, the one that fell was called a strong one.

   is not fake, it really fell.

  Mother-in-law's face flashed with a ghost-like expression, opened her mouth, and even rubbed her eyes to make sure that she did not misread it and jumped up.

   Her jump was more frightening than dumplings in the sky. All the people in the Sudi Palace all stretched out their hands. They were afraid that the mother-in-law would fall to the ground.

   "Heavenly Divine Art, Heavenly Divine Art!"

  Mother-in-law excitedly, muttering to herself, looked at Yang Zhen's eyes more and more satisfied.

   is like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law.

   "The old man has seen it for a long time. This Yang Zhen is not an ordinary person. What can tens of thousands of monks do? It has not fallen like dumplings."

   Hearing her mother-in-law's words, everyone around smiled.

   There is no way not to laugh, this is the only hope people have seen in so many days.

   But how is this possible?

   Yeah, how is this possible?

   The Emperor Jinchan looked at Yang Zhen with a big face, and roared, pointing at Yang Zhen and shouted, "What kind of emperor skill is this?"

Yang Zhenfeng was light and calm, like a walk in the court, walking towards the Emperor Su Emperor Palace step by step in the air. Hearing the words of Jinchan Devil Emperor, he looked at Jinchan Devil Emperor with a playful tone and said, "You can call this This kind of emperor art is the color of overlord, but Bensao Sheng hopes that you can fully respect it and call it "Ba Pa!"

   "Overlord color?" Jinchan Demon Emperor's eyes snapped together, exclaimed: "Overlord?"

   "Well, good boy, why do you call your father?"

   Yang Zhen grinned and came to the Emperor Su Di Gong and blinked at the Emperor Su Di Gong.

  The Emperor Su Emperor Suddenly stunned, smirked, and glared Yang Zhen, said: "You are still so poor, poor and bad!"

   Yang Zhen felt terribly wronged and stared at his eyes, saying: "There is a saying in our village that men are not bad and women do not love. Do you think this is right?"

  The Emperor of the Emperor Su Palace gave Yang Zhen a white look and exclaimed, "Yang Zhen be careful!"


   In the air, a horrible magic disc condensed out, and under the crazy rotation, a horrible black spear rushed towards Yang Zhen.

   The Emperor Jinchan's face was furious, and he pointed to Yang Zhen: "The boy with sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, see the Emperor pull out all your teeth!"

   Yang Zhen pulled the Emperor Su Di Gong behind him and said with a lip: "Just rely on your toad's face, go back and ask your father, don't worry about letting you jump out!"

  As Yang Zhen's voice fell to the ground, a golden sword sword burst from Yang Zhen's hand, and in the blink of an eye, the storm rose into a huge sword light, and the devil disc in the air was shredded with a bang.

   The Emperor Jinchan stumbled back and exclaimed, "Impossible, you have that kind of breath, you, are you a ghost?"

   That kind of breath?

   Sudi Palace Empress was shocked, looked at Yang Zhen in surprise, and suddenly his face changed, she covered her mouth in surprise and asked, "You... Have you seen Tianyin evil spirit?"


  Even the Emperor Su Palace knew of the existence of the evil spirit of Tianyin?

   But worthy of being Tianyin Evil Soul, after going through the process of baptism of Tianyin Evil Soul, Yang Zhen now sees that Jinchan Devil Emperor is like a younger brother, who can shoot dead kind.

   Watching the star sword of Xingquan sword horror will fall on the top of his head. Wherever Jin Chan Demon Emperor dare to care about the evil of Tianyin evil spirit, he hurriedly roared, and his fists slammed against Jianmang.

  Everyone looked at the scene in shock.

  After Yang Zhen broke through the emperor's realm, was it so horrible?

   That was Jinchan Demon Emperor, Yang Zhen seemed to be able to kill with a sword.

   It was at this time that something that shocked everyone even more happened.

  The Emperor Jinchan watched his fists slam on Jianmang, and suddenly a groan, his face changed wildly, turned his head and ran away, just turned his head, and his body burst into pieces.

   "The devil breaks up!"

  Mother-in-law's face showed a strange look and muttered to herself: "A sword, just a sword, actually forced a demon emperor to disintegrate with the sky demon, Yang Zhen...what did you realize?"

   Almost all of the demon repairs in the sky were Under the horror of Yang Zhenba, all rolled his eyes and lay still on the ground.

   Watched Jinchan Demon Emperor Demon God disintegrated and ran away, Yang Zhen was too lazy to chase, blinked at the Emperor Su Di Gong and said, "Is it hard to live this time?"

   Rao is such a strong woman in Emperor Sudi Palace, she almost cried when she heard this.

  Yang Zhen this bastard, which pot is really not open.

   "Okay now, so many people are lying on the ground, pulling them back and tying them up, scavenging them, and you are rich."

  The Emperor Su Di Gong lit up, and immediately glared at Yang Zhen, and said angrily: "You think everyone is as shameless as you, and then, even if they are taken back, what if they wake up at the same time?"

   Yang Zhen pouted and said, "Who dares to wake up with me?"

   The Emperor Su Di Gong waved her hand and said, "Come, bring these people back."

   is rich!

  The people of Su Di Palace all cheered.

   At this moment, a cold hum came and frightened everyone.

  Yang Zhen's eyes glared, pinched his waist and looked into the air, and said, "Fellow, what hum, licking donkey hair?"


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